Where to remove "abroad" shipping option



i check my last bakery shop again

i delete only the other countrys in the language file in in languages/countries/RU.php btw the shop language file in this folder.

after that, you have a empty country list in the bottom of general setting in the field     ... to specific Countries (Multiple Choice):

no other changes in other files. the result is a 1-point-select-field in the customer adress mask in adress country and shipping country. the user cannot changes this (home)-Country

if you dont need abroad shipping in Item Detail , you can change the code in bakery page setting for item details
<td align="left" valign="top"><span class="mod_bakery_shipping_cost_f">[TXT_SHIPPING_COST]:</span></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">

<td align="left" valign="top"><span class="mod_bakery_shipping_cost_f">[TXT_SHIPPING_COST]:</span></td>
<td align="left" valign="top">


Quote from: jacobi22 on January 26, 2013, 06:10:05 PM
a simple solution is a look into the template-files and the page-settings from bakery
another way: change the select for the countrys. if your shop- (home-) country == germany, comment out all other countrys in the file bakery/languages/countrys/DE.php and use only this code

(watch at DE and Deutschland for germany)

if your Shop-Home-Country like France use the france Code in the file FR.php , like
if you have only one entry in this file or you change the countries in this file, be carefull: the first entry (and only this line) needs the 1 behind $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_COUNTRY_CODE'] and $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_COUNTRY_NAME']

if your Shop-Home-Country are the same with the entry in this file, you have no abroad shipping text

It is does not work.

I have only one string
in languages/countries/RU.php

Shop country also Russia ( impossible to choose another one, because we have only one country in a RU.php ), but I still see "abroad shipping".

Good idea is to remove all types of these shipping, because always we need three type of shipping: pickup in the store, shipping by courier, by post. Two type of shipping "domestic" and "abroad" is too small.


Quote from: applepie on January 28, 2013, 11:30:37 PM
The other question. Where do I delete the text 'Stock:' below the thumbnail page.

Dont worry, I found the answer. I looked at the shop admin and in the page settings. Thanks


Thank you. That was very helpful. The other question. Where do I delete the text 'Stock:' below the thumbnail page. I dont want the stock showing but dont know where to get rid of the word 'Stock:'on the page.
Thanks in advance.


a simple solution is a look into the template-files and the page-settings from bakery
another way: change the select for the countrys. if your shop- (home-) country == germany, comment out all other countrys in the file bakery/languages/countrys/DE.php and use only this code

(watch at DE and Deutschland for germany)

if your Shop-Home-Country like France use the france Code in the file FR.php , like
if you have only one entry in this file or you change the countries in this file, be carefull: the first entry (and only this line) needs the 1 behind $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_COUNTRY_CODE'] and $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_COUNTRY_NAME']

if your Shop-Home-Country are the same with the entry in this file, you have no abroad shipping text


Quote from: Pippy on July 23, 2012, 06:40:54 AM

I actually managed to find what I needed to do by commenting out the "abroad shipping" text in the certain bakery files. Now everything looks fine.

Hi, I am having same issue. Can you share which files you have commented the out the "abroad shipping" text? Thanks.


Quote from: Ruud on July 20, 2012, 10:46:37 AM
The output uses template blocks that can be changed through the page-settings panel.


I actually managed to find what I needed to do by commenting out the "abroad shipping" text in the certain bakery files. Now everything looks fine.



The output uses template blocks that can be changed through the page-settings panel.

[url=https://dev4me.com/modules-snippets/]Dev4me - WebsiteBaker modules[/url] - [url=https://wbhelp.org/]WBhelp.org[/url]


I have done a website for a client but they do not want "abroad" showing under the shipping. In fact my client will be limiting sales to her own country.

Could someone please advise where to remove this from showing on the shop pages please.

The website will go live once I work out how to remove "abroad" from the code.

Thank you in advance.
