[SOLVED] Style a droplet


Wow, that is a really quick and accurate answer!
Even better: It Works  :wink:

John, thanks a lot.

Frank Kalf


Allmost, you forgot the '

return '<span style="font-size:9px;">Deze pagina is laatst gewijzigd/aangepast op '.date("d-m-Y",$mod_details[0]).'</span>';

or make it more readable:
The .= appends text to a variable.

$return_string = '<span style="font-size:9px;">Deze pagina is laatst gewijzigd/aangepast op ';
$return_string .= date("d-m-Y",$mod_details[0]);
$return_string .= '</span>';
return $return_string;

Have fun,
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Is there a way to style the [[ModifiedWhen]] droplet?
I'using  <span style="font-size:9px;">[[ModifiedWhen]]</span> to reduce the font size.
Can I somehow integrate it in the original code:
global $database, $wb;
if (PAGE_ID>0) {
$query=$database->query("SELECT modified_when FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pages where page_id=".PAGE_ID);
return "Deze pagina is laatst gewijzigd/aangepast op ".date("d-m-Y",$mod_details[0]);

I thought something like this would do it, but to no avail:

return <span style="font-size:9px;">
"Deze pagina is laatst gewijzigd/aangepast op ".date("d-m-Y"