Templates where do I find them?


Actually creating templates is rather easy. You can take any HTML/CSS template and change some things around, and it will work in WB. It's no way as complex as other systems, like Wordpress.
Jurgen Nijhuis
Argos Media
Heiloo, The Netherlands
Please don't request personal support, use the forums!



have a look at http://websitebaker.at/wb-templates/
The site owner put quite some work into the template finder.

The site is in german to a large degree, but it should be all pretty much self explenatory.

Have fun,
[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander


Is there anywhere that has a list of templates I can start with that will work with Website Baker? I have some knowledge in building websites but i wouldn't call myself quite advanced?