Unofficial WebsiteBaker community & developer meeting


So thursday 20.00 it is? (Berlin/Amsterdam time)

Do we need all Skype accounts in order to talk/write to each other?

...:: Bake the Unbakable ::...


I will be joining (if i can, i added my possibilities).

But i think it's best to already list some of the discuss points so we could maybe stucture the meeting a little bit.

For me some points for the discussion are:

- Modules + Modules repo and possibility to contribute to modules
- Module backend (and maybe frontend) css + discuss the option to make a WB backend framework, so all similar fields in the backend of all modules will look and behave the same (and then all module dev's don't have to reinvent the wheel).
- (Frontend) Templates
- Tutorials for users (i think the docu can be better and am willing to help!)
- Download area; i would like to have 1 button where i can download the most recent version of WebsiteBaker including fixes (excluding nightlybuilds, these will be need to be tested en eventuely put in a minor or major version).

And most important:
- the Core  and working the possibility to work together (in teams), maybe opensourcing the development.

Everyone in the meeting can say if they do or don't like the idea's that will be discussed and if many people like a idea and are willing to make the idea happen we this will mean a major thing for WebsiteBaker and it's future.

The foundation of WebsiteBaker is good; but we could put a new roof on the house  :-).


Quote from: sky writer on April 19, 2015, 03:01:21 AM
Hello, I am very interested in the project and optimistic for it's future.  Is this meeting primarily for developers or is anyone welcome?  I would really like to attend, even just to listen in.

Everyone is welcome

Note: Once the code has been generated, it is easy to debug. It's not a bug, it's a feature!

sky writer

Hello, I am very interested in the project and optimistic for it's future.  Is this meeting primarily for developers or is anyone welcome?  I would really like to attend, even just to listen in.


Hello everybody,

because the last days there was another big displeasure about several things concerning WebsiteBaker, I think the best would be, that there's a direct meeting via Skype.
Please keep in mind: It should be no official meeting, just to exchange opinions about WebsiteBaker.

The language should be English, except all present participants vote for another language (e.g. German).

I don't think waiting too long is good, therefore I created a doodle poll:

If the suggested meeting dates don't fit in your timetable (and you would like to participate), please write it down here.

If you don't like the idea, you don't need to take part - it's that easy!

So, please fill out the doodle poll if you like the idea - it will be closed on Tuesday evening, 21th April 2015.
If there's no preffered date it will be on Thursday, 23rd April at 20:00h CET.