Colorbox does not work in WB 2.11


 :-) We could have seen this with a link to the page.
If you need this removed or a newer jQuery version, you have to deactivate the WB jQuery in Admin Tools > Output Filter.


Now I have found the real problem that prevented colorbox from working in WB 2.11
In my template that I used, the script below caused the problem.
This script was in the head of the template.
After removal of the script, everything works fine as it should.
JQueryUI does not need to be active now.
In WB 2.10 this script does not cause a problem.

<script type = "text / javascript" src = ""> </ script>

Thank you for the help you offered dbs.


Believe me this is not the right way.
jQueryUI has nothing to do with colorbox.
If you provide a link for us we can help.


Problem solved.

For colorcop I have to activate the filter JqueryUI in WB 2.11 at Output Filter Frontend. This filter was not present at WB 2.10

If I add an extra image after activating JqueryUI in the relevant page, then colorcop will no longer work.

To add an additional image, first disable JqueryUI and re-enable JqueryUI after adding the image.

In this way, colorcop works fine with me.




Colorbox version 1.6 does not work in WB 2.11
Colorbox 1.6 works perfectly in WB 2.10.

In WB 2.11 I used exactly the same template and settings for colorbox but nothing happens