Error when editing CSS of form module


There are some more hosters out there with mode security problems.
Maybe you should contact the hoster to find a better solution.


fixed the problem by turning "Mod Security" off on the control panel (cpanel) of the server.

Is it a good idea to leave it in the off position or is it possible to write a rule that gives WebsiteBaker access to the files of the modules?


My hoster is a local company, so you will not find anything on the forum.
If I don't fin a solution i'm gonna contact him to help me.

I've now compleded the fresh install and the problem with the permmision to edit the CSS files stays the same. Maybe I can try to install wb2.12. I've have another website at the same hosting company with wb2.12 wich works perfect.


Hi, you can search the forum for problems with your hoster.
Which is your hoster?


I've set up a second folder to do a test with a fresh installation (unzipped the file on the server this time). I've also enabled the error reporting on the server.
When I go to the wb directory i've get the following message:
"Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'bin\WbAdaptor' not found in /home/bilitiso/public_html/wb213/index.php:31 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/bilitiso/public_html/wb213/index.php on line 31"
With the previuous installation I've had a blank screen because error reporting was off. When I go to the install directory I see the install wizard whitout errors.

I've tried to change php version form 7.4 to 7.3 and 7.2 but the error stays the same.

Are the problems related to eachother?
I'm also looking in the control panel of the server trying to find a setting witch prevent wb to edit the css files of the modules but can't find anything.


LG Harald

"Fange nie an, aufzuhören - höre nie auf, anzufangen." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 v.Chr.)


Hi Maarten,
I can not reproduce this. Please try to make a new upload. Might be there is anything missing (what often happens when uploading with a ftp-program).
LG Ludwig

Wissen ist Macht - aber nix wissen macht auch nix.


Hello everyone,

I try to edit the css of the form module, but every time when I hit the save button I get the following error:
"You don't have permission to access /wb/modules/edit_module_files.php on this server."
Does someone knows how I can solve this?

I did a fresh instalation of wb13, I've unzipped everything on my pc and then uploaded it with filezilla.
