Edit Header image in Andreas00b


It wasn't the browser, there was no change even if  used a machine that had never been to my site then after a few days the new header just started to be displayed.

Is it possible that the website cache didn't update when should have?

What happens if I delete the cache on the server?

Atb.       Aamcle


Hi, this is often a cache thing.
Try CTRL+F5 or close and open the browser.


Good Evening All.

I'm having an issue changing the header image in the Template Andreas00b.

Using cpanel's file manager I located the template folder public_html/templates/andreas00b/img renamed the file front.jpg to 11eront.jpg and uploaded a new image called front.jpg.

That I think should have made the template display the new image but it is still displaying  old image, I have done something wrong.

Please can you tell me what I have done wrong and how to fix it?

Many Thanks   aamcle