Unable to login as admin


I was in the right place just didn't know how to proceed. Now I do.
Thank you both very much!


Step by step guide with pictures

1. open your database and go to the table wb_users
2. open the table wb_users

3. click on the pencil symbol in the row for admin and choose md5 for password and write the new password in plain text into the field.

4. save with "Ok", done

LG Harald

"Fange nie an, aufzuhören - höre nie auf, anzufangen." Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 v.Chr.)


Hi, you can your plain password encrypt with MD5 and than put it in the database.
Or if you use phpMyAdmin, there is a option to encrypt your plain passwort with MD5.


Using version 2.12.2 for some time now and all appeared to be working okay. However since a few days ago I can now longer login as Administrator. I don't believe I did anything to cause this - I get this message each time I try to login: "Login name or password incorrect".

I can login to cpanel and look in the database tables and see the encrypted password and the seed word, however I cannot see the password as plain text to confirm it as the one I have been trying to use.

Is there a way to convert the encrypted form of the password back to it's plain text version? I need to be ale to edit the site asap.