Market share IE7 andFirefox



I am using Firefox and the Web Developer toolbar extension from

This extension allows to switch on/off CSS, Javascript, modify CSS on the fly, test different screen resolutions and much more. In addition it provides shortcuts for several validator tools (CSS, HTML Section 508, Links, WAI). For me a must have tool for webdesigner.

Regards Christian


I care that the designs (XHTML/CSS) are valid ( Then most browsers- even IE7- are working quite well. Using a text browser like Lynx is often also very interesting.
Well, there are many, many browsers out there- but being tested with a current Opera, Firefox and Internet Explorer version should do it I think.
Very useful is the tool "TopStyle3", which is only for CSS/(X)HTML programming. It is also checking the code for nearly all browsers available and informing very well about possible problems. It even has a CSS preview- but of course it is too expensive for the casual web designer.

Yours Michael



Well, I personally take care that my HTML designs works with and from the Browser versions listed below up to the latest release of the Browsers: IE5+, Opera 6+, Netscape 6+, FF1.0+, Mozilla.

All browsers except IE supports parallel installation of different version. However, for IE 4.0 to IE6.0 standalone versions are available at:
To get a feeling of the different Browsers available, check out

I am using such statistics to focus on the main Browsers available. So my designs support NS4.7 only limited (simple styles so that users can read and navigate, not more).

Regards Christian


Well, again this endless discussion.  :-D I don't believe in the figures used in the article by the way- how can Safari being used by 4,2%, but even Mac itself says only 1-1,5% of all personal computers are macs.  :? And Opera only 0,9%- this figures can't be correct.
We had the browser battle once with a precursor of FireFox- anything heard after IE won it about Netscape?


It is NOT my intention to start a thread about what browser is better, I only want to share this information: to make all you website developers aware of the position of both browsers.
Good luck
Hans - Nijmegen - The Netherlands