Very simple website, using basic modules


find the following line in your template:

<input id="search" type="text" name="string" value="Search" size="20" alt="Search"/>

change to:
<input id="search" type="text" name="string" value="Search" size="20" alt="Search" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search') this.value = '';" />

since your default text inside your search is "Search" when someone focuses inside (ie. click in the textbox) it checks to see if the value is "Search" if it is it sets the value to "".  So if I click inside the text box it will clear it.  Then when i type "blah" in it, and click something else, and click back it will not clear the text box.

I hope that helps



Thanks you all for your comments. I done all the corrections.
Wierdly when I delete a page it is not deleted in the server (just in the wb database), so when I want to create a new page with the same name of a page that previously existed I had to remove from the server manually. That is the bug tomhung reported.
By the way mr tomhung, where exactly I have to type the code you suggest to do the suggestion you made about search imput field?
Also, about the content section is overrunning my container, it runs pretty well over here. My ff version is

I am also creating another website, but I am waiting the customer to pay the registar first. Very soon I will put the url here.

Joao Lemos


i have a complaint about the search box on the homepage.  (im guessing it is a problem with the template, not yours)  when you click in the search box the text "Search" does not go away or get highlighted, so when i start typing it goes away. 
you can add this to the input tag
onfocus="if (this.value == 'Search') this.value = '';"
its just a pet peev of mine! :)

also looks like your main content section is overrunning your container... in Firefox


nice work

but your search temp is not the basic.... look here

[url=]escpro on facebook[/url]

tomhung has bad links

other than that good looking site for one of the core templates!

i also wish i had a babble-fish


ya know.. there's too many good looking sites, like this one, that I just can't get the full effect of cause I don't understand a word on the site. heh.

visually, looks great :>



Thanks to website baker, made my first website possible!!!

Best regards.