
Published WebsiteBaker Portable v10 PHP 8.1.7
2022-04-16 : read more about...

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Hi Christian,

Thanks you for your reply. I will look at your suggestion and see how I get on.



as always in WB there are several way to achieve what you want.
a) try to modify the output via the news settings (fields header, post loop, footer); not sure if that works
b) use groups to divide your news into left, right column and the Anynews Snippet from the Addons Repository to output the news in two divs
c) you could mofiy the view.php file of the news module to achive the output you want

Regards Christian


Hi All,

First of all I would like to say thank you for the team that have produced WebsiteBaker. It is a very good system. having spent some time over the weekend looking at the system I will be adding WebsiteBaker to my portfolio of systems I support and develop for.

One thing I would like to ask is if anybody know off a module/hack that enables you to have multiple columns of news items for WebsiteBaker?

An example of what I am looking for can be seen here

I am planning to use WebsiteBaker as one of the systems supported by my application The Sports Organiser and have a couple of users that would prefer to see their league news displayed in this manner.

For anybody interested I am setting up a demo site using the output from the sports program here