Give each block separate classes


Hi Marathoner,

your explanation makes perfectly sense. Thank you!



No, that is not an error. Here's my logic...I already know that every page will have something in content1 but only some pages will have both content1 and content2.

I only want to use a right and left column (div1 and div2) if there are two content I need to test to see if there is anything in content2. If there is no content2 then content1 doesn't need wrapped by div1 (which I use for a right column. This means that content1 only pages will occupy the full width and that pages with content2 will use a right and left column. Make sense?



great solution!
I might misunderstand your code, marathoner, but I think there is a tiny error in it.
In <div id="content">
<?php if ($content2<>"") { // Next test $content2 to see if there is something in it
echo "<div id=\"content1\">\n";
shouldn't it be instead
<div id="content">
<?php if ($content1<>"") { // Next test $content1 to see if there is something in it
echo "<div id=\"content1\">\n";



Great..saved my project  :-D. Thank you very much!


Beautiful solution, Marathoner.
I'm raw with PHP, didn't know you could do something like that. Cool!


Just modify your template to check to see if a certain section exists before you include that section. I have modified my template to display various columns (actually blocks) if a page has two blocks otherwise use the entire width to display the contents if there is only one block. Here's a snippet from my template:

<?php ob_start(); // Start the outputbuffer
page_content(2); // Next call the block
$content2=ob_get_contents();  // Now fetch the output into a variable
ob_end_clean(); // Clean up old mess and stop buffering

<div id="content">
<?php if ($content2<>"") { // Next test $content2 to see if there is something in it
echo "<div id=\"content1\">\n";

<?php page_content(1);
"\n</div><!-- close div#content1 -->\n";

<?php if ($content2<>"") { // Next test $content2 to see if there is something in it
echo "<div id=\"content2\">\n";
"\n</div><!-- close div#content2 -->\n";

<?php if ($content2<>"") { // Close the div tag for $content2 if it was used
echo "</div><!-- close div#content -->\n";


Hi y'all

I'm trying to set up page_content(2) and page_content(3) to show up with a frame around each using CSS.
I could place each content inside a div, and then give both divs the same class. But the problem then is that I would have to fill both page_contents with text, otherwise the borders will show up anyway, leaving just an empty box.
Basically, I would like the boxes with borders to show up only if there is any content!

Is there any way to automatically give each content a "<div class="something"> text </div>" by modifying the php-code?

Any help or ideas asap would be highly appreciated!