Bakery: Small Shop Module (ORIGINAL TOPIC)


Maybe I am being thick here but in the new layout for Bakery under Payment Methods with the drop down box for paypal selected there is a box that says Paypal Page

What goes in there?


Swedish translation of Bakery and the Payment Methods attached as a zip file.

I haven't changed the special characters like å ä ö to the HTML equal å ä ö , because when I tried that Bakery refused to add any items to the cart. It seems to work fine anyway but please tell me if I should do it in another way.

Regards Masarin

Sorry, the files were corupt. something with saving åäö.
I will look into this.



Is it poisable to ad a new pay methode or edit?
I see there is Ideal include but goes to mollie, very nice but i use ideal from the bank self, not with mollie.
Can anyone helpe me with this problem?


Hello everybody,

I am not a baker at novice as such, but for "bakery" yes. I install "bakery V.1.36

I add country canada and the provinces. But I do not know how to add the fees for quebec that are more complex example:

but in Quebec and PEI, the tax calculations are done cumulatively:
i.e. in Quebec, the tax calculation must be:

Subtotal $ 10.00
GST (5%) 0.50 ($ 10 x 5%)
QST / TVQ (7.5%) 0.79 ==>($ 10.50% x7.5) - effectively, 7.875%
Total $ 11.29

Does anyone find how to program it? If so can you help me. I have no objection has paid a programmer what my average is not terrible, but if it's worth it when there is an appeal I need a programmer who speaks french, because I was Google's Language Tools, because I do not speak English at all.

Thank you all in advance!

Éva Toupin


Hello,  My emails (order notifications) are not being sent out in a fresh install of WebsiteBaker and Bakery.

Emails sent from other pages (through a form) are sending ok.

Please advise!!!  Thank you!


A modification to make the definable fields have a wysiwyg editor

for anyone that might need to ad more than just some words to the definable fields...

wysiwyg function for the definable fields

if I find the time I am going to ad the option to ad both non wysiwyg definable fields and wysiwyg definable field and increase the amount of definable fields a bit

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


QuoteThese are the default email templates. Bakery uses the default WB language setting to determine which email template will be saved in the database for later modifications.

Regards Christoph

Is there a way to make Bakery use these different email templates (the default email templates) depending on what language you chose for for for a page in a multilingual shop?

Or could it be a feature to be able to turn of the ability to edit the email templates in the Bakery backend, and instead use the default email templates according to a Bakery page language setting.
This would make Bakery multilingal wouldn't it?


HI There,
I have dscovered the answer to my above question about reordering Item Options by numeric value!

If you have a list of numeric values, here is how it will look:
100 pack
25 pack
50 pack
75 pack

Here is what you do:
Go to modules/bakery/view.php - MAKE A BACKUP

Look for this code on Line (Approx) 907

// Get item attributes
$query_attributes = $database->query("SELECT o.option_name, a.attribute_name, ia.attribute_id, ia.price,
ia.operator FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_options o INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_attributes a
ON o.option_id = a.option_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_item_attributes ia ON a.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id WHERE item_id = $item_id AND ia.option_id = '$option_id'
ORDER BY o.option_name, a.attribute_name ASC");

Change to

// Get item attributes
$query_attributes = $database->query("SELECT o.option_name, a.attribute_name, ia.attribute_id, ia.price,
ia.operator FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_options o INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_attributes a ON
o.option_id = a.option_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_item_attributes ia ON a.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id WHERE item_id = $item_id AND ia.option_id = '$option_id'
ORDER BY ABS(a.attribute_name) ASC");

Look for this code on Line (Approx) 1167

$query_attributes = $database->query("SELECT o.option_name, a.attribute_name, ia.attribute_id,
ia.price, ia.operator FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_options o INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_attributes a
ON o.option_id = a.option_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_item_attributes ia ON a.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id WHERE item_id = ".ITEM_ID." AND ia.option_id = '$option_id'
ORDER BY o.option_name, a.attribute_name ASC");

Change to

// Get item attributes
$query_attributes = $database->query("SELECT o.option_name, a.attribute_name, ia.attribute_id, ia.price,
ia.operator FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_options o INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_attributes a
ON o.option_id = a.option_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_item_attributes ia ON a.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id WHERE item_id = ".ITEM_ID." AND ia.option_id = '$option_id'
ORDER BY ABS(a.attribute_name) ASC");

ORDER BY ABS(a.attribute_name) ASC will order items by numeric value, so your list now should look like this:

12 Pack
24 Pack
36 Pack
100 Pack

Hope that helps someone out!

Cheers for the great Module!


Hi There!
I would just like to say this is a great module!

I am trying to use Item Options and Set my own order of the options, but I cannot do this.

I have products with a choice of the amount i.e.
25 pack
50 pack
100 pack

Because the 100 pack starts with a 1, it is always displayed first! Is there anyway to reorder these items?



How do I add a textarea to the form on the cart summary page? I'd like customers to be able to send additional comments or requests (like about gift wrapping, etc) with their order.

Ben Meijer

Hi super bakers,

I love this module! It looks very professional. Im playing around with it, trying to get this to work for my desires as well. I'm not a PHP guru.

I noticed that the AnyItems, LastItems,  Item Slide v0.2.0.7  , SimplePageHead v0.4GoogleSitemap v1.5 can all be installed by just installing the Mod, which is great, but still, for a non-PHP person, this requires quite some tinkering with the files. Is it not possible to integrate these options and have them as options you can just select (on/off).

Selling E-books? anybody?
I want to use bakery for selling video files & e-books which I want to have people see online. Has anybody already created such a construction?

This leads me to look into constructions where succesfull sale leads to an email coming with login details to a unique download page or a page where the videos are shown per video/item sold.

I noticed that I did not see anybody has created a log Ip snippet for matching secure logg-in (email) to a pc.
I found some code already for logging IP:

function getRealIpAddr()
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))   //check ip from share internet
    elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))   //to check ip is pass from proxy
    return $ip;

I plan to do more tinckering soon.

Kind regards,



New Version of Bakery:

VERSION 1.3.6 (07/13/2009)

Bakery 1.3.6 version history

Further information can be found on the Bakery Website.

Download from the Bakery Website.

Please read the upgrade notes when upgrading to version 1.3 or later.



Quote from: freeSbee on July 09, 2009, 09:53:34 PM
Hi Masarin

Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:42:47 PM
Would it be difficult to make Bakery use these default email templates depending on witch language you chose for each Bakery Page? Then it would be easy to set up multilingual shops.
No, I don't think it would be difficult if you do it without the feature to edit the email templates in the Bakery backend.

Regards Christoph

Yes! Tell me how to do this. I can do without the bakery backend edit feature.


Hi Masarin

Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:42:47 PM
Would it be difficult to make Bakery use these default email templates depending on witch language you chose for each Bakery Page? Then it would be easy to set up multilingual shops.
No, I don't think it would be difficult if you do it without the feature to edit the email templates in the Bakery backend.

Regards Christoph


Quote from: freeSbee on July 09, 2009, 09:24:50 PM
Hi Masarin

Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:02:34 PM
I think I understand. I have to do one email for each payment method that inkludes both Swedish and English, and all customers will have an email in both Swedish and English. Am I getting this right?
So I make a new email template to include all languages into the same mail?
Yes, correct. Bakery was never intended to be multilingual. So, this is just a workaround.

Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:02:34 PM
I am working on translating Bakery into Swedish, and when I translated the payment_methods I noticed that in every payment methods language file (payment_methods/advance/languages/EN.php) there is a email section (same as in Bakery Backend  > Payment Methods > Email Settings).
Is there no funktion for these implemented yet? or is there a way to use them?
These are the default email templates. Bakery uses the default WB language setting to determine which email template will be saved in the database for later modifications.

Regards Christoph

OK thank you for the quick answer.

Would it be difficult to make Bakery use these default email templates depending on witch language you chose for each Bakery Page? Then it would be easy to set up multilingual shops.

Regards Masarin


Hi Masarin

Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:02:34 PM
I think I understand. I have to do one email for each payment method that inkludes both Swedish and English, and all customers will have an email in both Swedish and English. Am I getting this right?
So I make a new email template to include all languages into the same mail?
Yes, correct. Bakery was never intended to be multilingual. So, this is just a workaround.

Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:02:34 PM
I am working on translating Bakery into Swedish, and when I translated the payment_methods I noticed that in every payment methods language file (payment_methods/advance/languages/EN.php) there is a email section (same as in Bakery Backend  > Payment Methods > Email Settings).
Is there no funktion for these implemented yet? or is there a way to use them?
These are the default email templates. Bakery uses the default WB language setting to determine which email template will be saved in the database for later modifications.

Regards Christoph


Quote from: freeSbee on July 08, 2009, 09:52:27 PM
Hi Masarin

Quote from: masarin on July 08, 2009, 03:46:09 PM
This I dont understand how to do. I dont have any file named Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
How do I devide the localisations with different sections? what kind of sections?
This is not a file. If you use version 1.1 or later the email templates are located at the   > Bakery Backend  > Payment Methods > Email Settings

Since all customers will get the same email with purchase details you have to write multilingual emails. I suggest to make multiple sections in the email, one section for each language.

Hope I could put my idea across to you.

Regards Christoph

I think I understand. I have to do one email for each payment method that inkludes both Swedish and English, and all customers will have an email in both Swedish and English. Am I getting this right?
So I make a new email template to include all languages into the same mail?

I am working on translating Bakery into Swedish, and when I translated the payment_methods I noticed that in every payment methods language file (payment_methods/advance/languages/EN.php) there is a email section (same as in Bakery Backend  > Payment Methods > Email Settings).
Is there no funktion for these implemented yet? or is there a way to use them?


Does anyone have a Swedish language file to share?


I'd like to add shipping only if the shopper orders 2 or more items. They get free shipping with 1 item.

Do I make changes in view_summary.php? If so, what and where? Thx.


Hi Masarin

Quote from: masarin on July 08, 2009, 03:46:09 PM
This I dont understand how to do. I dont have any file named Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
How do I devide the localisations with different sections? what kind of sections?
This is not a file. If you use version 1.1 or later the email templates are located at the   > Bakery Backend  > Payment Methods > Email Settings

Since all customers will get the same email with purchase details you have to write multilingual emails. I suggest to make multiple sections in the email, one section for each language.

Hope I could put my idea across to you.

Regards Christoph


Quote from: freeSbee on July 07, 2009, 05:15:14 PM
Hi Marcel

Quote from: infinex on July 03, 2009, 03:22:54 PM
When i want to make a payment in Bakery with Paypal, paypal say:
This recipient does not accept payments denominated in WS_Error_XClick_Pref_Foreign_Currency. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency.
As the error message tells you this has to do with your PayPal payment receiving settings. If you do not know how to set them correctly please search the PayPal FAQ or contact PayPal customer support.

Regards Christoph

Thanks, for the answer. I call with Paypal i think.


Quote from: freeSbee on July 03, 2009, 02:42:43 PM
Quote from: masarin on July 03, 2009, 01:27:05 PM
How can I make a multi lamguage Bakery shop?

Hi Masarin
Bakery does not support multilingual websites by default.

But this might give you an idea of how you can work around.

1. Make different Bakery pages for every language by selecting different languages for every page.

2. Translate the email templates to the required languages. Make a multilingual email containing all localisations divided in different sections -  each section holding one translation. Save them in the Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.

There is another approach described in this post:,7834.msg66610.html#msg66610

Regards Christoph

1. Make different Bakery pages for every language by selecting different languages for every page.

I set up Swedish and English like in the tutor

2. Translate the email templates to the required languages. Make a multilingual email containing all localisations divided in different sections -  each section holding one translation. Save them in the Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.

This I dont understand how to do. I dont have any file named Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
How do I devide the localisations with different sections? what kind of sections?


New Version of Bakery:

VERSION 1.3.5 (07/08/2009)

Bakery 1.3.5 version history

Further information can be found on the Bakery Website.

Download from the Bakery Website.

Please read the upgrade notes when upgrading to version 1.3 or later.



Hi Marcel

Quote from: infinex on July 03, 2009, 03:22:54 PM
When i want to make a payment in Bakery with Paypal, paypal say:
This recipient does not accept payments denominated in WS_Error_XClick_Pref_Foreign_Currency. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency.
As the error message tells you this has to do with your PayPal payment receiving settings. If you do not know how to set them correctly please search the PayPal FAQ or contact PayPal customer support.

Regards Christoph