WB 2.7 - Feature wish list


Hello community,

thanks for all your feedback. Some of your suggestions made it into the WB 2.7 developer version. We are about divng into the testing phase. This means we will stop to implement new features and test the WB 2.7 to remove possible bugs etc. We will give a statement about the WB 2.7 release once we have finished internal testing. So this thread is closed now.

Again, thanks for all your contributions.

Regards Christian


CACHING for the display of the webpages would be very appreciated, because WebsiteBaker is easy to use but it can be very slow when there are many users on your website...


I would really like to have the ability to add external Javascripts in the head section of the template. Not by means of the frontend.js, but external as used for some web services. For example:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://api.maps.yahoo.com/ajaxymap?v=3.7&appid=YourAppID"></script>

Now it is possible to just put it this way in the template, but would also be invoked when NOT using the web service. This ability would really make things easier when building mashups and making them available as a simple installable module, without having to ask to modify stuff in the template.



What about making it easier to have one codebase for multiple sites?


Quote from: marathoner on January 17, 2008, 12:47:39 PM
How about incorporating the Enhanced Pages Admin from:

Yeah, together with this Ajax stuff (Javascript).
[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander


I also would apreciate to have this advanced search modul
installed in the WB Box.

I think its a good one and offers more features.

[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander



Can you add the name of the website we're working on to the admin login page and the admin menu page? This can very handy when you're working on 2 or more sites.
Yes, of course, you can see it on the addressbar of the internet explorer.
But I understand in WB3 that we can change the backend of WB. So every site another template is also very handy.



I would love to see the AJAX Backend (improved Page Handling).

[i]"Gemeinsam schafft man mehr."[/i]

1. mehreren Personen oder Dingen in gleicher Weise gehörend, eigen
2. in Gemeinschaft [unternommen, zu bewältigen]; zusammen, miteinander

Ari Lindholm

I also wish in group permissions functionality.
Prevent in admin-areas Page-tab listings to show only those pages (and it's parents) where logged user has permissions.
Currently whole page structure will show for everyone who has given somekinda admin-permissions.
(i want to limit this)


Hi there,

One thing I really would like to see:
- repair the grouppermissions on media with homefolder active

Now everyone has access to all folders!




this thread aims to collect your inputs (voice of the customer) with respect to features you would like to see in a possible WB 2.7 version.
Bugs already reported will be automatically added, no need to report them here again.

Some of my personal feature wishes for WB 2.7 are given below:
- make FCKEditor the new default WYSIWYG editor
- make all mailer settings configurable via the backend (include authentification, Pop3 before SMTP)
- add advanced Captchas (calcus captchas, images), allow individual settings via backend
- add a Captcha API which can be invoked from modules (e.g. call_captcha();)

So this are some of my wishes, what about yours?

Please note:
We will not comment or discuss on your individual proposals, we simply collect your wishes here  :-)
All threads not dealing with feature wish lists will be removed without previous notification.

Regards Christian