Removing site title


أنا لست إرهابيا. ليس لدى أي ورشة عمل القنبلة في الطابق السفلي. ليس لدى أي مرض الجمرة الخبيثة أيضا. أريد شراء لا مادة الريسين. أنا سوف ابدأ السفر إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


Hello All,

I am about to implement the Nature Web 4 Template, and have managed to get everything but one thing customised to just the way I want it - removing the site title!

I know that I can simply blank this field in site settings, but this would then certainly not help me when it comes to search engines. On my current template, Landzilla, I removed a line of coding so that it simply does not display - however I cannot now remember what I removed, nor whether I did this in the index or css files.

Which is the best file to do this in, and what should I removed? I have had several attempts, but to no avail.

