Updated danish (DA.php) 2.7


Hi again

Okay - thank you  :-)

SLP  :-D



The error in the "Admin Tools" was corrected in the file that I attached in my last posting. Please, use that file instead.

If you are still having problems with correct display of special characters such as æ, ø and å, please have a look at http://help.WebsiteBaker.org/pages/en/knowledge-base/trouble-with-characters.php. This guideline recommends to use UTF-8 with WB 2.6.5 or later.

Instead of having several language files with different encodings for each translation, html named entities are being used for special characters - not only for the Danish version but also for DE, NO, SE etc.

So as not to create multiple conflicting versions of the Danish translation, I suggest that you and everyone else use the official translation as your starting point for corrections and improvements - either by submitting an updated version or by pointing out in this forum what you want changed.




You have absolutly right about the imperatives - ups...  :-o That I shall correct.
But If not I correct the "Admin-værktøjer" in the adminmenu, there is not an "æ" in your DA.php version when I use the ISO 8859 characters?  :|

SLP  :-)


Sorry to object, but I don't quite see the purpose of this update. I can't find any improvements over the version of da.php that is distributed with release 2.7.

On the contrary, you substituted the ISO 8859 version of the special Danish characters for the HTML character entity references (e.g. "æ" replaces "æ"); you replaced standard use of "é" ("é") in imperative forms such as "Installér"; in other cases you substituted a present form for an imperative (when the imperative is obviously correct, such as in "Opdater" for "Update" (not "opdaterer")); and finally several translations are missing.

Please explain why you found it necessary to make the changes? If you found errors that need correction, please point them out.

F.y.i. here is the latest version of da.php with a few bugfixes.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


Updated danish languages-file DA.php (attached).  :-D

SLP  8-)

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