Bakery is a WebsiteBaker Shop ModulePlease visit the Bakery website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch) where you will find:
- a showcase
- a feature list
- information about shop settings
- detailed know how
- a list of suitable snippets
- a download section
> Bakery Thread auf Deutsch (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php?topic=7930.new;topicseen#new)
great !
i've been waiting for this cart module :lol:
Thank you !
Trying to save changes to the setting page, I get
QuoteUnknown column 'page_offline' in 'field list'
The update from 0.5 said it was successful however. I tried it again. Still the same issue.
I deleted the page & module, reinstalled, recreated, and it was okay then. I guess the update script forgot to check for that column.
Wonderfull module, this is realy good work.
For small shops it is just perfect.
Yes there is a problem with updating from version 0.5 to version 0.6.
I have tryed to find out how to fix it but I cannot find the problem.
BUT Version 0.6 is indeed Wonderfull.
@DGEC and @Bennie_wijs
Yes, you are right... Version 0.6 has NO upgrade script. Sorry!
But the good news: I am working on it...
As soon as the upgrade script will work I will post Bakery v0.6.1
Ah! That would explain it.
Oddly... WB reported "upgrade successful". It should be checking for the presence of an upgrade script, I'd think.
Quote from: DGECOddly... WB reported "upgrade successful". It should be checking for the presence of an upgrade script, I'd think.
Maybe this link (http://help.websitebaker.org/pages/en/advanced-docu/developer-guide/wb-module-files.php) helps to understand better (see section Optional files).
Installation sucessfull/failed is displayed, if the module does not already exist. If the model exists, it writes Upgrade sucessfull/failed. Upgrade means all files will be replaced and if a upgrade.php exists, this file will be invoked by WB (e.g. to update entries in the DB).
Great module!
Is it possible to display f.i. 3 items on the home page and then when 'clicked' the item is dispayed on a new page.
Something like the news snippet.
Not on the homepage?
Quote from: seagull on November 16, 2007, 07:29:47 AM
Is it possible to display f.i. 3 items on the home page and then when 'clicked' the item is dispayed on a new page.
Hi Jan
I'm not sure about your question...
You can make a Bakery section on your homepage. Bakery will generate a product detail page for you and - of course - will link to it as well.
And an other way: You can publish Bakery products on your homepage using a WYSIWYG editor. Then you have to make a Bakery page and link to the product detail page manually.
Hope this will help!
Quote from: freeSbee on November 15, 2007, 03:45:53 PM
As soon as the upgrade script will work I will post Bakery v0.6.1
Ok, here we go...
Bakery v0.6.1 now includes a upgrade script that lets you upgrade from older Bakery versions.
Download it from the link at the bottom of this post (you must be logged in!).
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
You can make a Bakery section on your homepage. Bakery will generate a product detail page for you and - of course - will link to it as well.
I understand that.
When you 'click' on a item the detail page shows but also all the sections of my homepage.
Is it possible when you 'click' a item only the product detailpage shows and not (in my case) the other sections of my homepage?
Quote from: seagull on November 17, 2007, 07:06:33 AM
When you 'click' on a item the detail page shows but also all the sections of my homepage.
Is it possible when you 'click' a item only the product detailpage shows and not (in my case) the other sections of my homepage?
No, unfortunately I don't see a chance to do that.
You have to go for the second suggestion:
Quote from: freeSbee on November 16, 2007, 08:13:11 PM
You can publish Bakery products on your homepage using a WYSIWYG editor. Then you have to make a Bakery page and link to the product detail page manually.
I have made a snippet based on bakery and anynews.
I am not a php guru thus it is proberly not perfect, but it works.
In a code page:
display_any_items(section_id, items_per_page, number_of_coloms);
section_id = the section id of your shop page section
items_per_page = number of items to display
number_of_coloms = number of coloms to display ( 1 = vertical and > 1 = horizontal)
e.g.: display_any_items(67, 3, 3);
in your template:
<?php display_any_items(67,3,3); ?>
zip and readme attached
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
How do you change the files to use other than paypal? I want to use paymate.
Quote from: seagull on November 17, 2007, 07:43:21 PM
I have made a snippet based on bakery and anynews.
Hi Jan
This is a very nice snippet that enhances the features of Bakery.
I tested it today and so far everything worked well.
Thank you for the great work!
Quote from: treasurer on November 21, 2007, 09:57:51 AM
How do you change the files to use other than paypal? I want to use paymate.
Open the view_pay.php file and edit the vars on line 110 to 139.
PayPal is using the POST method, for Paymate - as far as I've seen - you have to change it to GET.
Edit the text about PayPal in the language file and look for the vars starting with $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_PP_...
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.7 (11/28/2007)
- Settings are now separated into general settings and page settings
General settings are shop settings which apply to all Bakery pages and can not differ from page to page. Page settings apply to one Bakery page only. - Payment method (pay in advance / paypal) can now be selected
- Email to shop is not sent as bcc: any more but as a second email
- Changed the default value for item quantity to 1
- Now deletes the WB_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY./bakery directory when Bakery gets uninstalled
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
It's getting better and better!
However I got an error on the summary page:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"', expecting ',' or ';' in /modules/bakery/view_summary.php on line 170
Hi MacSmet
Quote from: macsmet on November 28, 2007, 12:39:25 PM
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"', expecting ',' or ';' in /modules/bakery/view_summary.php on line 170
Thanks for testing and reporting the bug.
It was a typo on line 170 that caused the parsing error. I fixed it and you can replace the old view_summary.php by the new one (download it from my post above).
Just installed the version 0.7 (for the first time)...
I have 2 remarks/problems:
1) When I click "In den Warenkorb/Order" I get a "Not Found" error -> "The requested URL /b2b/pages.php was not found on this server"... However the shop URL looks like ".../b2b/pages/de/e-shop.php" (P.S: I have a multilingual site)
2) For the future I would consider associating the VAT tax field to the products as each product can have a different VAT tax rate...
Thx & congratulations!
Hi Rick
Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on November 28, 2007, 05:25:09 PM
1) When I click "In den Warenkorb/Order" I get a "Not Found" error -> "The requested URL /b2b/pages.php was not found on this server"... However the shop URL looks like ".../b2b/pages/de/e-shop.php" (P.S: I have a multilingual site)
Make sure the "Proceed Shopping URL" in the page settings points to a Bakery page or at least a page containing a Bakery section otherwise Bakery will not work!
Read more about on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#proceed_shopping_url).
Thanks for testing and your remark about VAT.
Thx, it works now!
I think it is an excellent piece of software. If you have a "list of wishes" I'd like to add mine:
- Associate VAT to the single products...
- Within a checkout process (Let's say I am in step 3) I'd like to go back to step 1 -> Idea, implement the 1,2,3 steps/numbers as links...
- Make the "Vorauszahlung" option configurable. In my case, I do bill my customers (the bill is sent together with the products) -> Idea, make the text you display in checkout step 3 configurable...
- Sequence number as "Bestellnummer": This is a small issue. It just gives an idea to customers how well your sales are going (If in 6 months the number changes from 1 to 4 that might not be that great) -> Idea, keep the number you have for internal purposes (customer will not see it). Then add a new one = timestamp for example for the customers bestellnummer...
- In my case the e-shop is "for members only". I therefore know who is logged in and there is no need to fill in a shipping address, etc... (I already asked this question some month ago and you told me what files need to be changed). I know this is asking too much but what would be amazing is if it would be possible to associate a shipping address to a WB user. Then when checking out the logged-in user would jump directly to step 2 showing the adress (that the user can still modify if he'd like)...
P.S: Well, I do also understand that adding more and more features might increase complexity for you as programmer but also for the administrators... One of the main thing of WB is its simplicity :)
Thx & cheers,
I didn't use or test this module but is there a possibility to choose between a size (for t-shirts like XS, S, M, L, XL) and/or a color?
Sorry if this is a stupid question :|
Hi I want to use this for a few products. Is there any way I could include the last 5 added products to display on another page e.g: Home Page
Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on November 28, 2007, 07:22:36 PM
- Associate VAT to the single products...
- Within a checkout process (Let's say I am in step 3) I'd like to go back to step 1 -> Idea, implement the 1,2,3 steps/numbers as links...
- Sequence number as "Bestellnummer": This is a small issue. It just gives an idea to customers how well your sales are going (If in 6 months the number changes from 1 to 4 that might not be that great) -> Idea, keep the number you have for internal purposes (customer will not see it). Then add a new one = timestamp for example for the customers bestellnummer...
- In my case the e-shop is "for members only". I therefore know who is logged in and there is no need to fill in a shipping address, etc... (I already asked this question some month ago and you told me what files need to be changed). I know this is asking too much but what would be amazing is if it would be possible to associate a shipping address to a WB user. Then when checking out the logged-in user would jump directly to step 2 showing the adress (that the user can still modify if he'd like)...
Hi Rick
Thanks for your feedback and this elaborated list! The ideas are good but I dont know if I will have the time to consider them...
No doubt, the list of wishes is without limits... Due to this fact most common e-commerce solutions are huge. Bakery is a small shop, and as you said yourself...
Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on November 28, 2007, 07:22:36 PM
One of the main thing of WB is its simplicity :)
Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on November 28, 2007, 07:22:36 PM
- Make the "Vorauszahlung" option configurable. In my case, I do bill my customers (the bill is sent together with the products) -> Idea, make the text you display in checkout step 3 configurable...
At least you can modify this in the bakery/languages/DE.php (or EN.php) file on about line 178. Look for the vars:
For every item you can set a different item option (eg. colour) and unlimited option attributes (eg. red, green, blue...).
Read more about on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#item_options).
You can use a snippet called Anyitems (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#anyitems) by Jan (Seagull) to show products of a specified section on another page.
But if you want to show the last 5 products you have to do some coding. Anyitems is a good file to start from...
- Bakery v0.6.1 requires Anyitems v0.1
- Bakery v0.7 requires Anyitems v0.2
DOWNLOADDownload from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Thanks for that.
Another Question: Is there a way to set the main product image to a certain size e.g: 300 x 300
And make the thumbnail click to enlarge in popup window.
@ daydreamer
Quote from: daydreamer on November 29, 2007, 08:02:31 PM
Another Question: Is there a way to set the main product image to a certain size e.g: 300 x 300
No, Bakery can not do that. Use your image editing software. Most of them feature a batch mode to make the job easier.
Quote from: daydreamer on November 29, 2007, 08:02:31 PM
And make the thumbnail click to enlarge in popup window.
By default Bakery can not do that neither.
But you can do it by coding a little bit yourself.
Add a JS
onClick handler and a JS
window.open to the thumbnail
<a> tag in the Bakery
page settings ->
layout section. Set the URL parameter to
Finaly you have to modify the
view.php file on about line 599 ( // Replace vars with values).
Befor line 599 add the code:
if(file_exists(WB_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.'/bakery/image'.$item['item_id'].'.'.$ext)) {
$image = THUMB_PREPEND.WB_URL.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.'/bakery/image'.$item['item_id'].'.'.$ext.THUMB_APPEND;
}After line 599 add a new var
[IMAGE] into the array
$vars and let it be replace by the value of
Many Thanks Christoph.
Do you also know where I can set the image size on the product view.
Also in the page settings for Header Product loop etc where can I change that so If a new bakery page is added the content is the same everytime.
@ daydreamer
Quote from: daydreamer on December 02, 2007, 09:40:13 AM
Do you also know where I can set the image size on the product view.
This is about the same question like...
Quote from: daydreamer on November 29, 2007, 08:02:31 PM
Another Question: Is there a way to set the main product image to a certain size e.g: 300 x 300
that I have already answered in the last post!
Quote from: daydreamer on December 02, 2007, 09:40:13 AM
Also in the page settings for Header Product loop etc where can I change that so If a new bakery page is added the content is the same everytime.
First add all your Bakery pages.
Then go to the page settings of the Bakery page you have already modyfied to your needs.
Befor saving this page settings again check the radio
Update settings except of the "Proceed Shopping URL" of ALL shop pages?.
Hi, great module. I have been waiting for this module for a while. :-D
Can anyone advise me on this? How do I calculate international shipping? Because if I send something to my own country UK it will obviously be different if I post it to Australia. Any ideas on how to do this? Or any ideas on what alternatives there are?
Cheers :)
Hello Bakers!
Do you want the WB search to provide a direct link from the search result page to the matching Bakery item?
Furthermore: Do you want the WB search to search the modules in your own special order and to show an excerpt?
Then have a look at this page here:
• http://nettest.thekk.de
...and you will find an improved search for WebsiteBaker version 2.6.7.
Please read about installation carefully!
This is a wonderful long awaited project. I will be using this for sure!
Some suggestions:
In the Add/Modify Product, needs the ability to change the image. Presently you have to delete the whole page and start over to do that.
The Address in the shopping cart needs a field for State. Currently You can include a City and State on the same line as long as you don't separate by comma.
Order Summary Address in US should be Name, Street, City, State, Zip.
Is there a way to remove some of the countries off of the list since for me it would be domestic / US customers?
I know this takes time, and I certainly appreciate this.
Hi brent
Thanks for your feedback and your suggestions! I know the module is based on Europeen circumstances and lacks the US address format... Do you have any suggestions on how to include it without changing the EU address format?
Quote from: brent on December 15, 2007, 03:32:41 PM
In the Add/Modify Product, needs the ability to change the image. Presently you have to delete the whole page and start over to do that.
DON'T delete the whole page!!!
You can delete the image in the "Add/Modify Product" page by checking delete and click the save button. Then recall the same "Add/Modify Product" page where now you will find an upload field for the new image!
Quote from: brent on December 15, 2007, 03:32:41 PM
Is there a way to remove some of the countries off of the list since for me it would be domestic / US customers?
Yes. Please read the section COUNTRIES on the Bakery Website (http://web124.fastserver.ch/bakery/#countries).
I took care of the country list and learned how to change product images. Much appreciated if you could make the address in American format.
Hi all, I would like to have three shipping options. One for UK, one for Europe and one for the rest of the world. Can you tell me which files to edit and tell me what to do? I am happy to do the work and have it as a mod for the community, just need advice. Cheers.
Quote from: orko3001 on December 16, 2007, 08:46:03 PM
One for UK, one for Europe and one for the rest of the world.
Hi orko3001
Easiest way to do it would be to hard code it into view-summary.php file about line 140 AND 325. Look for the "
Select shipping rate" comment!
Modify the code
// Select shipping rate
if($cust_country == $setting_shop_country) {
$setting_shipping_rate = $setting_shipping_domestic;
else {
$setting_shipping_rate = $setting_shipping_abroad;
// Select shipping rate
if($cust_country == $setting_shop_country) {
$setting_shipping_rate = $setting_shipping_domestic;
elseif($cust_country == "AL" || "AT" || "BE" || "BG" || "CH" || "DE" || "DK" || "EE" || "FI" || "FR" || "GR" || "GL" || "IE" || "IS" || "IT" || "LI" || "LV" || "LT" || "MT" || "NL" || "NO" || "PL" || "PT" || "RO" || "RU" || "SE" || "SK" || "SI" || "ES" || "CZ" || "TR" || "HU" || "CY") {
$setting_shipping_rate = 8.00;
else {
$setting_shipping_rate = $setting_shipping_abroad;
Adapt the list of europeen countries to fit your needs by deleting or adding country codes in the same way it is done in the example. Change the shipping for Europe (in the example 8.00) to your rate.
Domestic and world wide shipping can be set in the Bakery general settings as usual.
i have a question, I would handle 5000 articles in my shop. Is bakery the right choice???
And dataimport. Is this possible? And how?
Sorry for my terrible english.
Thank´s a lot
Quote from: vw-classics on December 17, 2007, 01:45:37 PM
I would handle 5000 articles in my shop. Is bakery the right choice???
And dataimport. Is this possible? And how?
Hi vw-classics
No, dataimport is not possible with bakery.
You could do it by exporting your sql data and reimporting to the WB database with a sql tool like phpMyAdmin...
But, you are probably better off with a full featured e-commerce programm!
Why dont you want to stick to your osCommerce installation?
Hey Man,
I agree there ... do stick to your E-Commerce Package instead of using WB for it ... I think you will be better off.
I am having 2 problems with v0.7
1) Small one: the "selected" in the <SELECT> html tag for country is not set correctly -> Always the first country is selected -> "Albania"... I however have "CH" set in the config...
2) My shop pages are "private". When I am logged-in during the checkout process and I do push the last button "Ich bezahle per Vorauskasse" I get an error window and I get logged-out... See attached snapshot...
P.S: Do you already know if someone started french translation? I might be able to help translate...
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hi Rick
Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on December 17, 2007, 07:35:39 PM
1) Small one: the "selected" in the <SELECT> html tag for country is not set correctly -> Always the first country is selected -> "Albania"... I however have "CH" set in the config...
Please read the section about COUNTRIES on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#countries).
As an example I have attached a modified country file where CH = [1].
Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on December 17, 2007, 07:35:39 PM
2) My shop pages are "private". When I am logged in during the checkout process and I do push the last button "Ich bezahle per Vorauskasse" I get an error window and I get logged out... See attached snapshot...
Well, thats the way Bakery does... because it kills the session after payment has been completed...
Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on December 17, 2007, 07:35:39 PM
P.S: Do you already know if someone started french translation? I might be able to help translate...
Non, je ne sais pas. Mais volontiers, car mon français n'est pas very good!
Just now I am working on v0.8 so better wait until it is finished.
Thanks a lot for your offer!
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hi Chris,
Thx for your answers...
Well, I can live with the "kill-session-after-payment" (is somehow logical) but I cannot figure out why I get the error message window (attached in my previous post)... Do I have to redirect in bakery after payment to the website's homepage? How & where to define this?
P.S: I'll wait for v0.8 to start with the french translations...
Hi Rick
Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on December 17, 2007, 07:35:39 PM
...and I do push the last button "Ich bezahle per Vorauskasse" I get an error window and I get logged-out... See attached snapshot...
The error message is caused by the module post_its that uses the XAJAX framework. XAJAX is likely to fail when Bakery kills the session. But I am not sure about that. Please ask Christian (doc) http://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3125 the author of the module for further information.
Thanks in advance for helping a complete idiot / newbie.
Your Bakery Cart is great, and I am enjoying learning it. My question is, I am selling tours which the customer also needs to specify the day of booking. How can I capture that information? Can I add more options to grab day, then month, then year, then number of people... How would I write that into the page layout settings box, would I need / how to adjust the database to accept that, and have it all show up in the View Cart pages?
Grateful for any response in layman language... My first site...
Hi, Maybe I could just use one option in the full format of "Date, Month & Year" and then I would type in all say 365 days of the year as choosable options. I tried it, but in the "option attributes" box I am only allowed 146 characters there, not nearly enough to type all the days in there. Is there a way to increase the characters allowed in that "options attributes" box???
Thanks again...
Hi again Christoph,
So I have learned how to enlargen the "maxlength" value of your php code so I can fit all the dates there under one drop down box... Yippee.
However, I am realizing I still need to write more options into the shopping cart, in my case the tour price depends on number of people coming, and I need to collect other information such as tour start time, pickup location (ie their hotel)...
I am struggling to learn this on my own, progress is slow, and would be very appreciate of any guidance you might offer.
Hi trippnicki
Strange, but I do not get any notifications on this thread any more... ???
Sorry for letting you struggling -- but as far I have seen, you have done very well!
Quote from: trippnicki on December 23, 2007, 07:45:47 AM
I am realizing I still need to write more options into the shopping cart, in my case the tour price depends on number of people coming, and I need to collect other information such as tour start time, pickup location (ie their hotel)...
Bakery just provides one option and this will not change for the next version. Bakery is a small shop, and remember, one of the main things of WB is simplicity...
You might have your customers complete a special form after booking to gather all informations you require?! You could even try to include this form just befor payment...
Try to do this in the view.php file about lines 400/401.
Will the next version have an American format for address (Address, City, State, Zip) ? This cart is perfect for my needs otherwise.
Hi Brent
Quote from: brent on December 23, 2007, 05:38:01 PM
Will the next version have an American format for address (Address, City, State, Zip) ? This cart is perfect for my needs otherwise.
Yes, your Christmas gift lies under the tree yet... (I have implemented a setting in v0.8, where you can change the address format.)
And Merry Christmas to you Chris,
Hi again Christoph,
Many thanks for your guidance, I am enjoying experimenting with my first site and using your cart. As for your last advice to add my own forms by php script at line 400, I have tried but that still seems to be over my head for the moment,
but a more simple question, actually, i do not need a quantity field for my particular check out as all customers would only buy one. Is it easy to do away with that?
Thanks again , happy new year...
Quote from: trippnicki on December 29, 2007, 07:56:03 PM
but a more simple question, actually, i do not need a quantity field for my particular check out as all customers would only buy one. Is it easy to do away with that?
Off the top of my head... You might be able to change the quantity variable to a HIDDEN field type, with a value of 1.
Happy New Year everybody!
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.8 (01/03/2008)
- Added option to set a third shipping rate according to specified countries.
- If a customer is logged in, Bakery tries to get his address of a previous order from the DB to prepopulat the address fields.
- The address form has an optional state field.
- The zip code can now be display either in front of the city or at the end of the address.
- Option to set up to 3 different tax rates in the general settings. You can associate one of the predefined tax rates to a single item.
- If a tax rate in the general settings is changed, all the associated item tax rates will be changed too.
- Added more CSS classes to the html and frontend.css file to give more control about the shop design.
- After payment has been completed or order has been canceled, Bakery will not kill the session and logged in users will not be kicked out any longer.
- Deletes DB records of not submitted orders older than 60 days automatically.
- Added a quit order button to the message that is displayed when a user has canceled paypal payment.
- When a page or section gets deleted, the associated images and thumbs in the media directory will be deleted as well.
- Fixed a bug in the main page (overview) caused by a not reseted var in the items loop. It made for items which had no option showing up the item option of the preceding item.
- Improved the code to eliminate all php notice errors.
- Order date is now saved as time stamp.
- Changed the input name="option_attributes" from maxlength="150" to maxlength="600".
- Changed CSS class .mod_bakery_table_currency to .mod_bakery_cart_currency_f
- Deleted sql query that made the bakery settings table searchable.
- Added some missing closing tags like </p> and </td> to the html.
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
This module works nicely and getting better!
I have a few suggestions for the US version of Subtotals page:
Subtotal (total of item prices not including shipping)
Shipping (total shipping cost, not shipping based on)
Tax (show total tax not VAT, VAT not usually used in US, possibly have the option of not showing Tax %, just tax total)
Is there a way to reset the order number?
All in all, a wonderful job of creating this cart. This will really make a difference in making it easy to create ecommerce websites for small businesses.
Much appreciated,
Hi brent
Thanks a lot for your feedback!
Quote from: brent on January 03, 2008, 11:30:58 PM
Subtotal (total of item prices not including shipping)
Shipping (total shipping cost, not shipping based on)
Tax (show total tax not VAT, VAT not usually used in US, possibly have the option of not showing Tax %, just tax total)
Thank you for the suggestions! I am going to upgrade the english language file!
If you will find more awkward or clunky expressions please help me to improve the language file by sending a PM or posting.
If you do not want to show the tax rate % in the email and on the order summary page you can delete
{$MOD_BAKERY['TXT_INCL']} $f_tax_rate%in the view_summary file on about line 268 and 448
and delete
$MOD_BAKERY['TXT_INCL']." ".$f_tax_rate."% ". in the same file on about line 291 and 471.
Quote from: brent on January 03, 2008, 11:30:58 PM
Is there a way to reset the order number?
Reset the order number (order_id) using a sql tool like phpMyAdmin. Goto the mod_bakery_customer table and delete all rows (or those you do not want any more). Then set auto_increment = 1 and your done.
Thanks Christoph!
--- Rewrite!
Ok, I've tried the new version. A few problems/oddities and some ideas/wishes:
ERROR when installing (actually, upgrading) to the new version I got a popup (in browser I.E.7, server is RHEL, PHP 4.x, soon to be PHP 5), asking me to review and okay the settings or something like that, with no settings and just an OK box. I clicked OK, the box closed and then something flashed up on the install screen and disappeared immediately. Not sure what was supposed to be going on there!
ERROR when trying to save the General Settings, an error message flashes up:
QuoteWarning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /home/[nnnnnnnnnnn/wb directory]/modules/bakery/save_general_settings.php on line 50
although it does seem to have saved the changes.
3) Where does the "Show State" get the state from? Or is that "state" as in country, not state as in province of a country? It *is* an essential part for some tax calcuations.
Not sure what Brent meant, but more flexibility in shipping would be good.
Changes! These are our demands! Ok... "requests" :-)
1) I see what you meant about choosing the 3 tax rates now. Unfortunately, as far as I know, North Americans
must show multiple tax calculations. This stops me cold from using it in any production environment.
The taxes I'm aware of in North America are (grouped approximately by organization level):
- Federal/GST (Good & Services Tax, similar to VAT)
- Provincial/State level taxes - can vary widely depending on the
type of item
- City taxes
- Excise/Levies/Fees (individual item adjustment obviously) - may add additional flat or percentage amount to individual items.
These need to be broken out, not summarized into 1 tax rate. There are also some common (but not universal) state dependent adjustments like no provincial or state tax calculated if it is shipped to another state or country. I believe some taxes are not charged for out-of-country orders too.
Hopefully, one more (4) level would be enough for most small business. An override for each item might be needed, but we definitely need the ability to be able to display separate tax calculations
independently and cumulatively.
Wrinkles: Some states charge tax in the shipper's state, some charge it in the receiver's state, some in the home state of the company, etc - beyond ability to handle, I'm sure! And then there's the online tax moritorium for the USA...
Oh, and each tax may need to be calucated on either the net purchase total or the previous subtotal.
i.e. in Ontario, the tax calculation
must be shown as something like:
Subtotal $10.00
GST (5%) 0.50 ($10 x 5%)
PST (8%) 0.80 ($10 x 8%)
Total $11.30
but in Quebec and PEI, the tax calculations are done cumulatively:
i.e. in Ontario, the tax calculation must be:
Subtotal $10.00
GST (5%) 0.50 ($10 x 5%)
QST/TVQ (7.5%) 0.79 ==>($10.50 x7.5%) - effectively, 7.875%
Total $11.29
2. As mentioned, being able to set the tax type terminology in General Settings to something other than VAT would avoid changing the standard language file.
3. Default value of 1 in the order quanity field. (Which isn't labelled, by the way. Doesn't meet accessiblity standards! :-o)
Some more advanced ideas/thoughts and wish list:
1. SKU# - I'd like to have an auto-generated number option here, although the default of the product name works for tiny shops. Having an auto SKU would save a lot of tracking.
2. I'd love 2 or 3 levels of item grouping categories. e.g. Clothing, Men, Shirts. Electronics, Computers, Brands. Stuff like that. Should be fairly simple, I think? Maybe a slots for a "related" category or even items for cross-selling.
3. More complicated one. One nice way to standardize the product selection page is to have those "options" fields as drop-downs on the product page, rather than only on the front-end. I.e. you set them up in General Settings and you use drop-downs when editing the product. (BTW, I like how you link to the General Settings page - need a RETURN button though!) On the product edit screen, you would have a table populated with the applicable Option or Feature and Attributes and an "Add Option" button of course.
Hmmm. Eventually, maybe even have default Features for different categories! E.g. Selecting Clothing category would automatically create Size, Colour, etc :evil:
4. Multiple pictures. Of course, then we get into a whole mess of "options" there :-)
Also, Maximum size (with resize down to Max) for the full picture, not just thumbnails (which isn't labelled as Thumbnail size by the way, but excellent you've got that in there).
5. Downloadable items - link to a download gallery page, accessible by only that person when logged in, optionally with X downloads and/or X days to download.
6. Speaking of downloads - need reports - display and/or download. Orders get emailed to you now, right? To confirm you got all the email orders though, being able to view and/or download a report or spreadsheet of orders would probably be a good thing. Although, most other kinds of reports would probably better be served by a real order management system, I guess everybody will have to write the SQL to export to their order/POS system.
Gak. Enough from me! :-P
just a couple of comments
Not sure what Brent meant, but more flexibility in shipping would be good.
To my knowledge this is supposed to be a simple cart for a small shop. In the US a simple summary or total for the shipping charge under where the subtotal is would be adequate. If the customer already knows what the shipping rate is, a simple total is all that is necessary.
Changes! These are our demands! Ok... "requests"
1) I see what you meant about choosing the 3 tax rates now. Unfortunately, as far as I know, North Americans must show multiple tax calculations. This stops me cold from using it in any production environment.
Americans do not need to show multiple tax calculations on an order request such as this. If for example this was a small shop for selling t-shirts, you would show the cost per item, the cost for shipping, and a single state tax rate if applicable. Other taxes such as Good & Services, and city are usually not seen or even charged to the customers. For services you may have other taxes, but again if you take a look at the mass majority of American ecommerce sites you will not see taxes other than state taxes apllied to the cost. State taxes are variable and usually only applied when a customer purchases an item online from the from the same state that he resides in. I agree, it would be nice to have several options for shipping, UPS, FedEx, USMail, etc. My suggestions were stricktly for American ecommerce so what may apply in Ontario or elsewhere may not be applicable here.
But this is supposed to be a simple shopping cart for small businesses. This is starting to sound like you need a solution like Zen cart to handle most of those advanced options.
Thanks DGEC for testing and your feedback.
1) The JavaScript alert says «Please check and click OK». I intended to stop the upgrading script to give you a glance over the database changings and let you check up on the displayed success, warning or error messages. Maybe you're right, it is rather confusing than informative. I will comment it in the next version.
2) Thanks for the hint; fixed this bug.
3) Thanks for all the writing about taxes but take it with a pinch of salt. I am at one with brent though I am not at all into Canadien or US taxes.
Bakery was never intended to either turn WB into a shopping center nor compete with full featured e-commerce software. There is already a wide enough range to satisfy all needs and wishes.
Many thanks for your comments!
Say, are you implying I'm long-winded? :-o Well, I guess you could say I got carried away. Ahem. :roll: Sorry!
(re: OSC/Zen - I like OSS and checked them out for awhile, but they are huge, ungainly, ugly, unsightly messes. I like CubeCart, it's is much nicer, and although only the older version can be used freely now, it's still not very expensive for an operating business. But templating seems much harder than WB for all of them. Somebody here tried to integrate CC and gave up and duplicated the template instead)
I rarely, if ever, get receipts that don't break out the taxes. I tried to do some research it and it seems very small businesses wouldn't have to break out some taxes but provincial or retail taxes... I can't tell. For ease of tracking and avoid legal complications, I would want to be able to offer both. I hate when people lump things together, anyway, makes me suspicious! (My business is exempt anyway)
- True, most small businesses are unlikely to have a lot of tax lines, but I know some of the small businesses I deal with do use 2. For those that want/need it, probably adding one more tax field would be enough. (those with funny calculations could probably use an effective rate)
- the English on page 3, payment option buttons is improper. You should say "I will pay with PayPal" for example.
I would suggest something like... "Pay in Advance" and "Use PayPal" for the buttons.
- I've never used PayPal - I assume they send a copy of the invoice to the buyer's email?
- also, are you doing anything with the Quantity field, a bunch of Javascript perhaps? Sometimes there is no visible cursor there. I was trying to click on it, and it looked like it wasn't "taking". But when I typed a number, it showed up, but still with no cursor.
Quote from: DGEC on January 10, 2008, 05:02:02 PM
- the English on page 3, payment option buttons is improper. You should say "I will pay with PayPal" for example.
I would suggest something like... "Pay in Advance" and "Use PayPal" for the buttons.
Thanks for the hint and your suggestion. Made corrections to the EN.php file.
Quote from: DGEC on January 10, 2008, 05:02:02 PM
- I've never used PayPal - I assume they send a copy of the invoice to the buyer's email?
Yes, they do.
Quote from: DGEC on January 10, 2008, 05:02:02 PM
- also, are you doing anything with the Quantity field, a bunch of Javascript perhaps? Sometimes there is no visible cursor there. I was trying to click on it, and it looked like it wasn't "taking". But when I typed a number, it showed up, but still with no cursor.
No, no JS at all. Couldn't reproduce it either. Could anybody else?
Hi guys, this is a very neat module. I have messing around with Gocart without success. This module gives me all I need. Thank you for sharing it. Why is this mod not available in 'Addons' page?
Thanks for a great module , I am still testing this, but so far everything works , I only have one comment/question
The option's on my producs have different prices on them. Any way I can include those prices in the calculations of the shopping cart ?
Quote from: applepie on January 12, 2008, 09:09:07 AM
Why is this mod not available in 'Addons' page?
Hi applepie
I am still working on it -- but it will soon...
Quote from: xram13 on January 12, 2008, 06:09:07 PM
The option's on my producs have different prices on them. Any way I can include those prices in the calculations of the shopping cart ?
Hi xram13
Sorry, no...
Quote from: freeSbee on November 14, 2007, 08:39:05 AM
Bakery supports one option for every item as long as the price stays the same for every attribute.
@applepie & @ xram13
Thanks for the catch!
Using version 0.8 just downloaded a couple of days ago, I am getting this same error when trying to save the General Settings:
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /home/[nnnnnnnnnnn/wb directory]/modules/bakery/save_general_settings.php on line 50
You responded to the OP with this error that you had fixed it. Is that fix to be included in the next version, or is it possible to patch 0.8 to correct this?
Thanks in advance!
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.81 (01/19/2008)
- Changed the way of displaying the order summary:
- Subtotal: Just calculates the total cost of items without any shipping per item.
- Shipping: Calculates the total shipping costs including shipping per item.
- Added a missing language var $MOD_BAKERY['ERR_INVAL_STATE'].
- Made some corrections to the English language file.
- Replaced the error, success and information icons by new ones.
- Fixed a bug that caused a warning when the user did select no zone country in the general settings.
- Changed the concept of "Proceed Shopping URL" to "Continue Shopping URL".
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Great Module!
really easy to use! one question:
But how can i implement the order_nr in the email?
I need this for the costumers: reason for payment/Verwendungszweck
i tried to implement the "order_id" but all attempts were in vain (in backend)
Hi Peter
Thanks for feedback!
Quote from: doxynder on January 29, 2008, 04:54:17 PM
But how can i implement the order_nr in the email?
The order_id is actually sent in the subject of the email.
Thanks for the fast answer!
i´ve seen the order id in the subject but i also needed it in the email...because i need the reason for Payment with an speciefied number - people shoud know what to fill in.
// Replace vars with values
$vars = array('[CUSTOMER_NAME]', '[SHOP_NAME]', '[BANK_ACCOUNT]', '[CUST_ADDRESS]', '[ITEM_LIST]', '[ORDER_ID]' );
$values = array($cust_name, $setting_shop_name, $setting_bank_account, $email_cust_address, $email_item_list, $order_id);
in the backend i added [order_id]
i really don´t know what i´m doing here, but it works (never done something in php). but i´m trying
Hi Peter
Quote from: doxynder on January 29, 2008, 05:52:03 PM
// Replace vars with values
$vars = array('[CUSTOMER_NAME]', '[SHOP_NAME]', '[BANK_ACCOUNT]', '[CUST_ADDRESS]', '[ITEM_LIST]', '[ORDER_ID]' );
$values = array($cust_name, $setting_shop_name, $setting_bank_account, $email_cust_address, $email_item_list, $order_id);
Thanks for that -- I will put it into the next version of Bakery.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.82 (01/31/2008)
- Corrected tax calculation for prices including tax (brutto prices).
Do not use older versions any more due to this error! - Added possability to use [ORDER_ID] in the email templates.
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
I just did the setup of the 0.82, now I see that the shipping is not added to the total.
I am working with domestic and abroad.
Hi erikp01
I did not change anything about the shipping... !?
What value do you have set for "Free Shipping over:" in the "Shipping Settings" section of the Bakery "General Settings"?
OK this is it, it must be set to a higher amount. :wink:
Everything works fine.
I think the button VIEW CART should be visible during the whole shopping process.
This can only give more confidence to the customer.
What do you think?
Hi Erik
Quote from: erikp01 on January 31, 2008, 05:14:34 PM
I think the button VIEW CART should be visible during the whole shopping process.
What exactly would be your suggestion? To show a VIEW CART button on step 1 to 3 of the submit order pages?
on the product detail page and on step 1 the address entry page. I think the customer likes to see what he ordered at the time he gives name and address.
Does anybody have a french language file for Bakery?
Bonjour Erik
Quote from: erikp01 on February 01, 2008, 07:20:40 AM
on the product detail page and on step 1 the address entry page. I think the customer likes to see what he ordered at the time he gives name and address.
Thanks for the hint.
Quote from: erikp01 on February 01, 2008, 07:24:31 AM
Does anybody have a french language file for Bakery?
rickieleejones2000 planed to do some translation work. See this and the next post for further information:
I don't know if he has started the work yet. Just contact him:
To have the view_cart button at step 1 of the checkout process I added this piece of code at line 60 of the file view_form.php
<div class="mode_bakery_main_div_cart_bt_f">
<form action="yourwebshoppage.php" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="cart" class="mode_bakery_bt_cart_f" value="View Cart" />
a code snippet like anycart for ex should be very usefull. This to place the subtotal of the current order anywhere. Is this possible?
I love this module. It shows you can do great things and still keep it (relatively) simple.
I have one remark/request.
I have seen a lot about taxes, but one thing I missed in these discussions.
The tax is not calculated over the shipping costs.
Overhere (Netherlands) you need to tell the customer the tax on the complete amount of what is deliverred. Shipping costs is one of them.
I actually cannot believe this would be different in other countries. If not you sell your product for EUR 1.00, and add EUR 499.00 for shipping (taxfree).
So I tried all settings I could find. (incl tax/.excl tax/shipping per item/shipping total) but there is never a tax calculation with the shipping included.
Would it be possible to add this as a setting or two? (use tax on shipping & shipping inc tax/excl tax)
If not (or too difficult) can you point me in the direction of "hacking" the module for my personal situation?
Thanks for your help,
(ps.. it gets even worse, the actual rule is you need to add tax in the same percentage as the goods you deliver. I can't find out what to do when you have mixed tax rates in one order)
Quote from: erikp01 on February 01, 2008, 01:37:17 PM
To have the view_cart button at step 1 of the checkout process I added this piece of code at line 60 of the file view_form.php
<div class="mode_bakery_main_div_cart_bt_f">
<form action="yourwebshoppage.php" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="cart" class="mode_bakery_bt_cart_f" value="View Cart" />
Hi Erik
To make this code more universal I advise that you use vars instead of hardcoded values:
// Show button "View Cart"
echo "<div class='mode_bakery_main_div_cart_bt_f'>\n
<form action='$setting_continue_url' method='post'>\n
<input type='submit' name='cart' class='mode_bakery_bt_cart_f' value='{$MOD_BAKERY['TXT_VIEW_CART']}' />\n
Quote from: RuudE on February 01, 2008, 03:50:04 PM
I actually cannot believe this would be different in other countries. If not you sell your product for EUR 1.00, and add EUR 499.00 for shipping (taxfree).
It's true, In the USA you don't charge tax for shipping.
Quote from: RuudE on February 01, 2008, 03:50:04 PM
Would it be possible to add this as a setting or two? (use tax on shipping & shipping inc tax/excl tax)
Hi Ruud
It is possible and I will more probably than not implement it in the next version.
Thanks for the hint.
QuoteIt is possible and I will more probably than not implement it in the next version.
Thats good news. I'll be waiting.
In the meantime I am trying to translate the language files in Dutch.
Strange thing is that some words seems to be hardcoded?
For instance the word "Price" on the firstcatalog page. I can't find it in the language file or even in the view*.php files.
Am I missing something there?
Quote from: RuudE on February 01, 2008, 10:57:28 PM
For instance the word "Price" on the firstcatalog page. I can't find it in the language file or even in the view*.php files.
Language file EN.php line 135:
QuoteLanguage file EN.php line 135:
my ne NL.php says:
The first page shows: Price
The details page shows: Price
The "view cart" page shows: Prijs
I renamed the DE.php to NL.php. The same thing happens.
It gets even stranger..
I renamed my NL.php to EN.php (started a fresh browser)
The word "Price" is not in there, but still shows in the first and details page.
I'm really lost here.
Quote from: RuudE on February 01, 2008, 11:17:11 PM
..., but still shows in the first and details page.
No worry! It is in your Database...
At the moment you are adding a new Bakery page, Bakery creates the templates of the overview page and the detail page USING THE CURRENT LANGUAGE FILE!
Modify the templates at the "Layout Settings" section of the "Page Setttings".
Furthermore try to create a new Bakery page using NL.php you will see - no miracles!
Good n8!
Looking at the templates I see what you mean.
A request for next version?
Can you change te templates to use variable names instead of hard coded data?
That way you could make it completely multilanguage (i think)
For now, I will recreate the pages to fix the problem.
Quote from: RuudE on February 01, 2008, 03:50:04 PM
(ps.. it gets even worse, the actual rule is you need to add tax in the same percentage as the goods you deliver. I can't find out what to do when you have mixed tax rates in one order)
Which taxe rate would be applied to a eg. shipping based on a flat amount / number of items / percentage of subtotal...
Can anybody advise?
thank your for the code improvement about the view_cart button, it is indeed better.
Now I am trying to make a snippet that shows a minicart.
Thanks again
QuoteWhich taxe rate would be applied to a eg. shipping based on a flat amount / number of items / percentage of subtotal...
Can anybody advise?
I would suggest to have just one tax rate for shipping. (select rate 1,2,3 or none)
I don't think there will be many shops using different tax rates for shipping.
Just calcuate the total shipping, and add the percentage.
So if shipping = €5.00, the tax (dutch 19%) would be 5*.19=0.95 added to the tax and to the total.
(asuming the shop was set to pricing excl tax)
to have the cart content visbile at step 1 (form entry name and address) I did 2 things:
1°) downloaded view_cart.php and renamed to mini_cart.php. Deleted the code for the buttom display at 2 places. Saved and uploaded.
2°) in view.php around line 228 I include the mini_cart.php just before the view_form.php include.
Code looks like this:
Works fine for me.
I'd been playing around with version 0.81, making cosmetic changes in the shop's appearance, and everything was working fine - I could add products, add them to the cart, view the cart, etc.
This AM I uninstalled the module, then reinstalled the latest version of the module (0.82), did the general and page settings, added one product, and went to test things out. Whenever I try to add an item to the cart, all I get is a blank white page with this message "No input file specified." - I have to hit the back button in the browser to see the shop page again.
This is happening with a clean install of the module, not an upgrade.
Any ideas on what the problem might be?
I am certain this is not a Bakery message and fairly certain it is not a WB message at all. I suppose it is a server message.
Have a look at Bakeries file list and check if there are files missing on the server or may be corrupted. If true, upgrade to v0.83 I am going to post later on.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.83 (02/03/2008)
- Modified the item templates using more text vars instead of hard coded text to make them completely multilingual. Use the following vars additionaly to take advantage of:
[TXT_ITEM], [TXT_SKU], [TXT_PRICE], [TXT_SHIPPING], [TXT_FULL_DESC], [TXT_SHIPPING_COST], [TXT_DOMESTIC], [TXT_ABROAD], [TXT_BACK] - Added feature to select a tax rate for shipping.
- Added customer information about "Free Shipping" in the summary table.
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Quote from: freeSbee on February 03, 2008, 11:04:27 PM
I am certain this is not a Bakery message and fairly certain it is not a WB message at all. I suppose it is a server message.
Have a look at Bakeries file list and check if there are files missing on the server or may be corrupted. If true, upgrade to v0.83 I am going to post later on.
I've uninstalled 0.82, and have just done a fresh install of 0.83 from the zip file in your post above via the WB module installation interface. I've checked via FTP to be sure that all of the files made it up to the server, and they are all there.
I am getting the same error - "No input file specified" whenever I try to add an item to the cart.
I did not get this error with 0.81. I don't understand what is causing this problem with both of the latest versions.
Any help will be most appreciated!
Quote from: freeSbee on February 03, 2008, 11:07:25 PM
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.83 (02/03/2008)
Good news,
I'm a bit proud my comments made that much sense. :wink:
I will start testing tommorow morning (about midnight overhere) and let you (and the community) know.
Thanks already,
Quote from: dhdesign on February 03, 2008, 11:46:29 PM
I've checked via FTP to be sure that all of the files made it up to the server, and they are all there.
Hi dhdesign
I am not sure about your problem but try this:
- Delete all products in the shop.
- Check via FTP if there are directories named "bakery" in the /pages and /media directory.
- If true, delete them.
- Add new products to the store and try again...
Hi freeSbee,
It looks great. It works like a charm now.
I was still a bit puzzled by the multiple shipping rates (per item and a on top of that a total) but I read in this thread it was a request by someone. I will set the per-item-value to 0 strip it out of the details page template.
I will be working on optimizing my Dutch translation the next few days (Dutch grammar has some nasty things) and upload it here when its done.
Thanks again for all your good work.
Quote from: RuudE on February 04, 2008, 11:25:52 AM
I will be working on optimizing my Dutch translation the next few days (Dutch grammar has some nasty things) and upload it here when its done.
The translation went a bit faster than expected. :-)
Here is my translation in Dutch.
The countrylist is added also in Dutch. To avoid special character problems I added a list in ISO-8859-1 and in UTF-8. Just use the one that corresponds with your WB setup.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Ein echtes Spitzenmodul! Danke!
Ich hätte zwei kleine Verbesserungsvorschläge:
1. Bestellformular: Wenn der Kunde noch kein Land gewählt hat, dann sollte vielleicht der shop_country gewählt sein, da die Kunden oft aus dem Land kommen, indem auch der Shopbetreiber sitzt.
2. Wenn ein Bestellvorgang ganz zuletzt abgebrochen wird, kommt die Meldung, dass alle Daten gelöscht wurden ("grüne Meldung"). Hier könnte wieder zur Shopstartseite geleitet oder diese über einen Button zur Verfügung gestellt werden (wie bei "Einkauf fortsetzen"). Bei mir etwa werden aktive Seiten im Menü nicht verlinkt (um den aktiven Status zu betonen), so dass dann keine Möglichkeit mehr besteht (ohne Umweg über eine andere Seite) auf die Shopstartseite zurückzukommen.
Na, aber das ist wohl eher Kosmetik :-)
Vielen Dank für Deine Mühe mit dem Modul!
Kurzer Nachtrag:
Es wäre schön, wenn die Bilder ein alt Tag bekommen würden, um Standardkonform zu sein. Vielleicht bietet sich der Artikelname an oder die Kurzbeschreibung. Notfalls leer.
Quote from: RuudE on February 04, 2008, 01:58:12 PM
Here is my translation in Dutch.
The countrylist is added also in Dutch. To avoid special character problems I added a list in ISO-8859-1 and in UTF-8. Just use the one that corresponds with your WB setup.
Hi Ruud
Thanks a lot for your contribution.
I will include it in the next upgrade!
Hi Martin
This is the english Bakery thread. Please use the german thread for german posts:
Quote from: descartes on February 04, 2008, 09:48:55 PM
1. Bestellformular: Wenn der Kunde noch kein Land gewählt hat, dann sollte vielleicht der shop_country gewählt sein, da die Kunden oft aus dem Land kommen, indem auch der Shopbetreiber sitzt.
You can modify the country list to fit your needs by deleting lines or changing the lines order. Read more about in the COUNTRIES section of this post:
Quote from: descartes on February 04, 2008, 09:48:55 PM
2. Wenn ein Bestellvorgang ganz zuletzt abgebrochen wird, kommt die Meldung, dass alle Daten gelöscht wurden ("grüne Meldung"). Hier könnte wieder zur Shopstartseite geleitet oder diese über einen Button zur Verfügung gestellt werden (wie bei "Einkauf fortsetzen").
Es wäre schön, wenn die Bilder ein alt Tag bekommen würden, um Standardkonform zu sein. Vielleicht bietet sich der Artikelname an oder die Kurzbeschreibung. Notfalls leer.
Thanks for your suggestions. I have put them on my todo list.
Quote from: freeSbee on February 05, 2008, 10:19:07 AM
This is the english Bakery thread. Please use the german thread for german posts:
Oh, O.K. I didn't realize that yesterday - little bit confused the last days :roll:
Quote from: freeSbee on February 05, 2008, 10:19:07 AM
You can modify the country list to fit your needs by deleting lines or changing the lines order. Read more about in the COUNTRIES section of this post:
Yes, I've read this thread before posting. I just thought if someone is still happy with the country list and there is no need to change it, it would still be nice to have the shop_country as (pre)selected option. But I see, that is not necessarily needed.
Quote from: freeSbee on February 05, 2008, 10:19:07 AM
Thanks for your suggestions. I have put them on my todo list.
Fine! Thank you!
Best regards
Hi Christoph,
This is getting to be a very active thread :-)
Anyway, I just wanted to make another suggestion. (maybe for v0.96)
Overhere it is very common (especially for webshops) to ship products and let the receiver pay the postman (cash on delivery / Nachnahme).
We, the Dutch, are not very happy with paying before getting stuff in our hands :roll:, PayPal, Credit cards or pay-in-advance are not commonly used.
So especially for small shops that would be a nice extra.
It should not have to be very different from the advance payment method, except the shipping cost will be higer, and the "story" to tell will be a little different.
A "problem" might be the selection page.
A more simple selection dropdownlist might be better than showing all payment procedures together on one page.
What do you think about this? Or is it getting a to much full blown shop that way?
So far this is a great add on to the CMS! Does anyone know of a snippet I could put in my template to show cart contents throughout my site on each page? The way most bigger websites would have Like:
Cart: 1 item(s) for $25.00
I'm not sure if there are session variables that are not given until they visit the "bakery" page that would make this not possible? Any help would be appreciated.
You are right, this should be a nice snippet. I have been asking for this snippet a few posts ago.
Must be difficult to make I think.
Have either of you tried this option that is listed in the author's instructions in the first post in this thread?
You can use a snippet called Anyitems by Jan (Seagull) to display a few products of a specified section on another page than a Bakery page, e.g. your home page.
Please note:
Download Anyitems from the download section at the bottom of this post.
Bakery ≤ v0.6.1 requires Anyitems v0.1
Bakery ≥ v0.7 requires Anyitems v0.2
@ gillweb
Quote from: gillweb on February 08, 2008, 02:33:27 AM
Does anyone know of a snippet I could put in my template to show cart contents throughout my site on each page?
No, there is nothing like that yet. Anyitems makes it possible to display a few products on another page than a Bakery page but NOT the cart.
Quote from: gillweb on February 08, 2008, 02:33:27 AM
I'm not sure if there are session variables that are not given until they visit the "bakery" page that would make this not possible? Any help would be appreciated.
Yes, there are. The session is initalized first time the cart is shown to the customer. But the content of the cart is saved in the DB.
Ok thanks. I'm thinking that maybe there could be some code to place in the template that if the session for the Cart is not valid then it would automatically show the $0.00 and 0 items but if the session IS valid then it would show the total of items in the DB. I'm not the best in code but i'll try and see if I can do something. :? :roll:
I made mini_cart to display the content of the cart above the address form.
This mini_cart can even made smaller.
But my coding is not good enough to make a snippet of it. Attached a screenshot of what I did.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.84 (02/17/2008)
- Added NL language and country files (thanks to RuudE):
- NL.php
- countries/NL.php
- countries/NL-utf8.php
- Set the Reply-To: of the email sent to the shop to the customer email address, making it easy to contact customers later on.
- Added possability to use [CUST_EMAIL] in the email templates.
- Added missing alt attribute to the item <img> tag.
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Quote from: gillweb on February 08, 2008, 02:33:27 AM
Does anyone know of a snippet I could put in my template to show cart contents throughout my site on each page?
Quote from: erikp01 on February 08, 2008, 02:54:46 PM
You are right, this should be a nice snippet. I have been asking for this snippet a few posts ago.
Must be difficult to make I think.
I Have the same problem, so I created:
Bakery Cart V 0.1
Its based on the anyitems snippet and the view_cart.php from the bakery module.
You can install it as a module.
How to use this snippet:
In a code page:
section_id = the section id of your shop page section
e.g.: display_cart(67);
in your template:
<?php display_cart(67); ?>
It's works for my needs but it is not fully tested.
Also there are no divs or css ids in the code.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
this is awesome you are the man!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Excellent module. Works like a charm!
Can you point me in the right direction for incorporating Google Checkout into the payment options.
Thanks again for the great work (and WB).
thank you for Bakery Cart V 0.1 , this is what I need.
In my testing this morning, the page needed a reload to display the cart content.
Am I right?
One problem noticed with Bakery_Cart V1 is the "view cart" javascript button will only show the cart if you are on a bakery page. If you are not on a Bakery page it just sort of refreshes the page :|
Quote from: gillweb on February 27, 2008, 04:00:43 AM
One problem noticed with Bakery_Cart V1 is the "view cart" javascript button will only show the cart if you are on a bakery page. If you are not on a Bakery page it just sort of refreshes the page :|
Have you set the section_id correctly??
The code is:
Where the section_id is the number of a bakery page.
I use this number to get the settings page of a bakery page and get the continue shopping setting
This data is used for the button. what it does is go to the bakery page and display the cart
To get the secion_id go to admin -> pages -> bakery-page -> page settings.
In the adress bar you will see something like:
Let me know if this solves your problem :-)
Quote from: erikp01 on February 26, 2008, 08:09:59 AM
thank you for Bakery Cart V 0.1 , this is what I need.
In my testing this morning, the page needed a reload to display the cart content.
Am I right?
Erik, yes you are right.
I did not see this as a problem because if you put a item in the cart you get the cart displayed and if you press the button continues shopping it does a page reload.
QuoteWhere the section_id is the number of a bakery page.
I use this number to get the settings page of a bakery page and get the continue shopping setting
This data is used for the button. what it does is go to the bakery page and display the cart
To get the secion_id go to admin -> pages -> bakery-page -> page settings.
In the adress bar you will see something like:
Let me know if this solves your problem smiley
Nope that doesn't help. I originally was putting the page_id in that area but i now changed it to the section_id but it still does the same thing?
Quote from: gillweb on February 27, 2008, 08:49:54 PM
Nope that doesn't help. I originally was putting the page_id in that area but i now changed it to the section_id but it still does the same thing?
This is strange.
If you select a item to buy you will get the shopping cart.
if you than select "continue shopping" are you then returned to a bakery page??
Quote from: Bennie_wijs on February 28, 2008, 12:16:58 PM
Quote from: gillweb on February 27, 2008, 08:49:54 PM
Nope that doesn't help. I originally was putting the page_id in that area but i now changed it to the section_id but it still does the same thing?
This is strange.
If you select a item to buy you will get the shopping cart.
if you than select "continue shopping" are you then returned to a bakery page??
Yes I am returned to the bakery page when I hit the Proceed Shopping button. Works 100% IF I'm on a bakery page but on a non-bakery page the car doesn't show at all ??
I create a multy lingual website with a shop in each language. When I change the advance payment email text to Dutch for ex. , then this is changed also in the french and english website.
How can I work around this and set each language his own advance payment email tekst.
Quote from: gillweb on February 29, 2008, 02:35:11 AM
Quote from: Bennie_wijs on February 28, 2008, 12:16:58 PM
Quote from: gillweb on February 27, 2008, 08:49:54 PM
Nope that doesn't help. I originally was putting the page_id in that area but i now changed it to the section_id but it still does the same thing?
This is strange.
If you select a item to buy you will get the shopping cart.
if you than select "continue shopping" are you then returned to a bakery page??
Yes I am returned to the bakery page when I hit the Proceed Shopping button. Works 100% IF I'm on a bakery page but on a non-bakery page the car doesn't show at all ??
I cannot explain it at all. Is your WB online so that I can take a look at it???
You can send me a private message for the url.
This is just a great module. If I had to add some wishes, it would be like:
- Allow groupings with the same prices/conditions (e.g., I would like to sell prints. They all should have a picture and all of them should be USD 5 fox 10x15cm, USD 10 for 20x20cm, ...)
- Allow prices based on options (e.g., an XL shirt is more expensive then an XXXS)
- Support downloadable items (e.g., after paying you get a unique download link valid for 24 or so hours)
Well, perhaps next time and again, THANKS.
This is a great modul.
But i cant get it to accept æøå characters when filling out the adressefrom when checking out. anyone who know how to solve this?
Quote from: bsp4750-denmark on April 04, 2008, 09:11:35 AM
But i cant get it to accept æøå characters when filling out the adressefrom when checking out. anyone who know how to solve this?
Please read more about on the Bakery Website section ACCEPTED CHARS BY THE CUSTOMER ADDRESS FORM (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#customer_address_form) and CHARSET (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#charset).
THX. Christoph.
My mistake how could i have overlooked that.
THX again.
I will give it a try again.
PLC. Help.
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Unable to access /pages/bakery/ in /framework/functions.php on line 199 :?
Quote from: joensen on April 23, 2008, 11:34:08 PM
PLC. Help.
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Unable to access /pages/bakery/ in /framework/functions.php on line 199 :?
This message says the rights of your /pages/ folder are not correct.
please read http://help.WebsiteBaker.org/pages/en/knowledge-base/files-and-permissions.php (http://help.websitebaker.org/pages/en/knowledge-base/files-and-permissions.php) for a detailed explanation.
Hello all,
I'm implemneting this module and would like to do something like this:
Shipping for first product is £5, for every following product it is £2.
Is there any way of doing this?
You could set a fixed rate of £3, and every article with a rate of £2.
That will do what you want.
A problem might be how you explain your shipping cost strategy to your customer.
You might want to change a bit in the forms shown to the customer for this.
That does it, thanks Ruud, you just made my day!
BTW - I had to set my free shipping to 999.99, otherwise it wouldn't charge any shipping on any orders (it took me a while to figure this out too... :oops:)
I also just noticed that when I arrive at the paypal page it simply says 'Total incl. tax and shipping' without specifying the contents of the cart and shipping. Is this normal of is there any way to show these as it would when using a paypal button?
Quote from: sparkdigital on April 28, 2008, 04:54:22 PM
I also just noticed that when I arrive at the paypal page it simply says 'Total incl. tax and shipping' without specifying the contents of the cart and shipping. Is this normal of is there any way to show these as it would when using a paypal button?
Sorry, I don't have any experience with the PayPal part.
I can imagine it is possible to expand the paypal form with this info. (Christoph??)
Are orders stored on the shop page as with submissions on the form pages? Or are they simply emailed to the store url? My emails don't seem to arrive, has anyone else come across this?
Also, shouldn't the cart be automatically emptied once a person has paid for their purchases?
Hi Konrad
Quote from: sparkdigital on April 28, 2008, 04:54:22 PM
I also just noticed that when I arrive at the paypal page it simply says 'Total incl. tax and shipping' without specifying the contents of the cart and shipping.
Bakery just submits the aggregated order. Basically you can submit all details to paypal - but you have to do some coding...
Quote from: sparkdigital on April 28, 2008, 07:16:32 PM
Are orders stored on the shop page as with submissions on the form pages? Or are they simply emailed to the store url?
Orders are stored in the database.
Quote from: sparkdigital on April 28, 2008, 07:16:32 PM
My emails don't seem to arrive, has anyone else come across this?
Bakery makes use of the php mail() function. Does it work in other scripts?
Quote from: sparkdigital on April 28, 2008, 07:16:32 PM
Also, shouldn't the cart be automatically emptied once a person has paid for their purchases?
Yes, it is emptied. If you think it is not please provide more information about.
Thanks very much for your reply Christoph, I really appreciate your help!
All three issues addressed don't seem to work in my shop - the order is not visble in the admin panel, the emails don't arrive and the cart isn't emptied. It seems that even though I'm being sent to the paypal page the order 'doesn't fully go through' if that makes sense. I have been testing up to going to the paypal page but haven't actually paid for any of my test orders. Could this be the issue?
I have made quite some changes to the module but these are mostly cosmetic. To make sure I did install a freshly downloaded version of Bakery on a test server and went through the order process there - but unfortunately with the same outcome.
However, when I choose advance payment, the cart is emptied and the email is sent out but I still can't see the order in the admin panel.
The example is at http://www.fruttacotta.co.uk/sparkedit/shop.php (http://www.fruttacotta.co.uk/sparkedit/shop.php) - Hope this gives you some more clues.
Thanks again for your help,
Quote from: RuudE on April 23, 2008, 11:48:51 PM
Quote from: joensen on April 23, 2008, 11:34:08 PM
PLC. Help.
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Unable to access /pages/bakery/ in /framework/functions.php on line 199 :?
This message says the rights of your /pages/ folder are not correct.
please read http://help.WebsiteBaker.org/pages/en/knowledge-base/files-and-permissions.php (http://help.websitebaker.org/pages/en/knowledge-base/files-and-permissions.php) for a detailed explanation.
hello Ruud
Now i geth this
Error creating access file in the /pages directory (insufficient privileges) the rights of my /pages/ folder are 777 or drwxrwxrwx. PLC HELP ME
depending on your server config chmod777 can also prevent access. Ask your hoster.
Hi Konrad
Quote from: sparkdigital on April 28, 2008, 10:30:14 PM
the order is not visble in the admin panel,...
There is no order administration in Bakery yet. All features are listed in the first post of this thread (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg47318.html#msg47318)!
If you really need to have a look on the orders together with the emails sent to you just have a look into your database using a tool like phpMyAdmin or wait for the next version of Bakery...
Quote from: sparkdigital on April 28, 2008, 10:30:14 PM
...and the cart isn't emptied. It seems that even though I'm being sent to the paypal page the order 'doesn't fully go through' if that makes sense. I have been testing up to going to the paypal page but haven't actually paid for any of my test orders. Could this be the issue?
Yes, of course the paypal payment procedure must be completed otherwise customers could order without paying.
Quote from: ruebenwurzel on April 29, 2008, 04:52:05 AM
depending on your server config chmod777 can also prevent access. Ask your hoster.
Which rights should my pages have to get this to work? :?
Your /pages/ and every subdirectory (i.e. /pages/bakery/) should have the correct rights so the webserver can read/write/create in there.
What Matthias meant is that your hoster decides what the correct rights are. There could be restrictions set by the hoster. In 99% a 777 will be just fine.
Just try to set everything under /pages/ to 777. If it doesn't work ask your hoster for help.
if your Apache runs as CGI or FASTCGI and not as modul (Apache handler), not only to low even to high file permissions can cause that you have no file access. But these restrictions sets your hoster. So he is the only one who can answer you this question.
The problem is that to Bakery dos not automatically make to folder pages/bakery. I was need do to this folder with my ftp software, then is work fine. :lol:
I've tried to install this...but when I add to cart or view cart I am redirected to the home page...??
what am I doing wrong...?
DOH! fixed that...pays to read....
Now is there anywhere to track the orders? Apart from the email?
Quote from: soodanim on May 15, 2008, 03:36:19 AM
Now is there anywhere to track the orders? Apart from the email?
Hi soodanim
Not in Bakery v0.84 - it will in the next version!
Christoph, how do I add more pics in the details?
It would be nice to have wysiwyg editor in the long description. Just a suggestion. :mrgreen:
Hi Underware
Quote from: Underware on May 18, 2008, 07:58:09 PM
how do I add more pics in the details?
At the moment there is just one.
Quote from: Underware on May 18, 2008, 07:58:09 PM
It would be nice to have wysiwyg editor in the long description. Just a suggestion. :mrgreen:
Bakery v0.9 will have a wysiwyg editor that is going to make more images possible and best of all - it's almost ready for release! - just have to do some more testing...
Best, Christoph
Excellent...thanks for the update...
I'll be checking back for the next release...
Could you PM me when it ready...I don't visit often and I might miss it lol
Quote from: soodanim on May 18, 2008, 11:04:50 PM
Could you PM me when it ready...I don't visit often and I might miss it lol
The new release will be announced in this thread. You can enable notification of new replies for this topic by clicking the "NOTIFY" button in this header or footer.
Just change priviledges to 777 on /pages and /posts directories. Worked fine for me. Good luck !
I know the concept is to keep it simple....
But (you knew I was gonna do that).... I have a need for more than one option...
i.e. Size (s,m,l.xl) and color (red,blue,green,etc)
Having the ability to have up to three options would:
1) Make shopping simple for the customer
2) Make administration easier for me where now I have 4 products can be reduced to a single product to track
3) Enable lots of creative uses (i.e. Restaurant Entree with up to three side dishes as options for a catering website, pizza delivery website, etc.)
So anyway... Before I go hacking away (a literal term for me) I thought I'd bring this subject up again....
Quote from: scottm52 on May 21, 2008, 06:11:56 PM
But (you knew I was gonna do that).... I have a need for more than one option...
i.e. Size (s,m,l.xl) and color (red,blue,green,etc)
Hi scott
Your the lucky duck!
Bakery v0.9 will have multiple options...
Dear FreeSbee.
I have few Questions about this interesting Module. Beouse you're still improving it, I would appreciate (and I think another community Members too), if you could give few data, what the module is able to do at this moment. Which features, payment methods...
Please, would you do that?
And if not yet, than after you relase your promising v o,9?
Because I love WB and dislike e-Commerce solutions a lá OS Commerce and all its forks (xtc bla bla), it is great to have the chance for implementing such a great thing.
I worked a lot with OCS/XTC but it's too big for almost all the shops I was setting up in the past.
I'm very curious about your next release.
Quote from: Stefek on May 21, 2008, 08:51:43 PM
I have few Questions about this interesting Module. Because you're still improving it, I would appreciate (and I think other community Members too), if you could give few data, what the module is able to do at this moment. Which features, payment methods...
Hi Stefek
You'll find the features list and further information about Bakery on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#features). After release of Bakery v0.9 I will update this informations.
I'm sorry Christoph. :mrgreen:
Didn't see, that you update tis Information after every new release.
It looks great allready!
Is there any link to see the shop in action?
I have got one running here (Dutch site): http://totalbridge.com/pages/winkel/bestellen.php (http://totalbridge.com/pages/winkel/bestellen.php)
Quote from: Stefek on May 21, 2008, 11:07:07 PM
Is there any link to see the shop in action?
Thank you Ruud, thanks Christoph.
I've seen enough.
Very nice!
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.9 (05/25/2008)
- Added enhanced module search (requires WB 2.7 or later) (thanks to thorn)
- Added stock administration
- Changed the way Bakery handles the item options and attributes
- Added option to use an additional shipping address (thanks to cookmaster)
- Added order administration and invoice print feature to the Bakery backend (thanks to potsdamer)
- Added MiniCart to display the number of items and the total amount of all items in the cart on any page you want (thanks to Bennie Wijs)
- Added wysiwyg editor to the Bakery item full description
- Added option to edit the module Bakery frontend and backend CSS (requires WB 2.7 or later) (thanks to doc)
- If no country is selected in the address form, Bakery preselects by default the shop country
- Added option to use [TXT_ITEM] in the page header and page footer templates
- Added a list of keys to the variables (eg. [TXT_ITEM] ) used in the Bakery html and email templates
- Changed the CSS class names from mode_ to mod_
- Separated the CSS class mod_bakery_main_thumbnail_f into two classes mod_bakery_main_thumbnail_f and mod_bakery_item_img_f
- Fixed a bug that did not clean up the session array properly after the order has been canceled or payment has been completed (thanks to ebussinetz)
- Added an index.php file to all Bakery subdirectories to redirect the user to the WB main page when trying to access the module directory directly
KOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Thank you for this great module.
A question, in the US you must charge/pay sales tax on an item if the buyer and seller are from the same State, however there's no sales tax if the buyer is from another State. For example if i am located in California and the buyer is also from california i have to charge 8.25% sales tax, however if the buyer is from let's say Arizona i don't charge any sales tax.
Was wondering if there's a way to implement this behavior in Bakery module.
Quote from: hrioo on May 25, 2008, 09:54:30 PM
A question, in the US you must charge/pay sales tax on an item if the buyer and seller are from the same State, however there's no sales tax if the buyer is from another State. ...
Was wondering if there's a way to implement this behavior in Bakery module.
Hi Harry
Bakery does what you are looking for with the countries. You might treat the US states like countries to achieve this behavior. Try this:
First add the US states to the country file located at
modules/bakery/languages/countries/EN.php, then set your state as shop state in the Bakery general settings. Make sure your state code does not match an existing country code otherwise Bakery will mess them up. Every country code must be unique!
If and only if you have your customer enter his state into the country field and it will match your shop country then the sales tax will be charged.
Excellent! I tried your suggestion and it works like a charm. Thanks for your help.
If product search, catagories and brand/manufacturer capabilities are added to this module, it'll be a lot more than a lightweight shopping module but it's a great addition the way it is.
Excellent and well thought out upgrade!
Gives me all the power of a larger system without all the hassles.
I'll post (in a couple weeks) links to some production systems I'm building with the new version. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.91 (05/31/2008)
- Fixed a bug that used the wrong order_id after deleting DB records of not submitted orders
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Ok I just upgrade to 2.WB 2.7 and have the latest version of bakery
oh and if I check under module details, it says it for WebsiteBaker 2.6.x, but some of the new features require 2.7 so I guess it's OK?
Name: Bakery
Type: Page
Author: Christoph Marti. Bakeries shopping cart is based on Online-Shop by Janet Valade. Bakeries catalog is based on Go-Cart by Hudge which itself is based on Gallery by Ryan Djurovich.
Version: 0.91
Designed For: WebsiteBaker 2.6.x
Description: This page type is designed for making a small shop with a catalog and a shopping cart. Payment in advance, PayPal and/or invoice.
But anyways...I have read but I can't figure it out....
I have this installed on a Windows server...
I can't work out a couple of things...
The tax calculations appear wrong? In NZ our tax is 12.5% but for say $100 it's showing .11 cents for tax....
The price shown doesn't include the tax, even tho it's choosen to..
I can't get the tax to add to the total...?
I am also having problems with the Shipping....
I think I might have stuffed that one up all by myself...lol
OK so I add a shipping price when I add the new product...I don't want to use the shipping/aboard rates as every product is likely to be different.
So what are the settings I need to use the shipping from the product listing and how do I then get the
"Shipping domestic/abroad: NZD 0.00/0.00" to not appear on the product listing?
and the tax isn't included on the shipping amount either...
I think that's about it for now....any suggestions?
ooppss OK
After playing for awhile I've sorted the above....
But I am having problems with adding new products....the images won't show....
I need to change the permissions of the image in the media file...?
What have I done wrong now?
Quote from: soodanim on June 12, 2008, 05:10:26 AM
But I am having problems with adding new products....the images won't show....
Hi soodanim
1. Are the images and thumbs in the directory
media/bakery/ ?
2. What are they named?
3. Check the URLs to the images and thumbs in your browser!
Yes they are all in that directory....
I don't know why but everytime I add a product, the permissions aren't right and have to go and change them...
If you really need help, please provide more and clear information as I have asked you for in my last post...
Use this snippet called Lastitems to display the last added Bakery items on any page you want.
For further information about installation and invoking the function please see the Bakery website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#lastitems).
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Use a snippet called SimplePageHead by Chio (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php?action=profile;u=4379) to generate head tags (title, keywords...) better, simpler and particularly for Bakery item pages. If possible it replaces the title and meta description by the Bakery item title and item description.
Version 2 supports other modules like News, Gallery and Go-Cart too.
For further information about installation and invoking the function please see the Bakery website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#simplepagehead).
Download SimplePageHead v0.2 (file size: 11.13 KB | file format: zip):
Quote from: freeSbee on June 18, 2008, 08:52:43 PM
Use a snippet called SimplePageHead by Chio (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php?action=profile;u=4379) to generate head tags (title, keywords...) better, simpler and particularly for Bakery item pages.
This one is really great and helps a lot to make WB even more Searche Engine Friedly.
You gus are genius.
Best regards,
Google Sitemap Generator
This snippet by axima (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3327) creates a XML sitemap file on-the-fly required by Google Sitemaps. For further information about Google Sitemaps please visit:
At the moment the Google Sitemap Generator supports normal WB pages as well as the News, the Bakery and the Catalog modules. It only generates links for pages with visibility='public' or items which are set active=1. All priorities are configurable in the PHP file.
The change frequency node among other improvements have been implemented by Ruud (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php?action=profile;u=7276). Per type it is configurable in daily/weekly/monthly etc.
Download v1.2
Copy the php-file to the root of your WB installation.
Submit the XML sitemap URL to Google Webmasters.
For further information please see the WB Forum thread about Google Sitemap Generator:
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.92 (06/28/2008)
- Added code to prevent from security vulnerability
- Fixed a bug that did not delete the thumb when modifying an item by selecting delete image
- Fixed a bug that lost all previously entered item data after it had been submitted incompletely
NOTE: All versions below v0.92 have a security vulnerability. Please upgrade.
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Can I just copy the new files over the old ones?
Hi Hans
You do not need to deinstall the module, just install the latest version over the existing one.
Before upgrading Bakery, it is highly recommended to create a backup of the files in the bakery directory by the use of FTP. Apart from that you should create a backup of the Bakery database tables.
MODIFICATIONS: Any modifications made to the code will be overwritten.
STYLESHEETS: When upgrading to Bakery v0.9 or later by keeping your current Bakery stylesheets, make sure you are changing the class names from mode_ to mod_ (mod without 'e', eg. mod_bakery_anything_f).
ITEM OPTIONS: Due to a new system handling the item options you will loose all your item options upgrading to Bakery v0.9 or later. There is no import of former item options! Make a backup of your database to make it easy restoring the options and attributes to their former condition.
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#version_092).
Hi Christoph
Thanks for your answer. I gonna give it a try (updating is not my favorite thing ;-))
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.93 (07/07/2008)
- Fixed a bug invented in v0.9.2 that precluded from inserting or updating item data into the DB
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
@ Christoph,
Thanks for the bakery modul. Great job :-D.
I´ve tested the new vesion 0.93 with wb 2.6.7 and I think there are some problems with the FCKEditor.
With the new FCKEditor (v 2.86) i can see no WYSIWYG-editor when I want to ad a new article.
- With Thiny_MCE3.7 it works
- With HTMLArea it works
- With FCKEditor 2.80 I can see the editor but when I write some text and I press save, nothing is saved.
Quote from: markusimglueck on July 07, 2008, 10:40:23 PM
I´ve tested the new vesion 0.93 with wb 2.6.7 and I think there are some problems with the FCKEditor.
With the new FCKEditor (v 2.86) i can see no WYSIWYG-editor when I want to ad a new article.
Hi Markus
I can't reproduce your problem. FCKEditor (v2.85 and v2.86) work in FF and Safari without any difficulty.
1. Does your FCKEditor integrat smoothly with WYSIWYG pages or other modules?
2. Did you test different Browsers?
3. Did you check for open basedir restriction on your server? (Read more about problems since introduction of FCKEditor v2.50 (WB internal module version 2.80) on the WB WYSIWYG Editors page (http://addons.websitebaker.org/pages/modules/wysiwyg-editors.php).)
Hi Christop,
here are two Screenshot to show the Problem.
I have testet FCK Editor 2.75, 2.77, 2.80, 2.82. All the same Problem
With FCK Editor 2.86 I can't see the Editor in bakery.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.94 (07/12/2008)
- Added Egypt to the country list
- Fixed a bug invented in v0.9.2 that kept the DB from inserting the invoice data
- Fixed a bug invented in v0.9.2 that stripped tags from the invoice template when inserting it into the DB
- Fixed a bug that did not put cart items back into stock when a customer had quitted final order
- Fixed a bug that in certain cases miscalculated the stock on hand when a customer had quitted final order
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
I think it's a great module. but is that possible upload gif image?
@ faquir
Quote from: faquir on July 18, 2008, 07:17:14 AM
I think it's a great module. but is that possible upload gif image?
Correct - as the error message has told you only JPG / JPEG / PNG.
Regards Christoph
Could anyone help me out?
I am trying the small shop module and I cannot see the cart filled.
Here's the small shop:
I made a cart page:
But when I click on the cart, their's this odd message:
Should I change the code somewhere?
Thanks for your answer!
kind regards Ireen
Quote from: freeSbee on July 18, 2008, 10:49:17 AM
@ faquir
Quote from: faquir on July 18, 2008, 07:17:14 AM
I think it's a great module. but is that possible upload gif image?
Correct - as the error message has told you only JPG / JPEG / PNG.
Regards Christoph
that's my question...
Please check the Proceed Shopping URL (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#proceed_shopping_url) you can find in the page settings.
No, it is not possible to upload GIFs, only JPG/JPEG/PNG.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on July 20, 2008, 02:04:58 PM
Please check the Proceed Shopping URL (http://web124.fastserver.ch/bakery/#proceed_shopping_url) you can find in the page settings.
No, it is not possible to upload GIFs, only JPG/JPEG/PNG.
Regards Christoph
I understand now, because of the GD image library.
I upgrade the website from 2.6.5->2.6.7->2.7 now, and install the bakery module, everything is alright. but in the admin part, when I check the order details, none found. invoice page is empty.
the error screen shoot is attached. please help me. thanks.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
@ faquir
1. Try to make new orders, then check if the new order details show up.
2. Have a look at the data stored in your DB at mod_bakery_customer.invoice
Regards Christoph
This module is awesome. Just one thing...
Is there a way to have the admin get a different order confirmation than the customer. As it is now, the customer gets a confirmation personalized for him- and the admin gets the same exact message. Or am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: rrjbeans on July 20, 2008, 10:21:26 PM
Is there a way to have the admin get a different order confirmation than the customer.
Hi rrjbeans
No, it is the same and it is not modifiable in the bakery settings.
But if you like to it should not be a problem to modify the code slightly. Have a look into:
view_summary.php => look for the "
view.php => look for the "
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on July 20, 2008, 07:56:28 PM
@ faquir
1. Try to make new orders, then check if the new order details show up.
2. Have a look at the data stored in your DB at mod_bakery_customer.invoice
Regards Christoph
Hi, FreesBee, it's working fine now. thanks.
I got 2 issues for the module so far by test.
1. I paid via paypal option, once I paid it and go back the admin part, I found the invoice currency code is CHF, even I changed as AUD.
2. I started shopping again, want to see the other option, this time I choose pay advance, the invoice is fine, the currency code is AUD. But this time the new invoice override the old one, the invoice I paid by paypal one is disappeared. I think it's because it didn't clear session and did some http request again.
I hope can get some help about the first issue. and hope someone test for the 2nd issue, see whether it's not.
hi there
i can't install the module.
i habe wb 2.7 in german. i installed the module over the backend and it says installation sucessfull.
but when i look into the modules list i can't find it, also when i try to create a page with this module it's not available
please help
Quote from: blumenkette on July 28, 2008, 10:06:45 PM
but when i look into the modules list i can't find it, also when i try to create a page with this module it's not available
Hi Oli
Please have a look if...
1. the module files are placed in the /modules/bakery directory
2. the module tables are inserted into the DB
...and let me know.
Regards Christoph
hi christoph
there are even no files in the directory under modules/bakery
how do i get it working ?
i tried to install now 4 times and i just dont get it working
1) ...and what about the DB?
2) Are you able to install other mods?
I would like to use this module as a catalogue and not as a webshop. Is it possible not to show add to my cart, looking at my cart,...
Yes, just do not include them in the templates (General Setttings).
But there is a catalog module as well. You might have a look at the catalog thread in the WB forum:
Regards Christoph
Any good coder able to get Authorize.net payment gateway to work with this? I have looked at it some but not sure how to integrate into this. Here is a link to authorize.net on using the SIM method, its the best one because the user does not have to get SSL --- http://developer.authorize.net/guides/SIM/
Quote from: freeSbee on July 20, 2008, 10:43:35 PM
Quote from: rrjbeans on July 20, 2008, 10:21:26 PM
Is there a way to have the admin get a different order confirmation than the customer.
Hi rrjbeans
No, it is the same and it is not modifiable in the bakery settings.
But if you like to it should not be a problem to modify the code slightly. Have a look into:
view_summary.php => look for the "// CONFIRMATION E-MAILS AND INVOICE" comment
view.php => look for the "// PAYMENTS, SHOW CONFIRMATION AND SEND E-MAIL" comment
Regards Christoph
1 more question...
Wondering if there is a way to have an attribute/option for a product and have the customer type their response.
Is it possible to have 2 different shops on 1 site? Of course, on other pages but within 1 site.
Quote from: Luckyluke on August 03, 2008, 10:00:02 PM
Is it possible to have 2 different shops on 1 site? Of course, on other pages but within 1 site.
Hi Luc
Not by default.
Try this: Rename the module Bakery to another name, eg. first shop is called "bakery" and second shop you could call "bakery_1" or "bakery_fr" or whatever makes sense to you.
Keep in mind you have to rename the directory itself AND all module names in the code of ALL files where ever they occur!
Good luck!
Regards Christoph
Hallo Christoph,
I created a banner for your module.
Maybe you like it.
If yes, please let me know so I can adjust it to your needs.
Best Regards,
the second one (small) you can use for the beginning post in this thread if you like to.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Your module is wonderful. I should have simply posted that simple statement before I had any questions... because it can be discouraging to work so hard on something and then hear mostly about the problems. "Your cart is great, but it doesn't make coffee..." :wink:
I hope you know that we are all very thankful. I believe every single person who has tried Bakery would agree... even though some, like me, have been silent... YOU ROCK!! I am amazed that you would spend so much time giving back to the community.
Enough gushing. So you knew it was coming; here's my question. I ship to US and international customers but am finding that the zip code field is always "required." A customer can't put anything in the field other than numbers so can't just type in "none" or leave it blank or whatever. I searched the view_form.php file but can't seem to grasp what is generating the error message. Can you steer me in the right direction? I'm not a PHP or Javascript coder.
Forgive me for not telling you prior to this what a great module you have freely provided for us. I simply love it.
Quote from: Pam1234 on August 16, 2008, 07:22:14 PM
I ship to US and international customers but am finding that the zip code field is always "required." A customer can't put anything in the field other than numbers so can't just type in "none" or leave it blank or whatever. I searched the view_form.php file but can't seem to grasp what is generating the error message. Can you steer me in the right direction?
Hi Pam
Thanks for all your encouraging words!
The file you are seeking for is called view.php.
Line 349 et sqq. check for blank fields. You could exclude the zip field by coding something like:
if ($value == "" AND $field != "zip") {Line 422 et sqq. check the zip code. Allowed are at least 4 and up to 10 chars a-z, A-Z, space, - (hyphen) and all digits 0-9, so "none" should be ok to enter.
Hope this helps!
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on August 16, 2008, 08:51:16 PM
The file you are seeking for is called view.php.
Line 349 et sqq. check for blank fields. You could exclude the zip field by coding something like:
if ($value == "" AND $field != "zip") {
Line 422 et sqq. check the zip code. Allowed are at least 4 and up to 10 chars a-z, A-Z, space, - (hyphen) and all digits 0-9, so "none" should be ok to enter.
Wow, that was fast. It works great. Thanks!
I guess I have the same question as geek
QuoteAny good coder able to get Authorize.net payment gateway to work with this? I have looked at it some but not sure how to integrate into this. Here is a link to authorize.net on using the SIM method, its the best one because the user does not have to get SSL
Is it possible to add payment gateways like
http://www.authorizenet.com/ (http://www.authorizenet.com/)
https://www.2checkout.com (https://www.2checkout.com)
http://www.chronopay.com/ (http://www.chronopay.com/)
http://www.ipayment.de/ (http://www.ipayment.de/)
http://www.paynova.com/ (http://www.paynova.com/)
http://www.psigate.com/ (http://www.psigate.com/)
http://www.secpay.com/ (http://www.secpay.com/)
http://www.trustcommerce.com/ (http://www.trustcommerce.com/)
to what I see as a good module going places but using paypal is not my payment gateway of choice!
I would think I am not the only one asking this but a flavor of payment gateways could do justice for this module..
Hi Freesbee,
Thanks again for all your hard work!
I'm just wondering if it is possible to send a slightly altered email to the shop owner - my client is a bit confused when it receives a copy of the confirmation / invoice sent to the customer.
How would I do this?
Hi Konrad
Ok, here you go (just a suggestion - not tested):
Write the email body text into a new file you could call shop_email.php using a php var like
$shop_email_body_advance = 'Here goes your email body text.';
If you need a different subject make another var for it
If you need different texts depending on the payment methode make other vars like
Upload the file by ftp into the bakery directory.
Include your new file shop_email.php into view.php and replace the appropriate $_SESSION vars in the mail() function (about lines 573, 586, 599) by your new ones:
E.g. replace
@mail($setting_shop_email, $_SESSION['email_subject_advance'], $_SESSION['email_body_advance'], $_SESSION['email_headers_shop']);
by ( => step 1 w/o step 2 implemented only)
@mail($setting_shop_email, $_SESSION['email_subject_advance'], $shop_email_body_advance, $_SESSION['email_headers_shop']);
else by ( => step 1 and step 2 implemented)
@mail($setting_shop_email, $shop_email_subject_advance, $shop_email_body_advance, $_SESSION['email_headers_shop']);
Use the same code again for replacing the 2 lines
@mail($setting_shop_email, $_SESSION['email_subject_paypal'], $_SESSION['email_body_paypal'], $_SESSION['email_headers_shop']);
@mail($setting_shop_email, $_SESSION['email_subject_invoice'], $_SESSION['email_body_invoice'], $_SESSION['email_headers_shop']);
If you have implemented step 3 repeat step 5 using the other vars defined in step 3 and replace the 2 lines above by the appropriate code.
Your done...
Let us know about problems / errors / success!
Regards Christoph
Thanks Christoph,
I'll try and let you know how I get on.
Quote from: johnp on August 18, 2008, 08:38:16 PM
Is it possible to add payment gateways like
http://www.authorizenet.com/ (http://www.authorizenet.com/)
https://www.2checkout.com (https://www.2checkout.com)
http://www.chronopay.com/ (http://www.chronopay.com/)
http://www.ipayment.de/ (http://www.ipayment.de/)
http://www.paynova.com/ (http://www.paynova.com/)
http://www.psigate.com/ (http://www.psigate.com/)
http://www.secpay.com/ (http://www.secpay.com/)
http://www.trustcommerce.com/ (http://www.trustcommerce.com/)
Hi John
At the moment I am not thinking about including new payment gateways.
I don't know the listed payment gateways. But if there is one accepting payment information by $_POST vars it shouldent be that complicated to modifiy the hidden paypal form in the view_pay.php file to fit other payment gateways than paypal.
Just modify the action url and the names of the hidden input fields which are self-explanatory.
Regards Christoph
Is it just me or does this not calculate the shipping cost of each individual product?
All my settings appear to be correct (I've adjusted the free shipping to over 200.00 too)
[edit] fixed below ;)
I fixed the problem... the adding of shipping for individual items seems to be completely missing:
Line 140 of view_cart.php
$total = $items[$i]['quantity'] * $items[$i]['price'];
Change to:
$total = $items[$i]['quantity'] * ($items[$i]['price'] + $items[$i]['shipping']);
Hope this helps people, and if I've missed something completely n00bish please let me know.
Craig :)
Hi Craig
Bakery cart AND Bakery summary page show shipping per item of ONE product only - as you have detected. But it is calculated correctly in the shipping total of all ordered products.
See view_cart.php (line 108):
// Determine shipping sum of all items specified
for($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($items); $i++) {
$shipping_sum[] = $items[$i]['shipping'];
$shipping_sum = array_sum($shipping_sum);
Now, if you want to display the shipping subtotal of an ordered product, modify the view_cart.php AND view_summary.php files in the way you have mentioned in your post above.
Regards Christoph
Hi freeSbee... I must say... I am new to PhP, MySql and dicovered WebsiteBaker... EVERY DAY I am learning more from Website baker than I learnt in PhP/MySql Manuals!!!! YOUR BAKERY BAKES MASSIVE SWEETCAKES!!!!!
I am implementing the Bakery Module but need to make some changes and am not too sure how...
PLEASE be so kind to assist me or to put me into the right direction.....
How can I make the Item Price editable for the user....?
I want, for instance, advertize a service. This service will be billed to a client at an daily rate...The client will then get a total to pay with a ref number.
I want to give them the option to go to the website and make a payment thru PayPal or any other PayGate system... He will then have to go onto the site, go to the specific service page, enter amount and referance number for the specific job.....
Is it possible and if so, what and where should I make changes?
(Found the answer to the PayPal question but the editable prices still outstanding........ :-()
Quote from: StefanRSA on August 28, 2008, 04:32:15 PM
How can I make the Item Price editable for the user....?
Hi Stefan
This does not make sense to me!
I think it would be more reasonable to use a donation service of any payment gateway to aim for it. Do not flog a dead hors using Bakery for this goal.
But if you think you really have to, replace the item price by a
<input type="text" ... /> tag in the item footer template which you can modify in the page settings of Bakery.
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph.
Sorry if I didn't make myself clear... Let me try from another direction....
What should I do if I want a webuser to enter his own amount he wants to pay for each product...
In other words. If I have captured the product, the price will only be a sugested price to be paid...
If I place the <input type="text" ..../> tag in the Page settings, should it be in the "Product (Footer)" section as well as in the "Page (Product-Loop)" section??? Where exactly should I put it to make sure it is sent to the admin side as well as the payment gateway???
The bakery module is the only module that does the order admin as well...
I am sure I can manipulate the module to work the way I want but need for the web user to be able to enter his own price. If <input type ="text" ..../> tag works I am happy...
Quote from: StefanRSA on September 02, 2008, 09:34:36 AM
If I place the <input type="text" ..../> tag in the Page settings, should it be in the "Product (Footer)" section as well as in the "Page (Product-Loop)" section??? Where exactly should I put it to make sure it is sent to the admin side as well as the payment gateway???
If you want to have it in the item overview page as well, of course you have to replace it in the "Page (Product-Loop)". Then fetch and clean the added $_POST values and save them in the "price" field of the "mod_bakery_order table" and so on...
Regards Christoph
Would this mean I need to change the php all over the site or just in the view.php?
Does anyone know if it's possible to use Ideal as payment gateway?
In Holland 7 of 10 webpayments are done with Ideal.
thanks, Jan
I am just playing around with Bakery and I think it's stunning! Thank your for this great module!
Just realised that german Umlaute are not accepted in the order process. If you type a city's name either into the orderers address field or into the delivery address field, Umlaut is denied with the message that this city does not exist (I tried it with Düsseldorf).
How could this be fixed?
Hallo FreeSbee...
Me again! I just want to know... The text on the buttons of the cart is specified by value="<?php echo $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_CONTINUE_SHOPPING'] ?>
If I try to use <input type="image" instead of type="submit" it corupt the value... (It wont work)
How can I replace the buttons with images? If that can not be done, where do I change the text description?
I want for argument sake, want the "update cart" to be "refresh cart" and so on.....
Any sugestions?
Quote from: spida on September 04, 2008, 01:12:31 PM
Just realised that german Umlaute are not accepted in the order process. If you type a city's name either into the orderers address field or into the delivery address field, Umlaut is denied with the message that this city does not exist (I tried it with Düsseldorf).
@ Spida, @ StefanRSA
It will be fixed in the next Bakery version. Till then please read about customer address form (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#customer_address_form) and charset (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#charset).
For more informations please read or search the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch) or Bakery threads since most of the questions are answered so far.
Ragards Christoph
And suddenly another prob. After updating to Bakery 0.94 I am getting the error message
QuoteFatal error: Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object in C:\xampplite\htdocs\WebsiteBaker\modules\bakery\view_cart.php on line 67
when I try to put something into the cart or want to see the cart.
EDITSolved by deinstalling and reinstalling the module. Thanks again for the wonderful module!
Best regards,
Just to let you know how I am working around receiving a custom payment...
Each Item price is set to one... Then I change the charset for the quintity to amount/price...
So now the user will change the ex-quantity to the price to be paid....
Hi FreesBee.....
I was just wondering... Any new developments on how we can easily import bulk shop items or change the prices with an XLS upload???
Hi Stefan
No doubt, there is no limit to the wish list of new features... Due to this fact most common e-commerce solutions are overloaded and rather complex. Bakery is a small shop module for WB and one of the main things of WB is its simplicity.
You might be better off with a full featured e-commerce programm!?
Regards Christoph
www.bakery-shop.ch (http://www.bakery-shop.ch)
The Bakery Website has a new look by Stefek (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php?action=profile;u=7391) (thanks a lot!) and its new own domain www.bakery-shop.ch (http://www.bakery-shop.ch)
By the way - the site is a kind of manual where you'll find all about the Bakery features, settings, hacks, snippets and of course a download section.
Go there and check it out!
Regards Christoph
Very nice proffesional site!
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.95 (09/14/2008)
- If utf-8 is set as WB default charset, some iso-8859-1 encoded localisation strings will be automatically converted to utf-8
- The invoice customer address does not include the phone number nor the email address any more
- Disabled output filter for the Bakery address form using ob_end_flush()
WARNING: If you are using e.g. ob_start() in the index.php of your template it is possible that you will indicate problems - Bugfix: To include the language file replaced function require_once() by include()
Prevents FATAL ERROR when a Bakery snippet function is called (thanks to heinerle) - Added new Bakery default logo to the invoice view (thanks to stefek)
- Bugfix: Var $link was not defined when a Bakery section was added to an existing page
- Replaced [wblinkPAGE_ID] generated by wysiwyg editor by real link
- Added image resizer for the item detail page
- Added feature to move or duplicate an item with its thumb and image to another section/page
- Bugfix: Did not delete item attributes in the db when deleting an item
- Modified continue_url text field in the page settings to a drop down list to prevent misentry
- Bakery now makes use of the WB page spacer to seperate the item page name and the item id
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
It gets nicer and nicer :-D
I have attached a new anyitems snippet, the 0.2 one does not work anymore with the latest Bakery versions.
thanks, Jan
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hia ll! great module! how do I cahnge it to punds??
thanks in advance!
I found it! thansk for the module!
Quote from: freeSbee on November 29, 2007, 01:27:45 PM
You can use a snippet called Anyitems (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#anyitems) by Jan (Seagull) to show products of a specified section on another page.
But if you want to show the last 5 products you have to do some coding. Anyitems is a good file to start from...
- Bakery v0.6.1 requires Anyitems v0.1
- Bakery v0.7 requires Anyitems v0.2
sorry for my english :x
only this
<?php display_any_items(67, 3, 3); ?>
in the index.php in my template??? :roll:
what is the section_id (the section id of your shop page section)
from my shop???
If you edit the sections of your bakery page you see after the page_id a second number, the section_id.
http://www.your domain.nl/admin/pages/modify.php?page_id=14#23
In this example it's: 23
Quote from: seagull on September 17, 2008, 07:34:02 AM
If you edit the sections of your bakery page you see after the page_id a second number, the section_id.
http://www.your domain.nl/admin/pages/modify.php?page_id=14#23
In this example it's: 23
thanks for reply
seagullI have created two sections in Home Page with Code From,
in the first i have paste
display_last_items(3, 3); OK last articles add.
if in the second i paste
display_any_items(49, 3, 3); and
display_any_items(19, 3, 3);(test1 admin URL .../modules/bakery/modify_page_settings.php?page_id=19§ion_
(test2 admin URL .../admin/pages/modify.php?page_
i see the last articles add but it disappears the footer of the my site and dont i see the any_items
:cry: :cry:
help me??
thanks to all :wink:
hi everyone,
yes, bakery is great!
so, my client
wants to have Post Code instead of ZIP and get rid of the countries as she wants to sell products in the uK only.
how do I do that?
many thanks in advance!
Are you sure that you are using the last version 0.3 from this post?
https://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg65830.html#msg65830 (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg65830.html#msg65830)
And please use the section_id of the bakery section and not the page_id
Hi Niki
Quote from: nikikon on September 17, 2008, 05:42:24 PM
wants to have Post Code instead of ZIP
Where's the difference?
Quote from: nikikon on September 17, 2008, 05:42:24 PM
and get rid of the countries as she wants to sell products in the uK only.
Regards Christoph
there is no difference for me, I am Greek! there is a difference for English people, they want Post Code. Like they have the specific plugs :-)
btw, bakery doesnt sum up the shipping and the cost opf the product for me..
thank you!!
Hi Niki
Quote from: nikikon on September 18, 2008, 11:45:51 AM
there is no difference for me, I am Greek! there is a difference for English people, they want Post Code.
Ok, give them Post Code (modify all language strings in the language file /modules/bakery/languages/EN.php)
Btw, could you translate Bakery to Greek? Would be great!
Quote from: nikikon on September 18, 2008, 11:45:51 AM
bakery doesnt sum up the shipping and the cost opf the product for me..
It does in the summary page.
Please search the Bakery forum thread (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.0.html) or the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch) before posting, since most of the questions are answered yet!
Regards Christoph
Hi there!
Could anyone help me out please....
I am making a little webhop hier:
But I ca'nt find where I can set the link to continue shopping or to submit order.
I made two links: one webshop.php and one winkelwagen.php
Can anyone help me out? Should I add another link?
greetz Irene
Hi there!
Can anyone tell me: can you change language at another spot then : place of webshop?
I got dutch texts in the bakery but the cart information is still in English.
Can anyone help me out?
greetz Irene
Have you checked the language of the Bakery page?
If you have installed WB with the default language EN , made the bakery page, it's default language is then EN, afterwards changing the WB language to NL has no effect on the already excisting pages so you must manually change the language of the pages to NL
The the link to continue shopping can be changed in the Bakery admin, page properties(pagina instellingen)
Thank you!
It was that simple :roll: change page language.
I have a query about implementing categories with Bakery.
The website says to use different pages or sub-pages. Presumably this would mean each category displaying on a separate page. I would like to display the categories on the same page, beneath each other. I tried by using several sections of Bakery on the same page,, one for each category, but this generated many error messages due to variables being declared more than once on the page. Is there any way to do this?
Thank you Christoph!!
QuoteOk, give them Post Code (modify all language strings in the language file /modules/bakery/languages/EN.php)
this worked, thank you!
QuoteBtw, could you translate Bakery to Greek? Would be great!
I am not a programmer so I am not sure how to help. If you give me directions :-)
Hi Niki
Quote from: nikikon on September 22, 2008, 11:37:21 AM
I am not a programmer so I am not sure how to help. If you give me directions :-)
Do it the same way you did with the "Postal Code" example!
1. Make a copy of EN.php
2. Replace all English language strings by the corresponding Greek ones.
Eg. replace
$MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SETTINGS'] = 'Settings'; by
$MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SETTINGS'] = 'Ρυθμίσεις';3. Save it using utf-8 charset encoding and rename it for Bakery use to GR.php or for forum upload to GR.txt.
This is the example of the WebsiteBaker Greek language file (http://addons.websitebaker.org/media/download_gallery/GR.txt).
Regards Christoph
Ok, Christoph, it is not difficult, I will do this for you!
Great! I am looking forward to your file!
Thank you for giving something back to the community.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: mikejd on September 22, 2008, 11:15:41 AM
The website says to use different pages or sub-pages. Presumably this would mean each category displaying on a separate page. I would like to display the categories on the same page, beneath each other. I tried by using several sections of Bakery on the same page,, one for each category, but this generated many error messages due to variables being declared more than once on the page. Is there any way to do this?
Hi Mike
I fixed it. It will make part of the next version.
But don't wait until then! Just replace your view.php file by the attached one and rename it to view.php. Hope this helps!
Regards Christoph
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Thanks Christophe.
I'll try it and let you know if there is any problem.
Edit on 23/09/08 - That seems to have sorted the problem, again many thanks.
Hi there,
I have a question,
per order I would like to have one single amount for the sending costs/'verzendkosten'
So I have selected in page instellingen
Verzendkosten Instellingen:
BTW percentage Verzendkosten: 19 %
Geen verzendkosten bij bedragen boven de: 250 EUR Vertel de klant over de verzendkosten limieten
Verzendkosten gebaseerd op: Een vast bedrag (a fixed price)
Verzendkosten binnenland:2.50 EUR
Verzendkosten buitenland: 2.50 EUR
But he counts the sending cost per item and not per shipment.
I did put it in the ad product area as well, but when I remove this, the reseult remeans the same.
And why is the module still in testing phase? The results are good further what I read here....
greets Irene
Quote from: mikejd on September 22, 2008, 02:51:22 PM
I'll try it and let you know if there is any problem.
Edit on 23/09/08 - That seems to have sorted the problem, again many thanks.
Hi Mike
I have just made some more tests - and I don't think it will be a good idea to add more than one Bakery section to a page...
Each section generates a cart etc.; eg. with 2 sections you'll get 2 carts on the same page! ...and it does not look very nice! Sorry about that!
Regards Christoph
@ Ogierini
Quote from: Ogierini on September 24, 2008, 01:08:33 PM
per order I would like to have one single amount for the sending costs/'verzendkosten'
But he counts the sending cost per item and not per shipment.
Hi Irene
1. Set "Shipping based on..." to "a flat amount"
2. Leave "Shipping per item"
Quote from: Ogierini on September 24, 2008, 01:08:33 PM
And why is the module still in testing phase? The results are good further what I read here....
Yes, they are. But I assume that Bakery still has some minor bugs...
Regards Christoph
Hi there,
First of all: great shop with lots of potential. More and more the shop is growing. So keep up the good work!
But I stick with a question:
At this moment I'm working on a multilanguage website. The problem that I'm facing is that the shop only will show 1 language, no matter which language I choose on the website itself.
In this case the shop is dutch, but the website has 4 languages. In the other languages the visitors watch the shop in Dutch too.
Is there some way to avoid this issue? Otherwise the shop seems useless on a multilanguage website.
Hello freeSbee
I saw a few messages earlier in the forum for tax rates in the US. It is necessary here in the US to charge sales tax to orders shipping to the same state of the store.
The cart currently has the option to charge tax based on country. It seems a simple thing to replicate that for orders placed in the US with the state being compared rather than country.
I am going to do this for a client but it would be nice to have it standard in the cart.
In view_summary.php you have:
if($cust_country == $setting_shop_country) {
// Loop through ordered items
for($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($items); $i++) {
if ($setting_tax_included == "included") {
// Calculate tax amount for prices including tax (brutto)
$sales_tax = $sales_tax + $items[$i]['price'] * $items[$i]['quantity'] * $items[$i]['tax_rate'] / (100 + $items[$i]['tax_rate']);
else {
// Calculate tax amount for prices excluding tax (netto)
$sales_tax = $sales_tax + $items[$i]['price'] * $items[$i]['quantity'] / 100 * $items[$i]['tax_rate'];
// Get tax rate(s) for display
$f_tax_rate_array[] = number_format($items[$i]['tax_rate'],1);
If you added a state field to the general settings you could duplicate it as:
if($cust_state == $setting_shop_state) {
// Loop through ordered items
Wait that wouldn't work as you don't want to charge all states tax in the US so you would change the condition to:
if(($cust_country == $setting_shop_country && $cust_country != 'USA' ) || ($cust_state == $setting_shop_state && $cust_country == 'USA')) {... // USA would be whatever code you are using for the US
Am I missing any other areas of code that would need to be changed?
Best regards,
BTW before I say anything else great job with the module.
I just thought of another small change that would be nice. In add.php you set the default values for header, item loop, footer, etc. I would be helpful if those default values could be changed. That way users would not have to update those fields for every product. If you replicated the section in page settings that sets these into general settings then saved that in the database as the default values for new pages users would be able to save a bit of time when creating new Bakery pages.
I realize you can go to an existing page in which you have already modified the header for example and choose to save that to all other pages which is very helpful by the way. But being able to change the default values would be a big improvement for people that are changing the look of the cart to work with a custom template.
Ok one last suggestion while my mind is still on your module then I will leave you alone.
I have been trying to get your module to fit into my existing template. 75 percent of the work can be done by modifying your frontend.css file. Thanks for the good job on that. However in the other 25% it is necessary to modify your code to get things to layout correctly in some cases.
One very helpful addition to your layout would be a div wrapper around each section of code with a corresponding entry in the CSS file. The entry for each wrapper should blank or contain just enough style definitions to keep your current layout from breaking.
For example in the view_cart.php file I added the following just before the start of the output (and of course the closing div in the appropriate place).
echo "\n<div style='float: left; width: 650px'>\n";
That could be changed to echo "\n<div class='cart_wrapper'>\n"; with cart_wrapper being set to
.cart_wrapper { /* placeholder for style statements*/ } in the frontend.css file. Actually as I am typing this I am looking at the module code and the wrapper may belong in view.php instead since everything is output through that file. Or maybe a wrapper for the whole shebang and for each section. I am not sure without playing around with it a little longer.
Anyway this would make integrating Bakery in a custom template much easier as even more of the layout could be controlled directly through frontend.css.
No more comments from me today. I promise.
addendum - I went ahead and did this with the view.php file and it worked out fine. It was necessary to echo the closing div tag before each of your return statements.
@ Boudi
Quote from: Boudi on September 24, 2008, 11:10:21 PM
At this moment I'm working on a multilanguage website. The problem that I'm facing is that the shop only will show 1 language, no matter which language I choose on the website itself.
Hi Boudi
Bakery does not support multilingual websites by default.
To enable two shop languages install a second Bakery module on the same WebsiteBaker installation. Since WebsiteBaker would not accept a second module with the same name and since two equal modules would mess up they must have different names.
Rename the second module Bakery, eg. first shop is called "bakery" and second shop you could call "bakery_de" or "bakery_en" or whatever makes sense to you.
Redo it for other languages.
Keep in mind you have to rename the directory itself AND all module names in the code of ALL files where ever they occur! Please note that the names are case-sensitive (bakery != Bakery != BAKERY)
I have not tested nor experienced it neither! Please report to the forum of your experiences.
Regards Christoph
Hi Christophe,
Thanks for the update
QuoteI have just made some more tests - and I don't think it will be a good idea to add more than one Bakery section to a page... Each section generates a cart etc.; eg. with 2 sections you'll get 2 carts on the same page! ...and it does not look very nice!
I guess this would mean I have to have a separate page for each category of product. But following on from your comment above would this then mean a separate cart generated by each category and I would not be able to add products from more than one category to the same cart?
Hi Christian
Thanks a lot for testing and your suggestions!
Quote from: cthamer on September 25, 2008, 01:32:32 AM
I saw a few messages earlier in the forum for tax rates in the US. It is necessary here in the US to charge sales tax to orders shipping to the same state of the store.
The cart currently has the option to charge tax based on country. It seems a simple thing to replicate that for orders placed in the US with the state being compared rather than country.
If you are not selling outside the USA try this:
I would not use the $cust_state var since this value is generated by user input and may contain typos. Best would be a state drop-down list in the address form (similar to the country list) where users make their choice.
Quote from: cthamer on September 25, 2008, 01:59:31 AM
I just thought of another small change that would be nice. In add.php you set the default values for header, item loop, footer, etc. I would be helpful if those default values could be changed. That way users would not have to update those fields for every product. If you replicated the section in page settings that sets these into general settings then saved that in the database as the default values for new pages users would be able to save a bit of time when creating new Bakery pages.
Why dont you modify the add.php file? This way the shop admin always gets your (modified) default template!
Quote from: cthamer on September 25, 2008, 02:21:57 AM
One very helpful addition to your layout would be a div wrapper around each section of code with a corresponding entry in the CSS file. The entry for each wrapper should blank or contain just enough style definitions to keep your current layout from breaking.
Sounds like a good idea to me! I have had it in mind too. Probably will implement it in the next version...
Quote from: cthamer on September 25, 2008, 02:21:57 AM
No more comments from me today. I promise.
I appreciate your comments and the way you think proactively - thanks!
Regards Christoph
@ mikejd
Quote from: mikejd on September 25, 2008, 11:32:31 AM
But following on from your comment above would this then mean a separate cart generated by each category and I would not be able to add products from more than one category to the same cart?
Hi Mike
No, this would not make sense at all...
Now, just install Bakery, give it a trial and you will see and learn by doing!
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on September 25, 2008, 01:37:42 PM
Hi Christian
Thanks a lot for testing and your suggestions!
Quote from: cthamer on September 25, 2008, 01:32:32 AM
I saw a few messages earlier in the forum for tax rates in the US. It is necessary here in the US to charge sales tax to orders shipping to the same state of the store.
The cart currently has the option to charge tax based on country. It seems a simple thing to replicate that for orders placed in the US with the state being compared rather than country.
If you are not selling outside the USA try this:
I would not use the $cust_state var since this value is generated by user input and may contain typos. Best would be a state drop-down list in the address form (similar to the country list) where users make their choice.
I have went ahead and update your module so users in the US can set shipping by the state. I didn't use the hack you suggested in the forum link. I almost did but then thought why limit the resulting product to selling only in the US.
I conformed to your current code style and format. I even created new language files which is a rare thing for me to do. I also updated the install.php file to add my new database field 'shop_state'. If you are interested I can send you my updates. I have just barely tested it out but it seems to be working just fine.
Let me know.
Hi Christian
This is just great!
Im looking forward to your modifications! Thanks a lot for contributing to Bakery!
It's very nice to have this module working. I've been waiting for long. BTW, I'd like to ask if there is a way to group products / items together ?
hi Christoph,
as promised:
hope it works. let me know when you include it in bakery to check it again.
thank you!!
@ tot2ivn
Quote from: tot2ivn on September 29, 2008, 05:55:56 PM
I'd like to ask if there is a way to group products / items together ?
Hi Christoph...
Me and my big mouth... I realy want to create a classified module and know that the guys/girls will buzz about it as soon as it sees the light... I am just wondering... Do you think it will be very difficult to make the "shops backend" (Admin section to populate the shop) available for registered members to create their own shop???
Can a person set access level so that every registered user can create his own bakery shop???
Or am I trying to press blood out of a stone?
Hi there,
Is there a way where I can change the link from the German Paypal site into the Dutch?
When you make your payment there is a link to with images of visa etc. Where Can I possibly find the link?
I like to change it......
Thanks in advance
Hi Irene,
I think what you are looking for is in the view_pay.php file at line 130
Thanks, it is not the link I mentionned, but I'll find it there somewere!
greetz Irene
in view_pay.php
Regel: 85
and you get the dutch Paypal
Hi Stefan
Quote from: StefanRSA on September 30, 2008, 12:39:17 PM
Or am I trying to press blood out of a stone?
Yes, more probably than not!
Regards Christoph
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.96 (10/02/2008)
- Bakery 0.9.6 requires WebsiteBaker version 2.7 or later
- Bugfix: Using a Bakery section with a snippet like anyitems on the same page caused a notice due to already defined constants THUMB_PREPEND, THUMB_APPEND and NEW_ROW
- Commented captcha setting for it is not used at the time being
- Added a header and a border to the Bakery section in the backend
- Bugfix: The item access file was not deleted when deleting a section
- Bugfix: If a customer provided a shipping address, it was not cost-effective (thanks to MUC)
- Added a div wrapper id='mod_bakery_wrapper_f' for all Bakery content to ease layout (thanks to cthamer)
- Added shop state to the general settings
- Added state files for US, DE, AT and CH. Path to the file: bakery/languages/states/XX.php where XX must correspond to the country code
- Added feature to charge sales tax depending on the state but on the country (eg. USA) (thanks to cthamer)
- Added GR language file (thanks to nikikon)
- Made the link to the paypal security center to fit to the shop country (thanks to Ogierini)
- Disabled output filter for the Bakery checkout page (hidden fields) using ob_end_flush()
WARNING: If you are using e.g. ob_start in the index.php of your template it is possible that you will indicate problems
PLEASE NOTEBakery 0.9.6 requires WebsiteBaker version 2.7 or later.
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
DOWNLOADDownload from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
I see the bakery Small Shop Modules is moving forward and thats good.
Keep up the good work.
But I still see you have not addressed the limited ability to choose more
then one payment gateway.
PayPal should not be the only payment gateway offered.
As per my post on 8-18-2008 Here (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg63796.html#msg63796)
This module is looked at and most likely used all over the
world and as I stated paypal is not my payment gateway
of choice and more then likely it's not others as well.
So I would think as I am not the only one who has brought this to your
Do you think we could see more payment gateways and soon?
@johnp and all
Payment Gateway Request
If you have a payment gateway request first make sure your payment gateway provides a customizable, secure hosted payment form that can handle all the steps in the transaction process like payment data collection, data submission and the response to the customer.
Second pm me some information needed for implementation:
URL to your favorite payment gateway provider.
A table or a link to a table representing the form field requirements for posting a transaction request to the payment gateway
The login to a test account where I will be able to test the payment gateway code to ensure that it will work after in a live environment.
Regards Christoph
Bakery is a great module, thanks so much. I had it working beautifully on a site for a few months and all of a sudden orders started coming in through PayPal telling me that something had been purchased and the dollar amount but not which item. Did Paypal change anything? It was working great and I didn't make any changes on the site. HELP!! I'm getting orders and I don't know for what. I have to contact the people who placed the order and thank them for the money but I don't know what they ordered, pretty embarrasing. I checked all the settings in my Paypal account and everything looks the way ot should be but the orders are screwed up.
Would it be possible to have a view all products on one page, Also cutomer to enquire about a certain product via a form.
I'm in love with this mod... but, when I have someone use the other payment opts on paypal.. it's does not auto return to the website... any ideas on how we can fix this? if someone has a paypal account it works fine... but, if they just use paypal to submit the CC info etc... I never get anything back?
Pls help!
I want a shop with prices and purchasebutton displayed only after login of the customer. Is it difficult to adapt Bakery to achieve this?
I guess you could make the pages registered instead of public. I've never tried this but I'm sure someone else could help.
Hello Mike,
But when I make the pages registered, the shop is only visible after registration. It should always be visible, but without prices and purchase button. Prices and purchase buttons should only be visible after login.
Try this for a quick attempt:
First check the session var for the customer is logged in.
Then you need another item template for unregistered users. Probably best to save it in a new file.
Third use the template from the data base for registered users or include your second template for unregistered users.
Regards Christoph
Does anyone have UK States Please, I have modified The Country & State Language files. In admin it shows Country: United Kingdom , But in State it is just blank and greyed out. I have named State Language to UK.php
This is my code:
& so on
Does my code look correct
Hi there
I made a website with the small shop module in it. When I delivered the site the paypall module worked perfectly,.
Now all of a sudden the owner of the site only recieves a mail that a payment as been done but the order does not appear in the "bestellingen administratie". Earlier it did with the sign P in it!
How can that be? The other general intellations seems to be untouched....
greetz Irene
I'm having the same issue. when you login to paypal it will do the autoreturn to the site with WB. but when you pay using a CC on paypal with out a paypal account it does not auto return.... making the WB site not see the payment. if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this please let me know. I'm having to setup a os commerce now... kind of sucks..
Hello freeSbee and the Web Site Baker Community Public forum.
I am putting the request out to the WebsiteBaker Community to take a little more interest when it comes to a module developer the puts out a feature request that a wb user asked for.
I can not see this module potential only being developed around PayPal
So once again I ask every wb visitor and wb registered user that uses this add on module to to take another look at it's possibility to add payment gateways like
http://www.authorizenet.com/ (http://www.authorizenet.com/)
https://www.2checkout.com (https://www.2checkout.com)
http://www.chronopay.com/ (http://www.chronopay.com/)
http://www.ipayment.de/ (http://www.ipayment.de/)
http://www.paynova.com/ (http://www.paynova.com/)
http://www.psigate.com/ (http://www.psigate.com/)
http://www.secpay.com/ (http://www.secpay.com/)
http://www.trustcommerce.com/ (http://www.trustcommerce.com/)
As the developer of this module has informed me he will NOT be adding any more payment gateways other then the one implemented currently because no other wb member requested it but me!!!!
for german very intresting
so long maverik
hi all,
Breaking a leg over here...
A customer who is photographer wants his clients to buy the pics online (or at least, send the chosen pictures by form). The problem that I'm facing is that he has to insert every single pic into the bakery shop. (when adding 50 pics per client that's a hell of a job).
Besides that he has to add the options again and again on every new photo. (and add prices again too 50 times)
So my questions:
- Is there a way (in the near future) that you can batch images together with all the same options? So that you don't have to insert the options every time again on every new product. This only saves already tons of time.
- Or is there another mod that is more suitable for my needs. (I checked every mod but i still came up with bakery)
Quote from: Boudi on November 03, 2008, 05:01:33 PM
- Is there a way (in the near future) that you can batch images together with all the same options? So that you don't have to insert the options every time again on every new product. This only saves already tons of time.
Take a look at the new feature "duplicate item".
You will find it when you go at one of the Items you allready created.
Now you can also move them to diferent Bakery Pages.
It's just a hint.
Totally overlooked that feature haha :lol:
I will check that out and give my opinion about it :)
Thnq 4 responding quick :-)
I would like the dutch IDEAL payment gateway integrated.
thanks, Jan
I tested the 'duplicate' button in which you can duplicate (duh) products. :-D
This is very handy when you work with option lists because otherwise you have to insert the options every time again when adding a product. This saves lots of time! So far so good. :-)
But what I missed was the possibility to duplicate more than 1 product at once. Let's say I want to duplicate the product 20 times. Now you have to duplicate it manually 20 times.
Besides that the main reason to duplicate a product is that you want almost the same product again, but with a different article code. It would be nice when duplicating a product that the article code is followed up automaticly.
Reason for this is because my client is a professional photographer and he wants to sell his shoots online.
Perhaps the easiest to integrate would be Amazon. That would give a second option in short order which would also be a great jumping off point for DevPay (amazon) and PayPal's API. This way additional options would be available with enough sample code in the original system that those of us that are better hackers than programmers could revise and extend our own gateways and share them.
Quote from: johnp on November 03, 2008, 01:30:11 PM
Hello freeSbee and the Web Site Baker Community Public forum.
I am putting the request out to the WebsiteBaker Community to take a little more interest when it comes to a module developer the puts out a feature request that a wb user asked for.
I can not see this module potential only being developed around PayPal
I just wonder is it anybody that have translated this module to Norwegian please answear if so!
Hi all
I suppose there are a lot of Bakery translations that have been made by-and-by.
Please POST your localisation files in the forum. I will include them in the Bakery zip.
I tried to translate but it dident work
Maybe You see somthing that i didet see
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hi Brumm
Quote from: Brumm on November 23, 2008, 12:27:00 AM
Maybe You see somthing that i didet see
The file is broken because on line 249 you have deleted a var name.
Be carefull to not delete anything else than the localisation strings!
Rename the localisation file to NO.php
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Thank you wery much!
No just one more question how kan i use Norwegian letters like æøå?
i've a problem with the bakery module, don't know how i can do it...
i have add in my WebsiteBaker Website teh Bakery Shop module; but it looks like that i can not with the standard version do that what i'm looking for.
2 Problems / Ideas:
* we sell wine bottles, clients can buy them in the shop. But we wish it like this. We ship them with DHL in boxes of 12 bottles, but the bottles don't must be the same one. User can take bottle A, B, C - till he has 12 - then a box is full, and we can ship it. That means we need always multliple of 12. What can i do that the system / bakery shop understand - something like - client has not fill the box, so he must continue shopping.
* next thing:
each box has deliver / shipping costs. For each country are they different for example:
AUT 0,-
GER 8,-
FR 12,-
I hope you understand what i mean; perhaps someone has an idea for me.
thx Alessandro
hier in Deutsch;
ich möchte f. unsere WB Webseite den Shop anpassen; wir haben aber spezielle Wünsche somit stoße ich hier aktuell an meine Grenzen; ev. hat jemand ne gute Idee für mich.
Wir verkaufen Weinflaschen, diese möchte ich in den Shop so integrieren; dass man diese beziehen kann. Es ist aber so dass wir diese nur in Kartons à 12 Flaschen versendet; diese 12 müssen aber nicht gleich sein, Hauptsache 12. Sprich man könnte 3 von der Sorte, 5 von dieser und 4 von der anderen ebenso nehmen. Nur wie kann ich dies dem Shop verständlich machen?
Des Weiteren die Versandkosten; diese sind pro Land unterschiedlich, zB Österreich 0,-; Deutschland 8,- pro Karton usw.
Wie kann ich dies definieren; oder zumindest ähnlich halten; würde mich sehr über eine Antwort freuen
lg Alessandro
Hi Brumm
Quote from: Brumm on November 23, 2008, 09:18:46 PM
No just one more question how kan i use Norwegian letters like æøå?
Use html entities for html strings (but never for email or js strings).
æ = æ
ø = ø
å = å
Regards Christoph
How can I place breadcrums above the page. On the add.php I found.
// Layout
$header = $admin->add_slashes('<div class="mod_bakery_main_div_cart_bt_f">
<div id="assortiment_achtergrond">
<?php show_breadcrumbs(); ?>
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="98%" bgcolor="#FFF">
$item_loop = $admin->add_slashes('<td class="mod_bakery_main_td_f" valign="top" align="center">
<a href="[LINK]" alt="[TITLE]">[THUMB]</a>
<br />
<a href="[LINK]"><span class="mod_bakery_main_title_f">[TITLE]</span></a>
The show_breadcrumb doesnt work. Anyone??
Hello G4.
Unfortunatly there is no chance to implement the Bread-Crumb functionality into the Bakery-Module yet.
Hi there,
Just a simple question; couldn't find an answer on the help files and on the forum.
Is there a way to list the actual stock in the productfield? So that buyers can see what the actual stock is?
Hi Boudi
Quote from: Boudi on December 05, 2008, 02:57:55 PM
Is there a way to list the actual stock in the productfield? So that buyers can see what the actual stock is?
Where exactly do you want to display it? On the mainpage (overview) or the product page (details)?
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph,
Thnq for picking this up.
My first suggestion would be on the product page. :-)
Try this:
Replace the code (about line 977) in the file view.php
// Replace vars with values
if(isset($users[$uid]['username']) AND $users[$uid]['username'] != '') {
$values = array($MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ADD_TO_CART'], PAGE_TITLE, stripslashes($item['title']), $item_id, stripslashes($item['sku']), stripslashes($item['price']), stripslashes($item['shipping']), $option, stripslashes($item['description']), $item['full_desc'], $setting_continue_url , $setting_paypal_page, $setting_shipping_d_a, $setting_shop_currency, $page_link, $item_date, $item_time, $uid, $users[$uid]['username'], $users[$uid]['display_name'], $users[$uid]['email'], $previous_link, $next_link, $out_of, $of, $TEXT['OUT_OF'], $TEXT['OF'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ITEM'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SKU'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_PRICE'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SHIPPING'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_FULL_DESC'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SHIPPING_COST'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_DOMESTIC'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ABROAD'], $TEXT['BACK']);
} else {
$values = array($MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ADD_TO_CART'], PAGE_TITLE, stripslashes($item['title']), $item_id, stripslashes($item['sku']), stripslashes($item['price']), stripslashes($item['shipping']), $option, stripslashes($item['description']), $item['full_desc'], $setting_continue_url , $setting_paypal_page, $setting_shipping_d_a, $setting_shop_currency, $page_link, $item_date, $item_time, '', '', '', '', $previous_link, $next_link, $out_of, $of, $TEXT['OUT_OF'], $TEXT['OF'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ITEM'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SKU'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_PRICE'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SHIPPING'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_FULL_DESC'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SHIPPING_COST'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_DOMESTIC'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ABROAD'], $TEXT['BACK']);
// Replace vars with values
if(isset($users[$uid]['username']) AND $users[$uid]['username'] != '') {
$values = array($MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ADD_TO_CART'], PAGE_TITLE, stripslashes($item['title']), $item_id, stripslashes($item['sku']), stripslashes($item['price']), stripslashes($item['shipping']), $option, stripslashes($item['description']), $item['full_desc'], $setting_continue_url , $setting_paypal_page, $setting_shipping_d_a, $setting_shop_currency, $page_link, $item_date, $item_time, $uid, $users[$uid]['username'], $users[$uid]['display_name'], $users[$uid]['email'], $previous_link, $next_link, $out_of, $of, $TEXT['OUT_OF'], $TEXT['OF'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ITEM'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SKU'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_PRICE'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SHIPPING'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_FULL_DESC'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SHIPPING_COST'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_DOMESTIC'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ABROAD'], $TEXT['BACK'], stripslashes($item['stock']));
} else {
$values = array($MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ADD_TO_CART'], PAGE_TITLE, stripslashes($item['title']), $item_id, stripslashes($item['sku']), stripslashes($item['price']), stripslashes($item['shipping']), $option, stripslashes($item['description']), $item['full_desc'], $setting_continue_url , $setting_paypal_page, $setting_shipping_d_a, $setting_shop_currency, $page_link, $item_date, $item_time, '', '', '', '', $previous_link, $next_link, $out_of, $of, $TEXT['OUT_OF'], $TEXT['OF'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ITEM'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SKU'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_PRICE'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SHIPPING'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_FULL_DESC'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SHIPPING_COST'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_DOMESTIC'], $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_ABROAD'], $TEXT['BACK'], stripslashes($item['stock']));
Use [STOCK] as var in your Bakery template.
Regards Chirstoph
Great module.
How can I show more pictures of a product? On the product page I would like a second picture of a product. Is this possible?
Anyone has a clue?
Hi G4
Quote from: G4 on December 09, 2008, 08:33:53 PM
How can I show more pictures of a product? On the product page I would like a second picture of a product. Is this possible?
After uploading images to your WB media center make use of the "Add/Modify Image"-button that makes part of the Bakery WYSIWYG editor (product full description) to add more images to the product page. Read more... (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#item_images)
Regards Christoph
Any chance of being able to browse the media folder when adding/modifying an item?
Quote from: modcar on December 21, 2008, 09:31:49 AM
Any chance of being able to browse the media folder when adding/modifying an item?
Not for the thumbnail on the main page nor the image on the item page.
Do it using the WYSIWYG editor of the item description.
Regards Christoph
For the item image, browse media folder rather then having to save image from media folder, and re upload it using bakery.
Just to inform: Bakery does not seem to work with WB Portable. Page is empty and cannot be deleted.
Is it possible too show the items in alfabetic order?
Now I have too manually move items with the arrows up and down. Then they show up in that order When Iam adding a new item too a list over a hunderd this takes a long time.
Hi G4
Quote from: G4 on December 29, 2008, 10:21:11 PM
Is it possible too show the items in alfabetic order?
Search the file
view.php for the code line
$query_items = $database->query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_items WHERE section_id = '$section_id' AND active = '1' AND title != '' ORDER BY position ASC".$limit_sql);
and replace it by
$query_items = $database->query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_items WHERE section_id = '$section_id' AND active = '1' AND title != '' ORDER BY title ASC".$limit_sql);
You're done - no more sorting manually!
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on December 30, 2008, 08:48:07 PM
Hi G4
Quote from: G4 on December 29, 2008, 10:21:11 PM
Is it possible too show the items in alfabetic order?
Search the file view.php for the code line
$query_items = $database->query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_items WHERE section_id = '$section_id' AND active = '1' AND title != '' ORDER BY position ASC".$limit_sql);
and replace it by
$query_items = $database->query("SELECT * FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_items WHERE section_id = '$section_id' AND active = '1' AND title != '' ORDER BY title ASC".$limit_sql);
You're done - no more sorting manually!
Regards Christoph
Wauw. Thx for the quick respons Christoph.
I will try it out.
I Use bakery shop and website baker CMS.
So i have
1 folder to languages
1 folder to main pages <-- Here is eshop too
1 folder to sub pages
So now i want to do some categories and i want categories show on the main page eshop page.
Any ideas?
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.9.7 (01/03/2009)
VERSION HISTORYBakery 0.9.7 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
DOWNLOADDownload from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
- Bakery 0.9.7 requires WebsiteBaker version 2.7 or later
- If you upgrade to Bakery v0.9.7, you have to upgrade the snippets Anyitems and/or Lastitems to v0.4 too
Quote from: Rush200 on January 03, 2009, 09:10:17 PM
So now i want to do some categories and i want categories show on the main page eshop page.
Read more about categories... (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#categories)
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on January 03, 2009, 10:02:42 PM
Quote from: Rush200 on January 03, 2009, 09:10:17 PM
So now i want to do some categories and i want categories show on the main page eshop page.
Read more about categories... (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#categories)
Regards Christoph
Yes, i know this but how I Can show these categories? Which code?
Quote from: Rush200 on January 03, 2009, 10:10:35 PM
Yes, i know this but how I Can show these categories? Which code?
If you ask for help please be more precisely what exactly you want (show it in as a navigation, as links to the categories or an overview, display items or whatever...)
Great news that the development of the Bakery is still going strong. Really cool to see it's getting better and better.
For a client we are looking for a french language. Our French is dreadfull :|
Is there a bakery user who has the french language and wants to share it?
Quote from: Boudi on January 05, 2009, 07:11:31 PM
Is there a bakery user who has the french language and wants to share it?
Bakery needs to be translated to other WB languages, too. Please post your language files in the forum and I will include them in the next version.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.9.8 (01/07/2009)
VERSION HISTORYBakery 0.9.8 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
DOWNLOADDownload from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
- Bakery 0.9.8 requires WebsiteBaker version 2.7 or later
- Bakery 0.9.7 and later requires to upgrade the snippets Anyitems and/or Lastitems to version 0.4
Is there any way I can add prices ex tax in back end and have them shown as inc of tax in front end?
Quote from: modcar on January 08, 2009, 11:20:25 AM
Is there any way I can add prices ex tax in back end and have them shown as inc of tax in front end?
Best thing would be to calculate prices with tax just before saving them to DB, then they will be shown as incl.
Regards Christoph
Thats not really idea as I deal with suppliers who do everything ex tax. I personally hate going to sites,
seeing good prices, then finding that they are tax-exclusive.
is it possible to set the Item Quantity without having an input type box
I have to build a sort of a shop where customers can only get 1 copy of an item so the input type should not be there...
Quote from: Aaaarco on January 13, 2009, 09:29:49 AM
is it possible to set the Item Quantity without having an input type box
type="text" to
type="hidden". You're done!
Regards Christoph
mighty great!
I've installed WB 2.7, and lastest bakery 0.9.8 (OS Debian GNU/Linux), but there is something wrong, cause when I create new page of bakery, and trying to go to GENERAL SETTINGS, when i press the button magic happens.. the browser shows me white background and number 51 in the left upper corner. Any ideas how to make it work?
Tried installing bakery on 2.6x version, so it was everything OK (there was Windows OS). Thanks for suggestions.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 0.9.9 (01/13/2009)
VERSION HISTORYBakery 0.9.9 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
DOWNLOADDownload from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
- Bakery 0.9.9 requires WebsiteBaker version 2.7 or later
- Bakery 0.9.7 and later requires to upgrade the snippets Anyitems and/or Lastitems to version 0.4
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.0 (01/19/2009)
VERSION HISTORYBakery 1.0 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
KNOW HOWFurther information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
DOWNLOADDownload from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
- Bakery 1.0 requires WebsiteBaker version 2.7 or later
- Bakery 0.9.7 and later requires to upgrade the snippets Anyitems and/or Lastitems to version 0.4
Well, VujaDe .. I know I've never been here before....
Installed 9.6 on 2.7 WB.. All is good.
Created pages, shop categories, etc. All is good.
After the site was looking good put in the PayPal data and started to test with real products...
Not so good...
Click "Add to Cart" on any item and I get "no such file http://www.this.shop.com/pages/stuff/stuff.php" instead of it trying to post to http://www.this.shop.com/pages/stuff.php
Every single category is this way... I know I've flubbed something, but with over 200 products I'm hoping somebody's seen this before.
@ scottm52
Most propably a problem with the Continue Shopping URL. Make sure it points to a Bakery page.
Regards Christoph
DOH! That was it.. THX
Have a customer that wants me to port their current site into Bakery.. Very cool..
But they also want me to build a datafeed for them so their affiliates can pull current data from the cart... (prices/sizes/options/photos/etc)....
Has anyone done this before with Bakery?
I am currently running Bakery 0.7 and would like to upgrade to the latest 1.0. I can't lie I'm just afraid of losing info. I have made a back up of my database just in case but if I do upgrade form 0.7 to 1.0 will there be anything I lose besides the "options" as stated on the Bakery page? Do I just install the .zip again and the .zip will upgrade the script automatically? Thanks guys.
Hi Gillweb
Before upgrading Bakery create a backup of the /bakery directory as well as the entire WebsiteBaker database. The backup allows you to restore the previous Bakery installation in case the upgrade process will fail.
Upgrade the module as you would make a new module installation. The upgrade script is invoked by WebsiteBaker automatically. Follow the steps described here:
All settings, templates and product data are stored in database and will stay.
Modifications you have made to any Bakery files (CSS as well!) will be overwritten by the new ones and you will have to add them to the PHP/JS/CSS files manually again.
Regards Christoph
Great thanks freeSbee
I have just upgraded my Bakery to 1.0 but I am getting an error :-(
When I click on the "Page Settings" button this is the error I see...
Fatal error: Call to undefined method: admin->page_is_visible() in /home/public_html/modules/bakery/modify_page_settings.php on line 54
Here is line 54 of the file...
if($admin->page_is_visible($page) == false)
Any idea what I need to do to fix this problem?
Hi gillweb
What version of WB are you running?
Bakery 0.9.6 or later requires WebsiteBaker version 2.7 or later.
Regards Christoph
thats it, i'm still on 2.6.7. But to upgrade to 2.7 will erase all of my changes in the code I have made (html type of changes). I guess I have to stick with the old Bakery for now :-(
I have a language problem, or to be more precise, maybe the bakery has one.
I translated the EN.php into Swedish and and named it SE.php, so far no problem, yet when I now want to add a product to my cart the error message "your cart is empty" comes up.
When I change to EN.php or DE.php it all works fine. AND(!) even when I thereafter switch back to Swedish! Yet it stops working again when I restart my browser.
I can't seem to find the error, I dubble checked everything. What am I missing?
I haven't had a chance to read all the posts.
Great module!
I have a couple of things I'd like to change....
The shipping: I'd like to remove the "domestic" field and not have it showing at all anywhere.
Address. I'd like to change the order and/or add a field, here is little ole New Zealand we have "suburbs" which are included before the city.
I'm not a great php wizard but I really just need to what pages I need to change. I've managed a couple of other things but I can't seem to figure out these pages.
oppss im meant the abroad price....
figured out some of it...
but definately need to change the order of the address...
I was thinking I could use the "State" as the "Suburb"....I guess there are a lot of pages that it'll be
can someone tell me which pages please :)
I am only upto reading page 8 and silly me forgot I had already posted here...lol was awhile ago tho :-D
hmmm finding extra bits....
The "bank account" details
I need to include an Account Name and Bank/Branch details, just a preference in New Zealand, manual deposits (ie going to the actual bank) are allowed so we need to advise the customer WHICH bank it is and also its a preference to be able to tell them which branch the account is held at and the Account Holders name.
Looks a little bit untidy on one line and can't seem to use breaks?
Can somebody please tell me what file I would need to edit to remove "Shipping domestic/abroad: USD 00.00/0.00" I can't find it and I can't find where it's mentioned here in the forum :?
Quote from: Angelz on February 18, 2009, 09:47:33 PM
Can somebody please tell me what file I would need to edit to remove "Shipping domestic/abroad: USD 00.00/0.00" I can't find it and I can't find where it's mentioned here in the forum :?
Not shure but it's no file. I think you should look at the shop "page settings" and then look at "Product (Footer)". I think you should look over there. It's just a CSS item.
Can someone please help. For some reason, the otions available for items are not showing up.
i have installes the bakery and it's really amazing.
but i've got a question:
i want to change the order/Order summary/checkout forms...
i just need the fields of the: Name, Last name, Mail, and maybe a phone.
and send a mail with the items that was picked.
is it possiblle?
AWESOME MOD!!! - thanks for creating it! :mrgreen:
I'm building an online shop for my wife and so-far it will do about 90% of what she needs..
Question: Is there a way to have a 'personalization item' for a product? has anybody done this before?
let's say I have a baby blanket that the customer can purchase, but in addition have lettering embroidered on it. can i somehow add a text field that will go along with the order on purchase?
Or perhaps a product that features personalized engraving.. with a text field that has a character limit??
here's the work in progress:
here's what I had in mind:
hope this makes sense..
Quote from: edodi on February 21, 2009, 12:54:35 AM
i just need the fields of the: Name, Last name, Mail, and maybe a phone.
Hi edodi
It is possible but you need basic knowledge of PHP.
Alter the $cust_info and $length arrays in the show_form.php files.
Furthermore you have to make some modifications in the view_summary.php file to omit notices like "Undefined offset" or "Undefined index"...
Quote from: jollylama on February 23, 2009, 01:44:52 AM
can i somehow add a text field that will go along with the order on purchase?
hope this makes sense..
Hi jollylama
Yes, it makes sense. But Bakery does not come with the feature you require. You can implement it yourself but you need basic knowledge of PHP!
Regards Christoph
QuoteHi edodi
It is possible but you need basic knowledge of PHP.
Alter the $cust_info and $length arrays in the show_form.php files.
Furthermore you have to make some modifications in the view_summary.php file to omit notices like "Undefined offset" or "Undefined index"...
i'm not an expert in php, but i know some. i thougt maybe someone did it allready or something similer
because it's to complicate for me.
i looked allready in those files,
so thanks again.
i will try to play with it...
Hi Folks,
This is just a great module! I love it. I have a couple of questions/suggestions:
- Is it possible to get rid of the "Terms and Conditions"/"AGB" for the user to tick in case there is, e.g., no link defined in the general settings?
- I only have one shipping/payment option. Would it be possible to remove step 3 of the payment process?
- Is there a way of chaning the mesage the user gets upon completion of the shopping tour (the one that says we have just sent him/her a mail)? I mean, chaning on a "per shop" basis?
- I have stock items I cannot backorder. Is it possible: If there are X items in stock and the users orders more than that, put just the X items in the basket and tell the user?
- Is it possible NOT to display items that are out of stock?
- Is there a reason I do not get the German Umlaute right: I get "Zürich" instead of Zürich (and I get it right everywhere else in my WB installation)
Thanks for your help,
Hi Mercator
Quote from: mercator on March 16, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
- Is it possible to get rid of the "Terms and Conditions"/"AGB" for the user to tick in case there is, e.g., no link defined in the general settings?
Do so by modifying the view_summary.php file:
<td height="40" colspan="5" align="right" valign="bottom"><input type="checkbox" name="agree" id="agree" value="yes" /> <a href="<?PHP echo $setting_tac_url ?>" target="_blank"><?PHP echo $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_AGREE']." ".$setting_shop_name ?> </a> <input type="submit" name="final" class="mod_bakery_bt_order_f" value="<?PHP echo $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SUBMIT_ORDER'] ?>" onclick="return checkTaC()" /></td>
...and change to:
<input type="submit" name="final" class="mod_bakery_bt_order_f" value="<?PHP echo $MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SUBMIT_ORDER'] ?>" /></td>
Quote from: mercator on March 16, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
- I only have one shipping/payment option. Would it be possible to remove step 3 of the payment process?
- I have stock items I cannot backorder. Is it possible: If there are X items in stock and the users orders more than that, put just the X items in the basket and tell the user?
Wait for the next version for this features will be implemented.
Quote from: mercator on March 16, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
- Is there a way of chaning the mesage the user gets upon completion of the shopping tour (the one that says we have just sent him/her a mail)? I mean, chaning on a "per shop" basis?
Modify all language strings in the
/bakery/languages/DE.php file for German or
EN.php file for English strings.
Quote from: mercator on March 16, 2009, 08:55:44 AM
- Is there a reason I do not get the German Umlaute right: I get "Zürich" instead of Zürich (and I get it right everywhere else in my WB installation)
Wrong charset. PM me a link to the shop so I can check.
Regards Christoph
Thanks. That helped a lot. The wrong charset can be ignored. I found a post saying thing go wrong if I do not use ISO... (I used UTF-8). Changed it to ISO. However, I do nto understand why there are problems if I use UTF-8 as it works everywhere else...
I don't know I'm in the right topic - but I'm using bakery as a kind of catalogue for my products. It seems that when having a WYSIWYG section and a bakery section on one page - the overview does not fit within the template. When clicking on the item - to see a detail - this detail is showed in a correct way.
Example: http://www.touletvanbael.be/newsite/pages/nl/produkten/gadgets_test.php?lang=NL (http://www.touletvanbael.be/newsite/pages/nl/produkten/gadgets_test.php?lang=NL)
What is wong - do I need to introduce new wrappers? Can I change the existing ones (it seems they are not in the CSS sheet)?
Can anyone help?
This is not a Bakery issue. It has to do with your html template!
(Hint: Do not use align="left" for the upper table => wb_section_153)
Regards Christoph
ok - my mistake - sorry. But I'm rather new on this.
Thanks for the tip although - it worked.
The strange thing was that it only occurred in the global view and not on the item view (therefore I thought it was maybe a bakery issue).
I do think this is a bakery issue - I have been going through all the threads and noticed that multilangual is not immediately supported (only if you install a new module under a new name) and that you can duplicate items (which is indeed handy).
Is there a way that I could clone a page (using page cloner or so) to copy a page on my UK section to my Dutch section. When I try to do so - only the bakery section as such is copied - but no data or page settings etc... Is this still possible? Otherwise I have to duplicate each item individual (which is a lot of effort)
Second question - currently my overview page (with the list of all the products) is a second section of my page (first is a WYSIWYG section). When clicking an item for a more detailed overview - I noticed that bakery does this within the same section on the same page (which means that the content of section 1 WYSIWYG-section - remains there). This text is not in line with the product detail. Is there a way that the product detail opens in a new page with only bakery as a section?
Thanks in advance
Hi Terrajohn
Quote from: terrajohn on March 24, 2009, 05:09:53 PM
Is there a way that I could clone a page (using page cloner or so) to copy a page on my UK section to my Dutch section. When I try to do so - only the bakery section as such is copied - but no data or page settings etc... Is this still possible? Otherwise I have to duplicate each item individual (which is a lot of effort)
Try this: Use a DB tool like phpMyadmin to export the UK items table and import it to the NL table.
Quote from: terrajohn on March 24, 2009, 05:09:53 PM
Second question - currently my overview page (with the list of all the products) is a second section of my page (first is a WYSIWYG section). When clicking an item for a more detailed overview - I noticed that bakery does this within the same section on the same page (which means that the content of section 1 WYSIWYG-section - remains there). This text is not in line with the product detail. Is there a way that the product detail opens in a new page with only bakery as a section?
This might be a workaround:
Copy the HTML code of what you have in the WYSIWYG editor into Bakery > Page Settings > Layout Settings > Page Header, then deactivate the WYSIWYG section.
Regards Christoph
@Freesbee - thanks for your reply - I will try to this.
Just two more questions.
1. Is there a way that I can change the link within the [THUMB] option at the loop page. I would like to use lightbox for displaying a larger image at the loop page when clicking the thumb. In order to do that, bakery has to provide the url to the full picture file (and not to the product php page). Is there a way to do this?
2. Currently I had to create different bakery sections over different product pages eg. a bakery section in productpage 1 and a bakery section in productpage 2 (it is not my idea - but they asked me to do so).
Is there a way that I can combine all these different bakery sections also in an additional overall catalogue/webshop page... (and not to create all new ones or to duplicate every item?
Quote from: terrajohn on March 25, 2009, 09:38:31 AM
1. Is there a way that I can change the link within the [THUMB] option at the loop page. I would like to use lightbox for displaying a larger image at the loop page when clicking the thumb. In order to do that, bakery has to provide the url to the full picture file (and not to the product php page). Is there a way to do this?
Try to modify and use the anyitems snippet (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#anyitems) by not specifying a section in the SQL query.
This post might be helpful too:
Quote from: terrajohn on March 25, 2009, 09:38:31 AM
2. Currently I had to create different bakery sections over different product pages eg. a bakery section in productpage 1 and a bakery section in productpage 2 (it is not my idea - but they asked me to do so).
Is there a way that I can combine all these different bakery sections also in an additional overall catalogue/webshop page... (and not to create all new ones or to duplicate every item?
URLs to the Bakery item thumb, eg:
URLs to the Bakery item image, eg:
=> where 22 is the item id.
In your template use an image url like:
Regards Christoph
Once again many thanks.
This all seems to work.
Only one thing with anyitems - it seems I cannot get the columns ok. If I set the number of columns to more then 1 (as explained on the site - (number_of_coloms = number of coloms to display (1 = vertical, >1 = horizontal)) it seems that it only uses one column - all items are represented in a single column.
Hi terrajohn
Quote from: terrajohn on March 25, 2009, 09:22:26 PM
Only one thing with anyitems - it seems I cannot get the columns ok. If I set the number of columns to more then 1 (as explained on the site - (number_of_coloms = number of coloms to display (1 = vertical, >1 = horizontal)) it seems that it only uses one column - all items are represented in a single column.
Anyitems uses your template of the (page/)section you are passing to the function display_any_items(). As far as I could figure out on your webpage you are using divs. Bakery needs a table otherwise it cannot generate any columns! Use the different html template of anyitems by uncommenting some lines in the include.php file (please see file for further informations!).
Regards Christoph
Hello. I have seen this module for some time but didn't have a use. Now I have a need but not sure if it is what I need. I have a few different affiliate relationships where I sell 5-10 items each. Some use shareit for payment, some use paypal and some use payloadz. I was wondering if I could list them in one store and then when they go to pay it would use the link to the respective service. I would note next to each what service it uses, just looking for a way to organize these various items.
Please see the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch) for all features of Bakery.
Thank you. It is quite impressive. Turns out for my simple usethe Catalog Module in fine but wow, Bakery has really grown. Congrats.
I've created a Bakery shop and implemented it successfully on a client's web site. They are very impressed with it and have asked if I can find a way that they can additionally sell downloadable documents through the shop.
The shop currently will sell books on a traditional basis - ie a buyer does the online transaction and when payment is received via PayPal or cheque, the book is posted out. But they also have a number of PDF files which are research documents (it's a local history society) and are sold at a lower price, (less than 50pence) which in turn makes the postage cost higher than the item cost. To avoid this I'd like to be able to make them downloadable after a payment has been made.
Has anybody had any experience of this? I guess that what Im looking for is some sort of integration between "download gallery" and Bakery"
Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome thanks.
@peterrodger: Doubleposting does not bring you any further. I removed you identical double post.
OOps! Sorry, I forgot to remove the first message - I just thought more people might see it in the second topic. Never mind I'll leave it as it is for now. :oops:
Just have a couple of questions about this module:
1. Is it possible to link to Australia Post tables for postage based on weight and location?
2. Can it easily be modified to allow for all the following payment options (some of these are not currently listed in the default choices) - Paypal, Direct Deposit, Cheque, Money Order, Cash when picked up
3. Can the currency the customer wants to use be shown? (as in have the prices in the backend in one currency, but the front end is able to display these prices in multiple currencies based on a user selection?
Hi Gilly
Bakery features: http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#features
If a feature is not listed, it's not implemented!
Quote from: gilly on April 28, 2009, 04:33:28 AM
1. Is it possible to link to Australia Post tables for postage based on weight and location?
No, not possible by default.
Quote from: gilly on April 28, 2009, 04:33:28 AM
2. Can it easily be modified to allow for all the following payment options (some of these are not currently listed in the default choices) - Paypal, Direct Deposit, Cheque, Money Order, Cash when picked up
Not yet.
Quote from: gilly on April 28, 2009, 04:33:28 AM
3. Can the currency the customer wants to use be shown? (as in have the prices in the backend in one currency, but the front end is able to display these prices in multiple currencies based on a user selection?
No, 1 currency only.
Regards Christoph
thanks for letting me know. We might implement these features ourself then if the client is willing to pay for it.
Hello, I will translate bakery to czech language - pleasa if you know about someone who made this STOP me pleas!
on email keberdle@gmail.com
Thank YOU
I cannot add Item to shop:
Error creating access file in the /pages directory (insufficient privileges)
WB Version 2.7
Bakery 1.0
Please check the directory permissions.
chmod to at least 755 or 777.
Regards Christoph
Thank you for help
I change to 777 imediately when I so this error.
I set upt 777 all directories in / and nothing.
I dont know witch directory?
I other hosting / other WB - OK
I check other hosting/install
I must make directory bakery in WB directory.
Upper directori have 777 !?!
This error message is only displayed if the /pages/bakery directory is not writable.
Regards Christoph
Directory in bakery dos not exist ! ( I dont use /pages/ ... but only / )
There is a biger problem.
I use UTF-8 and Czech language we must insert in MYSQL quetry this
mysql_query("SET NAMES utf8")
Bakery dont use class.database.php
But use own quetry script
I dont know how made it whit bakery scripts:(
If not I have this M? to ?lape instead Mě to šlape
I take it back > simply change encodink MySQL to collate utf8_czech_ci
If I try buy something.
Then validate inserted Address atc.
I see City Olešná is not valid ( Václav is a Valid !? "á" is ok ?!)
in bakery/language/CS.php $MOD_BAKERY['ADD_REGEXP_CHARS'] = 'ěščřžýáíéůúĚŠČŘŽÝÁÍÉŮÚ';
Please help
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.1 alpha (05/27/2009)
- Changed handling of payment methods to make it easier adding new payment methods/payment gateways
- Added 2 new payment gateways: mollie (iDEAL) and payment-network (sofortueberweisung.de)
- Added option to skip the checkout page
- Added feature to set the separator for the decimal and group of thousands
- Separated email to customer and email to shop
- Bugfix: When modifying the item options they were duplicated accidentally (reported by chio)
- Added feature to set the item price equal to the item attribute price by using the equals sign
- Added option to hide general settings, page settings, payment method settings and css settings from shop merchant (all others than id 1)
- Added option to allow to order out of stock items OR in stock items only
- Added placeholders [SHIPPING_ABROAD] and [SHIPPING_DOMESTIC] for use in the main page and item html templates
- Bugfix: Replaced hardcoded page extension '.php' by wb constant PAGE_EXTENSION (reported by chio)
- Added support for Google Analytics to track visitors progress through a funnel* (thanks to thorn and stefek)
- Added item delete button to the Bakery cart (requires javascript)
- Deleted hardcoded image size of "step 1-2-3" images to ease use of customized images
- Now uses htmlspecialchars() to output item date to prevent problems with quotes (reported by instantflorian)
- Changed the sequence of the table sort so that latest orders are on top
- Bugfix: Does not add TIMEZONE to the order timestamp any more
- Removed code that added css and js to the html body if register_frontend_modfiles() did not exist
DOWNLOADDownload the attached zip file from the bottom of this post.
- Bakery v1.1 is alpha. Do not use with productive shops.
- Please give feedback in this thread.
- Bakery 1.1 provides new features and new settings (see version history above). Before testing please check, modify and complete your general settings and the payment methode settings.
- If you keep your existing stylesheet frontend.css make sure you copy&paste the new style definitions used by version 1.1 (css classes: .mod_bakery_cart_td_quantity_f, .mod_bakery_cart_td_quantity_f a img, .mod_bakery_bt_pay_mollie_f and .mod_bakery_bt_pay_payment-network_f)
* Short tutorial: Add support for Google Analytics1. Make two modifications to your template is the first step in how to make the tracking work.
Add global var to the template
Locate the code below at the top of your template. The code might look different but make sure it contains:
if(!defined('WB_URL')) {
header('Location: ../index.php');
and add the next 2 lines right after it:
global $ga_page;
$ga_page = '';
2. Modify your Google Analytics tracking code
Replace the line below:
by this line:
pageTracker._trackPageview(<?php if($ga_page) echo '"'.$ga_page.'"'; ?>);
3. Set up goals and funnals at your Google Analytics account
Check pageTracker._trackPageview(); function in the source code of your Bakery page to see what it is feeding to Google Analytics.
Use these values to set up your conversion goals and funnals.
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
i'm Started debugging your 1.1 version:)
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.1.1 alpha (05/29/2009)
- Bugfix: Added missing var that stopped checkout procedure of advance and invoice payment if direct checkout has been activated (reported by iradj)
DOWNLOADDownload the attached zip file from the bottom of this post.
- Bakery v1.1.1 is alpha. Do not use with productive shops.
- Please give feedback in this thread.
- https://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg86026.html#msg86026
* Short tutorial: Add support for Google Analyticshttps://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg86026.html#msg86026
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Found a bug:
when one costumer adds someting to there busket and a other costumor adds something to. the busket of costumer 1 is deleted.
Maby you can add somekind of unique id per session?
Hi SlaY3R
Quote from: SlaY3R on May 30, 2009, 10:44:12 AM
Found a bug:
when one costumer adds someting to there busket and a other costumor adds something to. the busket of costumer 1 is deleted.
How did you check this? Please give some more details about your test environment / conditions.
Did you use different computers?
If you used one computer only, did you use different browsers?
If you used different browsers, have you been logged in as the same user?
Regards Christoph
I'm normaly using firefox. but i asked a friend of my to fill something to his basket while i already got some things in my basket. Also i use more then 1 webshops on my site.
Also i watched the database (wbmod_bakery_order) @ the moment when he added the stuff to the basket.
and my stuff was replaced by his stuff.
If you want i could pm you my test inviroment?
greeeeeeeeeeaaaaat to see an ideal method in bakery
I know about configuring iDeal for zencart and oscommerce and there are quite some steps to get it working.. is the new ideal feature for bakery coming with any kind of info on how to configure it?
Quote from: snark on May 30, 2009, 12:17:43 PM
greeeeeeeeeeaaaaat to see an ideal method in bakery
YES, very nice indeed!! The other new features and bug fixes are great as well. Nice to see a shop module being developed further.
Quote from: SlaY3R on May 30, 2009, 11:42:42 AM
Also i watched the database (wbmod_bakery_order) @ the moment when he added the stuff to the basket.
and my stuff was replaced by his stuff.
I'm in serious doubt about because the first time the cart is called by a customer an order_id is saved in the session var.
Quote from: SlaY3R on May 30, 2009, 11:42:42 AM
If you want i could pm you my test inviroment?
Ok, I will try to highjack your order '–)
Regards, Christoph
Quote from: SlaY3R on May 30, 2009, 11:42:42 AM
Also i watched the database (wbmod_bakery_order) @ the moment when he added the stuff to the basket.
and my stuff was replaced by his stuff.
SUPPLEMENT: Have you been logged in as the same user?
Regards, Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on May 30, 2009, 01:43:58 PM
Quote from: SlaY3R on May 30, 2009, 11:42:42 AM
Also i watched the database (wbmod_bakery_order) @ the moment when he added the stuff to the basket.
and my stuff was replaced by his stuff.
SUPPLEMENT: Have you been logged in as the same user?
Regards, Christoph
Nope, me was loggedin as admin and he was anonymous.
ps. could it be that it was the return urls of the shops? cuz now i configured the return urls and can't get the bug back:\
@ SlaY3R
Quote from: SlaY3R on May 30, 2009, 01:53:15 PM
ps. could it be that it was the return urls of the shops? cuz now i configured the return urls and can't get the bug back:\
Which return urls do you mean? The url set in the page settings or a return url of a payment gateway?
Quote from: freeSbee on May 30, 2009, 02:11:25 PM
@ SlaY3R
Quote from: SlaY3R on May 30, 2009, 01:53:15 PM
ps. could it be that it was the return urls of the shops? cuz now i configured the return urls and can't get the bug back:\
Which return urls do you mean? The url set in the page settings or a return url of a payment gateway?
continue with shopping url
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.2 alpha (05/30/2009)
- Bugfix: Turned include() path from relativ to absolute in order to prevent some php installation from including the wrong info.php file (reported by erpe)
DOWNLOADDownload the attached zip file from the bottom of this post.
- Bakery v1.2 is alpha. Do not use with productive shops.
- Please give feedback in this thread.
- https://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg86026.html#msg86026
* Short tutorial: Add support for Google Analyticshttps://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg86026.html#msg86026
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
great to see the bakeryshop is being taken to higher levels
I would really love to have an option to include more pictures in de detail view of an item
something like the fancybraxbox (http://www.websitebakers.com/pages/modules/image-galleries/fancybraxbox.php) would be more than great.
evenly great would be to combine de multipage module by ruud with the bakery item, in that way the detailpages could hold lots of specs in tables etc
I guess these options would make the bakery the best imaginable shop and also widely usable as productgallery, portfolio, etc etc
Quote from: KEnik on May 17, 2009, 07:28:38 PM
If I try buy something.
Then validate inserted Address atc.
I see City Olešná is not valid ( Václav is a Valid !? "á" is ok ?!)
in bakery/language/CS.php $MOD_BAKERY['ADD_REGEXP_CHARS'] = 'ěščřžýáíéůúĚŠČŘŽÝÁÍÉŮÚ';
Help delete (uncomment //)
in languagefile
line 380 - utf8_encode($MOD_BAKERY['ADD_REGEXP_CHARS']);
BTW:I use utf-8 on all pages and database
Bakery 1.0
How to change position Price / currency ( in Czech Republick is normally wrote "100 Kč")
on item page
I change add.php but nothing change on pages :(
Hi KEnik
Quote from: KEnik on June 03, 2009, 11:49:32 PM
How to change position Price / currency ( in Czech Republick is normally wrote "100 Kč")
Modify it in the product template:
Bakery backend > Page Settings > Layout Settings > Page (Product-Loop) AND Product (Footer)
Regards Christoph
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.3 alpha (06/14/2009)
- New feature to add multiple item images
- New feature using Lightbox2 to show the item images
- Changed and added new presettings of the thumbnail resize
DOWNLOADDownload the attached zip file from the bottom of this post.
UPGRADE NOTESNot all changes will be done automatically when upgrading to v1.3. Still there will be some adaptations you have to do manually:
- Before upgrading make a backup of at least the media/bakery/ directory. You will have to reupload ALL item images using the Bakery backend.
- Alternatively you can move image files manually using ftp. First make a directory structure like this:
Then add a directory for every item, eg.:
Move your image/thumb files to the corresponding directory. They will be loaded automatically by Bakery.
- Modify the item templates. Use the vars [THUMB], [THUMBS], [IMAGE] AND [IMAGES] to display images. The inserted images will be linked to the detail page or to the Lightbox2 depending on your page settings. So there is no more need to do this in your template.
• [IMAGE] = Main item image selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/modify item" page
• [IMAGES] = All item images except for the item main image
• [THUMB] = Thumbnail of the main item image selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/modify item" page
• [THUMBS] = All thumbnails of the item images except for the item main image
- Bakery v1.3 is alpha. Do not use with productive shops.
- Please give feedback in this thread.
- Bakery 1.3 provides new features (see version history above) like multiple item images. The way how Bakery handles and stores images is changed basically.
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Great to see improvement!!
First errors I noticed on a fresh install of Bakery 1.3 and WB 2.7:
1) Cannot upload the images. It says after upload: successfull! but when returning to the shop there are no images uploaded. Besides that you don't see the images in the shop.
There's no difference if I turn the auto resizer off/on and or If I want to upload more images at once.
The image itself is just a normal .jpg with standard measures.
2) The free defined textfields do not show up in the shop.
3) The stock already reduces before the client did the checkout. So even with a cancellation the stock reduces
Hi Boudi
Thanks for testing!
Quote from: Boudi on June 15, 2009, 10:09:02 AM
1) Cannot upload the images. It says after upload: successfull! but when returning to the shop there are no images uploaded. Besides that you don't see the images in the shop.
There's no difference if I turn the auto resizer off/on and or If I want to upload more images at once.
I can not reproduce this - works fine on my installations. Can anybody else? Please post!
Boudi, please first check the Bakery "Modify/Delete Product" > "2. Product Images" for images,
then second check the
/media/bakery/images/item#/directories using either ftp or the wb "Media" > "Browse Media" page for image files.
Quote from: Boudi on June 15, 2009, 10:09:02 AM
2) The free defined textfields do not show up in the shop.
The vars are not added to the template by default:
Quote from: Boudi on June 15, 2009, 10:09:02 AM
3) The stock already reduces before the client did the checkout. So even with a cancellation the stock reduces
When a customer adds a certain number of items to his cart, the shop stock will be reduced by the same quantity.
If a customer cancels his order the ordered items will be put back to stock immediately.
If a customer does not submit his order, the ordered items will be put back to stock and the order will be deleted at least 1 hour after the customers first call of the Bakery cart.
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph
1) Cannot upload the images. It says after upload: successfull! but when returning to the shop there are no images uploaded. Besides that you don't see the images in the shop.
I can confirm this, the same happens with my bakery installation.
same here, fresh installation
but I made the imagefolders manually and now it works
just create a folder bakery in media with two subfolders ( images and thumbs)... make em writeble and the itemsfolders are being made correctly
this is great!
@snark, @erpe, @ Boudi
Thanks a lot for testing. I fixed the bug. Please see next post.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.3.1 alpha (06/15/2009)
- Bugfix: Added missing code to create the /media/bakery/ directory (reported by Boudi)
DOWNLOADDownload the attached zip file from the bottom of this post.
UPGRADE NOTESNot all changes will be done automatically by the upgrade script when upgrading from a version below v1.3 to v1.3.1. Still there will be some adaptations you have to do manually:
- Before upgrading make a backup of at least the /media/bakery/ directory. You will have to reupload ALL item images using the Bakery backend.
- Alternatively you can move image files manually using ftp. First make a directory structure like this:
Then add a directory for every item, eg.:
Move your image respectively thumb files to the corresponding directory. They will be loaded automatically by Bakery.
- Modify the item templates. Use the vars [THUMB], [THUMBS], [IMAGE] AND [IMAGES] to display images. The inserted images will be linked to the detail page or to the Lightbox2 depending on your page settings. So there is no more need to do this in your template.
• [IMAGE] = Main item image - only displayed if selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/modify item" page
• [IMAGES] = All item images except for the item main image.
• [THUMB] = Thumbnail of the main item image - only displayed if selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/modify item" page.
• [THUMBS] = All thumbnails of the item images except for the item main image.
- Bakery v1.3.1 is alpha. Do not use with productive shops.
- Please give feedback in this thread.
- Bakery 1.3.1 provides new features (see version history above) like multiple item images. The way how Bakery handles and stores images is changed basically. Please read the "Upgrade Notes" above.
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
filename as lightbox description would be nice...
now it says image 1 of 3 or something like that
@ Snark,
Quotefilename as lightbox description would be nice...
When you give the image a name, let's say
Home.jpg then the title in the Lightbox will be "Home".
- Image handling works fine now! Thnq.
- Extra field handling and stock control: my failure, I had to check the Bakery website before posting the thread. Both work like a charm.
I will test the shop within the coming days.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.3.2 alpha (06/16/2009)
- The image file name is now used for the image <alt> and <title> tag and is shown as the Lightbox2 caption (suggested by snark)
- Bugfix: Includ missing language file in save_items.php
NEW: IMAGE TITLE AND LIGHTBOX CAPTIONUse speaking image file names since they are now used for the image <alt> and <title> tag and shown as the Lightbox2 caption. Underscores are replaced by spaces automatically.
DOWNLOADDownload the attached zip file from the bottom of this post.
UPGRADE NOTESNot all changes will be done automatically by the upgrade script when upgrading from a version prior v1.3 to v1.3.2. Still there will be some adaptations you have to do manually:
- Before upgrading make a backup of at least the /media/bakery/ directory. You will have to reupload ALL item images using the Bakery backend.
- Alternatively you can move image files manually using ftp. First make a directory structure like this:
Then add a directory for every item, eg.:
Move your image respectively thumb files to the corresponding directory.
Use speaking image file names since they are used for the image <alt> and <title> tag and shown as the Lightbox2 caption. Underscores are replaced by spaces automatically.
The item images and thumbs will be loaded automatically by Bakery.
- Modify the item templates. Use the vars [THUMB], [THUMBS], [IMAGE] AND [IMAGES] to display images. The inserted images will be linked to the detail page or to the Lightbox2 depending on your page settings. So there is no more need to do this in your template.
• [IMAGE] = Main item image - only displayed if selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/modify item" page
• [IMAGES] = All item images except for the item main image.
• [THUMB] = Thumbnail of the main item image - only displayed if selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/modify item" page
• [THUMBS] = All thumbnails of the item images except for the item main image.
- Bakery v1.3.2 is alpha. Do not use with productive shops.
- Please give feedback in this thread.
- Bakery 1.3.2 provides new features (see version history above) like multiple item images. The way how Bakery handles and stores images is changed basically. Please read the "Upgrade Notes" above.
Please download the latest version from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
as you are clearly on a roll these days
can you tell us what we can expect in the near future,
I would very much like a function to display 'on sale' items or maybe the obtion to choose between imageflow and lightbox for the images...
anyway, good to see that this module is becoming somewhat more mature
Hi snark
Quote from: snark on June 16, 2009, 10:31:37 PM
can you tell us what we can expect in the near future
Let's see what the future will bring...
But: Bakery is a small shop and was never intended to be developed thus far. There are plenty of excellent, full featured e-commerce solutions available. Adding more and more features increases complexity of the software but also for the administrators... One of the main thing of WB is its simplicity!
Regards Christoph
someone can help me?
as I can modify " Shop Country: " and " Shop State: " for l' Italy? :oops:
when changing the page settings ans I push save I get:
Unknown column 'lightbox2' in 'field list'
anyone knows how to solve this...
the lightbox script isn't working either
Regards Christoph
Hi snark
Quote from: snark on June 19, 2009, 01:53:56 PM
Unknown column 'lightbox2' in 'field list'
Did you upgrade from v1.0 to v1.3?
Then have a look at your db table "mod_bakery_page_settings". Probably the field "lightbox2" is missing due to a bug in the upgrade script.
You can add it manually. Run the SQL code below using phpMyAdmin or whatever you are using (replace TABLEPREFIX by your table prefix):
ALTER TABLE `TABLEPREFIXmod_bakery_page_settings` ADD `lightbox2` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'detail' AFTER `resize`
Regards Christoph
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.3.3 (06/19/2009)
- When upgrading the db field lightbox2 is now added correctly (reported by snark)
DOWNLOADDownload the zip file from the Bakery website:
UPGRADE NOTESNot all changes will be done automatically by the upgrade script when upgrading from a version prior v1.3 to v1.3.3. Still there will be some adaptations you have to do manually:
- Before upgrading make a backup of at least the /media/bakery/ directory. You will have to reupload ALL item images using the Bakery backend.
- Alternatively you can move image files manually using ftp. First make a directory structure like this:
Then add a directory for every item, eg.:
Move your image respectively thumb files to the corresponding directory.
Use speaking image file names since they are used for the image <alt> and <title> tag and shown as the Lightbox2 caption. Underscores are replaced by spaces automatically.
The item images and thumbs will be loaded automatically by Bakery.
- Modify the item templates. Use the vars [THUMB], [THUMBS], [IMAGE] AND [IMAGES] to display images. The inserted images will be linked to the detail page or to the Lightbox2 depending on your page settings. So there is no more need to do this in your template.
• [IMAGE] = Main item image - only displayed if selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/modify item" page
• [IMAGES] = All item images except for the item main image.
• [THUMB] = Thumbnail of the main item image - only displayed if selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/modify item" page
• [THUMBS] = All thumbnails of the item images except for the item main image.
- Bakery 1.3.3 provides new features (see version history above) like multiple item images or Lightbox2. The way how Bakery handles and stores images is changed basically. Please read the "Upgrade Notes" above.
is it possible to have a wysiwyg field for the short description so we can style this piece of text to our need/liking
Hi snark
Quote from: snark on June 22, 2009, 10:43:20 AM
is it possible to have a wysiwyg field for the short description so we can style this piece of text to our need/liking
Yes, you can do it quite simply. Open the file modify_item.php and locate the textarea name="description".
Use the wb function show_wysiwyg_editor() and implement it as it is done for the full_desc some lines below.
Regards Christoph
I tried that but no matter what I try, I the page won't load.. do you happen to have a 'modify_item.php with those extra's' lying around? ...
I've modified one for you...
WYSIWYG editor for item brief and item full description
Replace the files modify_item.php and save_item.php by the attached ones and you will get an "Add/Modify Item"-Page with 2 WYSIWYG editors, one for the item brief description and another one for the item full description. Requires Bakery v1.3 or later.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
I hope you will make this a standard feature for the next version
Hi There!
Great plugin, it works fantastic.
Can someone please tell me if it is possible to set the length of characters in the short description?
I.e. when viewed in the category layout, I want all descriptions to be the same length, so all product blocks are the same size.
I looked in the forum, but cannot find anything there.
Let me post something to the forum for the first time. I just discovered WB since 2 months and i am very amazed by its simplicitiy.
About bakery. Just noticed a small bug in the latest release 1.3.3.
in modify_page_settings.php line 147
<input type="text" name="items_per_page" style="width: 35px" value="<? echo $fetch_content['items_per_page']; ?>" /> 0 = <?php echo $TEXT['UNLIMITED']; ?> </td>
needs to be changed to:
<input type="text" name="items_per_page" style="width: 35px" value="<?php echo $fetch_content['items_per_page']; ?>" /> 0 = <?php echo $TEXT['UNLIMITED']; ?> </td>
The opening tag for PHP was not correctly written. It was giving errors with me.
Can this be included in the next release? Thanks
Hi cchhita
Sorry, I did not catch it. Where do you want to limit the lenght? In the backend or the frontend? Please be more detailed...
Hi klok_pm
Thanks for the hint!
This only makes troubles if your php.ini directive short_open_tag is set to "0", default is "1". Anyway, I will fix it in the next version.
Regards Christoph
Hi FreeSbee,
When i pay with Mollie payment system. I receave (when the mony is tranfered to mollie) that the order is aborded.
So my order is lost and the costumer already payed for it.
Could you check if there is any problem with the postback action?
Some actions i did:
1 (firefox) ordered 1 product from 0,50 euro without any shipping kost or btw (can't get further on the bank selection page) (giving me a error thats its not posible to enter the ideal)
2 (firefox) Ordered 1 product from 1,00 euro + 1,00 euro shipping kost with 6%btw (total 2,00); returns : order is aborded.
3 (firefox) Ordered 1 product from 3,00 euro + 2,00 euro shipping kost with 6%btw (total 5,00); returns : order is aborded.
4 (firefox) Cleared table bakery_order and bakery_customer + ordered 1 product from 1,00 euro + 1,00 euro shipping kost (total 2,00); returns : Payment status or payment method not defined.
5 (google chrome) transaction successfull
6 Tested on a other system. (Chrome) and it worked successfull
PS. u use Bakery 1.32
Hi SlaY3R
Quote from: SlaY3R on June 25, 2009, 10:48:25 AM
When i pay with Mollie payment system. I receave (when the mony is tranfered to mollie) that the order is aborded.
So my order is lost and the costumer already payed for it.
Could you check if there is any problem with the postback action?
I guess your are testing on a local server, aren't you? This will not work out with payment gateways since they have to redirect customers back to your domain upon payment completion. And of course they cannot find an URL like http://localhost/pages/shop.php
Please try again on a webbased system and let me know about it.
Regards Christoph
Hi FreeSbee,
I tested on a webhosting. But i think the problem was .htaccess (password protected) so the redirection didn't work?
Also the latest 2 tests where working normal.
Btw nice work mate!
Quote from: SlaY3R on June 25, 2009, 02:03:21 PM
Btw nice work mate!
Well SlaYeR, thank you for testing!
Hi FreeSbee,
Found another problem:
When i change the Input type from submit to image it wont work in IE (firefox etc its working) Its redirect me to the root of the webshop.
<input type="submit" name="cart" class="mod_bakery_bt_add_f" value="[ADD_TO_CART]" />
Not working in IE:
<input type="IMAGE" name="cart" class="mod_bakery_bt_add_f" value="[ADD_TO_CART]" src="http://dummyurl/media/webshop/addchart.png"/>
Do you know why?
@ SlaY3R
Great Module.
I have just one small issue.
I have a customer who sells T shirts for his club.
Customers can't order more than 1 item with multiple attributes. EG: they cant order 1 T shirt in size small then order the exact same T shirt in size large. Only the first one orderd is displayed. Is it possible to change this somewhere.
Many thanks in advance.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.3.4 (06/29/2009)
Bakery 1.3.4 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.3 or later.
Maybe I make some errors, but in the CSS is an item [BANK_ACCOUNT]. But where can I put this value?
is it possible to display the [thumb] in another size than [thumbs]
I would like the [thumb] rather big, lets say 200px and the [thumbs] quite small, otherwise they take up too much space in the detailpage, lets say 100px
Hi Luckyluke
Use [BANK_ACCOUNT] in the email and the invoice templates.
For further information see the help page at "page settings" > "help" and "payment methods settings" > "help" that provides a list of keys to all variables used in the Bakery HTML and email templates.
Hi snark
You can use the WB "Browse Media" section to browse, add, overwrite or delete any Bakery thumbs and images. The thumbs and images of eg. item_id 1 are located at
Make sure a thumb and a corresponding image have the same file name. Thumbs must have the extension .jpg.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on June 29, 2009, 08:16:30 PM
Use [BANK_ACCOUNT] in the email and the invoice templates.
For further information see the help page at "page settings" > "help" and "payment methods settings" > "help" that provides a list of keys to all variables used in the Bakery HTML and email templates.
I know about this [BANK_ACCOUNT] settings in the email and invoice templates.
But where can I put the bank account number? In previous versions, it was in the page settings. Now, it's gone.
Hi Luc
Quote from: Luckyluke on June 29, 2009, 10:25:01 PM
But where can I put the bank account number? In previous versions, it was in the page settings. Now, it's gone.
Bakery Page > Payment Methods > Modify Payment Method (select) Invoice > Invoice Settings: Shop Bank Account:
Regards Christoph
Not sure why, but my shop is not adding in the shipping costs. It displays in the cart but doesn't get added toward the total. I added in the rate in the stock admin page. Is that the right place?
I also tried adding in a fee for gift wrapping. That didn't even show up in the cart. Which file should I edit?
http://thehappymagpie.com/pages/shoppingtest.php (http://thehappymagpie.com/pages/shoppingtest.php)
is there a way to to the following:
if you leave open the pricefield it now displays '0,00'
is it possible to get 'ask for price' if you do not fill in the price
Quote from: lleighh2 on July 01, 2009, 10:25:33 PM
Not sure why, but my shop is not adding in the shipping costs. It displays in the cart but doesn't get added toward the total. I added in the rate in the stock admin page. Is that the right place?
I also tried adding in a fee for gift wrapping. That didn't even show up in the cart. Which file should I edit?
1. http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#free_shipping => Right now you have free shipping 'on'!
2. http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#shipping_total
3. http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#shipping
Quote from: snark on July 02, 2009, 08:05:49 AM
if you leave open the pricefield it now displays '0,00'
is it possible to get 'ask for price' if you do not fill in the price
'Ask for price' in the frontend? A kind of textfield to let customers enter a price?
If so alter the HTML of the templates.
Regards Christoph
'Ask for price' in the frontend? A kind of textfield to let customers enter a price?
If so alter the HTML of the templates.
Regards Christoph
no... I have some stuff I cannot give a price, people have to get in touch to hear the price... when I put no price in the pricefield it automatically makes it 0,00...
I wondered if there is a chance to change this default value to 'Ask me' or 'mail for the price' or something like that
Quote from: snark on July 02, 2009, 10:57:50 PM
I have some stuff I cannot give a price, people have to get in touch to hear the price... when I put no price in the pricefield it automatically makes it 0,00...
I wondered if there is a chance to change this default value to 'Ask me' or 'mail for the price' or something like that
- Make a new category: http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#categories
- Modify the templates of this new page to fit your needs. That is to say delete the pricing and the "Add to cart" button and add a mailto link "Mail for the price"
- Furthermore you could change the database field "price" from 'DECIMAL(9,2)' to 'VARCHAR(10)'. This way a blank field will not be converted to 0. But actually in your case this is not really needed.
Regards Christoph
How can I make a multi lamguage Bakery shop?
Quote from: masarin on July 03, 2009, 01:27:05 PM
How can I make a multi lamguage Bakery shop?
Hi Masarin
Bakery does not support multilingual websites by default.
But this might give you an idea of how you can work around.
1. Make different Bakery pages for every language by selecting different languages for every page.
2. Translate the email templates to the required languages. Make a multilingual email containing all localisations divided in different sections - each section holding one translation. Save them in the Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
There is another approach described in this post:
Regards Christoph
I hope i am good in this topic.
I already serched on the forum to a problem i have, but cannot find it.
When i want to make a payment in Bakery with Paypal, paypal say:
This recipient does not accept payments denominated in WS_Error_XClick_Pref_Foreign_Currency. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency.
Is there anyone whoe knows what i am doing wrong?
Quote from: freeSbee on July 03, 2009, 09:04:01 AM
Furthermore you could change the database field "price" from 'DECIMAL(9,2)' to 'VARCHAR(10)'. This way a blank field will not be converted to 0. But actually in your case this is not really needed.
wrong... this was exactly what I needed and I could have thought of that myself... thanks
Quote from: freeSbee on June 29, 2009, 08:16:30 PM
Hi snark
You can use the WB "Browse Media" section to browse, add, overwrite or delete any Bakery thumbs and images. The thumbs and images of eg. item_id 1 are located at
Make sure a thumb and a corresponding image have the same file name. Thumbs must have the extension .jpg.
did it in a better way...
somewhere around line 1127 I changed:
$thumb_append = "' alt='".$img_title."' title='".$img_title." ' class='mod_bakery_item_thumb_f' /></a>";
$thumb_append = "' alt='".$img_title."' title='".$img_title."' width='".$thumbwidth."' class='mod_bakery_item_thumb_f' /></a>";
( and added $thumbwidth=100; somewhere)
now all the [THUMBS] on the detail pages hav a width of 100 px while the thumb on the mainpage still is the original thumbsize
maybe this option to have different thumbsizes for summery and detailpage could be added to the page settings in a future release
Quote from: snark on July 04, 2009, 11:46:39 AM
Quote from: freeSbee on July 03, 2009, 09:04:01 AM
Furthermore you could change the database field "price" from 'DECIMAL(9,2)' to 'VARCHAR(10)'. This way a blank field will not be converted to 0. But actually in your case this is not really needed.
wrong... this was exactly what I needed and I could have thought of that myself... thanks
Quote from: snark on July 04, 2009, 11:46:39 AM
Quote from: freeSbee on July 03, 2009, 09:04:01 AM
Furthermore you could change the database field "price" from 'DECIMAL(9,2)' to 'VARCHAR(10)'. This way a blank field will not be converted to 0. But actually in your case this is not really needed.
wrong... this was exactly what I needed and I could have thought of that myself... thanks
Now i changed the DECIMAL 9,2 in VARCHAR 10 but have another problem. I get:
This recipient does not accept payments denominated in WS_Error_XClick_Pref_Foreign_Currency. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency.
Hi Marcel
Quote from: infinex on July 03, 2009, 03:22:54 PM
When i want to make a payment in Bakery with Paypal, paypal say:
This recipient does not accept payments denominated in WS_Error_XClick_Pref_Foreign_Currency. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency.
As the error message tells you this has to do with your PayPal payment receiving settings. If you do not know how to set them correctly please search the PayPal FAQ or contact PayPal customer support.
Regards Christoph
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.3.5 (07/08/2009)
Bakery 1.3.5 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.3 or later.
Quote from: freeSbee on July 03, 2009, 02:42:43 PM
Quote from: masarin on July 03, 2009, 01:27:05 PM
How can I make a multi lamguage Bakery shop?
Hi Masarin
Bakery does not support multilingual websites by default.
But this might give you an idea of how you can work around.
1. Make different Bakery pages for every language by selecting different languages for every page.
2. Translate the email templates to the required languages. Make a multilingual email containing all localisations divided in different sections - each section holding one translation. Save them in the Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
There is another approach described in this post:
Regards Christoph
1. Make different Bakery pages for every language by selecting different languages for every page.
I set up Swedish and English like in the tutor
2. Translate the email templates to the required languages. Make a multilingual email containing all localisations divided in different sections - each section holding one translation. Save them in the Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
This I dont understand how to do. I dont have any file named Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
How do I devide the localisations with different sections? what kind of sections?
Quote from: freeSbee on July 07, 2009, 05:15:14 PM
Hi Marcel
Quote from: infinex on July 03, 2009, 03:22:54 PM
When i want to make a payment in Bakery with Paypal, paypal say:
This recipient does not accept payments denominated in WS_Error_XClick_Pref_Foreign_Currency. Please contact the seller and ask him to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency.
As the error message tells you this has to do with your PayPal payment receiving settings. If you do not know how to set them correctly please search the PayPal FAQ or contact PayPal customer support.
Regards Christoph
Thanks, for the answer. I call with Paypal i think.
Hi Masarin
Quote from: masarin on July 08, 2009, 03:46:09 PM
This I dont understand how to do. I dont have any file named Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
How do I devide the localisations with different sections? what kind of sections?
This is not a file. If you use version 1.1 or later the email templates are located at the > Bakery Backend > Payment Methods > Email Settings
Since all customers will get the same email with purchase details you have to write multilingual emails. I suggest to make multiple sections in the email, one section for each language.
Hope I could put my idea across to you.
Regards Christoph
I'd like to add shipping only if the shopper orders 2 or more items. They get free shipping with 1 item.
Do I make changes in view_summary.php? If so, what and where? Thx.
Does anyone have a Swedish language file to share?
Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 08:22:02 AM
Does anyone have a Swedish language file to share?
You might pm mmmike:
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on July 08, 2009, 09:52:27 PM
Hi Masarin
Quote from: masarin on July 08, 2009, 03:46:09 PM
This I dont understand how to do. I dont have any file named Bakery > Payment Methods > Email Settings.
How do I devide the localisations with different sections? what kind of sections?
This is not a file. If you use version 1.1 or later the email templates are located at the > Bakery Backend > Payment Methods > Email Settings
Since all customers will get the same email with purchase details you have to write multilingual emails. I suggest to make multiple sections in the email, one section for each language.
Hope I could put my idea across to you.
Regards Christoph
I think I understand. I have to do one email for each payment method that inkludes both Swedish and English, and all customers will have an email in both Swedish and English. Am I getting this right?
So I make a new email template to include all languages into the same mail?
I am working on translating Bakery into Swedish, and when I translated the payment_methods I noticed that in every payment methods language file (payment_methods/advance/languages/EN.php) there is a email section (same as in Bakery Backend > Payment Methods > Email Settings).
Is there no funktion for these implemented yet? or is there a way to use them?
Hi Masarin
Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:02:34 PM
I think I understand. I have to do one email for each payment method that inkludes both Swedish and English, and all customers will have an email in both Swedish and English. Am I getting this right?
So I make a new email template to include all languages into the same mail?
Yes, correct. Bakery was never intended to be multilingual. So, this is just a workaround.
Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:02:34 PM
I am working on translating Bakery into Swedish, and when I translated the payment_methods I noticed that in every payment methods language file (payment_methods/advance/languages/EN.php) there is a email section (same as in Bakery Backend > Payment Methods > Email Settings).
Is there no funktion for these implemented yet? or is there a way to use them?
These are the default email templates. Bakery uses the default WB language setting to determine which email template will be saved in the database for later modifications.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on July 09, 2009, 09:24:50 PM
Hi Masarin
Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:02:34 PM
I think I understand. I have to do one email for each payment method that inkludes both Swedish and English, and all customers will have an email in both Swedish and English. Am I getting this right?
So I make a new email template to include all languages into the same mail?
Yes, correct. Bakery was never intended to be multilingual. So, this is just a workaround.
Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:02:34 PM
I am working on translating Bakery into Swedish, and when I translated the payment_methods I noticed that in every payment methods language file (payment_methods/advance/languages/EN.php) there is a email section (same as in Bakery Backend > Payment Methods > Email Settings).
Is there no funktion for these implemented yet? or is there a way to use them?
These are the default email templates. Bakery uses the default WB language setting to determine which email template will be saved in the database for later modifications.
Regards Christoph
OK thank you for the quick answer.
Would it be difficult to make Bakery use these default email templates depending on witch language you chose for each Bakery Page? Then it would be easy to set up multilingual shops.
Regards Masarin
Hi Masarin
Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:42:47 PM
Would it be difficult to make Bakery use these default email templates depending on witch language you chose for each Bakery Page? Then it would be easy to set up multilingual shops.
No, I don't think it would be difficult if you do it without the feature to edit the email templates in the Bakery backend.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on July 09, 2009, 09:53:34 PM
Hi Masarin
Quote from: masarin on July 09, 2009, 09:42:47 PM
Would it be difficult to make Bakery use these default email templates depending on witch language you chose for each Bakery Page? Then it would be easy to set up multilingual shops.
No, I don't think it would be difficult if you do it without the feature to edit the email templates in the Bakery backend.
Regards Christoph
Yes! Tell me how to do this. I can do without the bakery backend edit feature.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.3.6 (07/13/2009)
Bakery 1.3.6 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.3 or later.
Hi super bakers,
I love this module! It looks very professional. Im playing around with it, trying to get this to work for my desires as well. I'm not a PHP guru.
I noticed that the AnyItems, LastItems, Item Slide v0.2.0.7 , SimplePageHead v0.4GoogleSitemap v1.5 can all be installed by just installing the Mod, which is great, but still, for a non-PHP person, this requires quite some tinkering with the files. Is it not possible to integrate these options and have them as options you can just select (on/off).
Selling E-books? anybody?
I want to use bakery for selling video files & e-books which I want to have people see online. Has anybody already created such a construction?
This leads me to look into constructions where succesfull sale leads to an email coming with login details to a unique download page or a page where the videos are shown per video/item sold.
I noticed that I did not see anybody has created a log Ip snippet for matching secure logg-in (email) to a pc.
I found some code already for logging IP:
function getRealIpAddr()
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet
elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy
return $ip;
I plan to do more tinckering soon.
Kind regards,
How do I add a textarea to the form on the cart summary page? I'd like customers to be able to send additional comments or requests (like about gift wrapping, etc) with their order.
Hi There!
I would just like to say this is a great module!
I am trying to use Item Options and Set my own order of the options, but I cannot do this.
I have products with a choice of the amount i.e.
25 pack
50 pack
100 pack
Because the 100 pack starts with a 1, it is always displayed first! Is there anyway to reorder these items?
HI There,
I have dscovered the answer to my above question about reordering Item Options by numeric value!
If you have a list of numeric values, here is how it will look:
100 pack
25 pack
50 pack
75 pack
Here is what you do:
Go to modules/bakery/view.php - MAKE A BACKUP
Look for this code on Line (Approx) 907
// Get item attributes
$query_attributes = $database->query("SELECT o.option_name, a.attribute_name, ia.attribute_id, ia.price,
ia.operator FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_options o INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_attributes a
ON o.option_id = a.option_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_item_attributes ia ON a.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id WHERE item_id = $item_id AND ia.option_id = '$option_id'
ORDER BY o.option_name, a.attribute_name ASC");
Change to
// Get item attributes
$query_attributes = $database->query("SELECT o.option_name, a.attribute_name, ia.attribute_id, ia.price,
ia.operator FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_options o INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_attributes a ON
o.option_id = a.option_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_item_attributes ia ON a.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id WHERE item_id = $item_id AND ia.option_id = '$option_id'
ORDER BY ABS(a.attribute_name) ASC");
Look for this code on Line (Approx) 1167
$query_attributes = $database->query("SELECT o.option_name, a.attribute_name, ia.attribute_id,
ia.price, ia.operator FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_options o INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_attributes a
ON o.option_id = a.option_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_item_attributes ia ON a.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id WHERE item_id = ".ITEM_ID." AND ia.option_id = '$option_id'
ORDER BY o.option_name, a.attribute_name ASC");
Change to
// Get item attributes
$query_attributes = $database->query("SELECT o.option_name, a.attribute_name, ia.attribute_id, ia.price,
ia.operator FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_options o INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_attributes a
ON o.option_id = a.option_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."mod_bakery_item_attributes ia ON a.attribute_id = ia.attribute_id WHERE item_id = ".ITEM_ID." AND ia.option_id = '$option_id'
ORDER BY ABS(a.attribute_name) ASC");
ORDER BY ABS(a.attribute_name) ASC will order items by numeric value, so your list now should look like this:
12 Pack
24 Pack
36 Pack
100 Pack
Hope that helps someone out!
Cheers for the great Module!
QuoteThese are the default email templates. Bakery uses the default WB language setting to determine which email template will be saved in the database for later modifications.
Regards Christoph
Is there a way to make Bakery use these different email templates (the default email templates) depending on what language you chose for for for a page in a multilingual shop?
Or could it be a feature to be able to turn of the ability to edit the email templates in the Bakery backend, and instead use the default email templates according to a Bakery page language setting.
This would make Bakery multilingal wouldn't it?
A modification to make the definable fields have a wysiwyg editor
for anyone that might need to ad more than just some words to the definable fields...
wysiwyg function for the definable fields
if I find the time I am going to ad the option to ad both non wysiwyg definable fields and wysiwyg definable field and increase the amount of definable fields a bit
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hello, My emails (order notifications) are not being sent out in a fresh install of WebsiteBaker and Bakery.
Emails sent from other pages (through a form) are sending ok.
Please advise!!! Thank you!
Hello everybody,
I am not a baker at novice as such, but for "bakery" yes. I install "bakery V.1.36
I add country canada and the provinces. But I do not know how to add the fees for quebec that are more complex example:
but in Quebec and PEI, the tax calculations are done cumulatively:
i.e. in Quebec, the tax calculation must be:
Subtotal $ 10.00
GST (5%) 0.50 ($ 10 x 5%)
QST / TVQ (7.5%) 0.79 ==>($ 10.50% x7.5) - effectively, 7.875%
Total $ 11.29
Does anyone find how to program it? If so can you help me. I have no objection has paid a programmer what my average is not terrible, but if it's worth it when there is an appeal I need a programmer who speaks french, because I was Google's Language Tools, because I do not speak English at all.
Thank you all in advance!
Éva Toupin
Is it poisable to ad a new pay methode or edit?
I see there is Ideal include but goes to mollie, very nice but i use ideal from the bank self, not with mollie.
Can anyone helpe me with this problem?
Swedish translation of Bakery and the Payment Methods attached as a zip file.
I haven't changed the special characters like å ä ö to the HTML equal å ä ö , because when I tried that Bakery refused to add any items to the cart. It seems to work fine anyway but please tell me if I should do it in another way.
Regards Masarin
Sorry, the files were corupt. something with saving åäö.
I will look into this.
Maybe I am being thick here but in the new layout for Bakery under Payment Methods with the drop down box for paypal selected there is a box that says Paypal Page
What goes in there?
Need some directions about how to create (translate and save) language files.
It's the "Payment Methods" -files that are bugging me. The standard Bakery language file works both ways described below.
If I upload the files with Swedish ÅÄÖåöä they get to look strange in the e-mails that are sent out to customers and shop owners.
If I upload the files with the HTML equivalents for ÅÄÖåäö (å ä etc) Bakery stops working and It gets impossible to add any item to the cart and I get the error:
Not Found
The requested URL /musite/pages.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I have saved all files in utf-8
Regards masarin
I think this has to do with allowed special characters - you have to define which special characters are allowed:
(in your case i suppose) in file bakery/languages/SE.php
make sure the file is encoded the same as your WB installation.
Hope this helps!
Hi everyone
This is probably a long shot, but does anyone know how to set a 'minimum order' in Bakery. I need to set a £150 minimum order made up of any combination of around 15 products (i.e. could be one of each or 10 of one product) but havent been able to find any info on this, any help would be really gratefully received!! :-)
Thanks in advance
Quote from: masarin on August 02, 2009, 04:35:56 PM
Need some directions about how to create (translate and save) language files.
It's the "Payment Methods" -files that are bugging me. The standard Bakery language file works both ways described below.
If I upload the files with Swedish ÅÄÖåöä they get to look strange in the e-mails that are sent out to customers and shop owners.
If I upload the files with the HTML equivalents for ÅÄÖåäö (å ä etc) Bakery stops working and It gets impossible to add any item to the cart and I get the error:
Not Found
The requested URL /musite/pages.php was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I have saved all files in utf-8
Regards masarin
It seems that there's only the email part of the Payment Methods" -files that doesn't work properly with special characters.
I tried to copy the email text into the backend and now it works all right.
Still haven't figured out if theres something wrong with my translated files.
I will attach the SE language files both with the special characters as is (ÅÄÖåäö) and with the HTML equivalents and maybe someone can have a look and save them in the right format.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Quote from: zarathustra.at on August 03, 2009, 10:04:38 AM
I think this has to do with allowed special characters - you have to define which special characters are allowed:
(in your case i suppose) in file bakery/languages/SE.php
make sure the file is encoded the same as your WB installation.
Hope this helps!
Thank you for your answer.
I have tried this but still no go.
Solved it by copying the Payment Method emails directly into the backend edit aria.
:mrgreen:Hi guys im new to WebsiteBaker just want to ask about the shop module on how to update the price for my shopping cart
example is i bought 2 mouse, price for $100 each and shipping is $100each total total is $400
Shop module output:
Quantity Price Shipping Total
mouse 2 100 100 400
what i want to happen
Quantity Price Shipping Total
mouse 2 200 200 400
my problem is i don;t know what variable that was used and where to put it exactly for price and shipping
Please enlighten me :-(
Hi pctechhelp
1. Open the files view_cart.php and view_summary.php.
2. Localize the code line (4 times)
$f_price = number_format($items[$i]['price'], 2, $setting_dec_point, $setting_thousands_sep);
and replace it by
$f_price = number_format($items[$i]['quantity'] * $items[$i]['price'], 2, $setting_dec_point, $setting_thousands_sep);
3. Localize the code line (2 times)
$f_shipping = number_format($items[$i]['shipping'], 2, $setting_dec_point, $setting_thousands_sep);
and replace it by
$f_shipping = number_format($items[$i]['quantity'] * $items[$i]['shipping'], 2, $setting_dec_point, $setting_thousands_sep);
Regards Christoph
Thanks freesbee,
My SMTP is off in a free webhost , is that the reason i can forward email to the customer
just want to be sure
Bakery makes use of the PHP mail() function (no SMTP).
Regards Chiristoph
Is it possible to add a gift coupon function to this module??
Hi Peeters
Quote from: Peeters on August 18, 2009, 10:37:52 AM
Is it possible to add a gift coupon function to this module??
Not by default. All features are listed at the >> Bakery website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#features).
Regards Christoph
Is there any way to add Sage Pay as additional payment gateway?
http://www.sagepay.com/ (http://www.sagepay.com/)
Hi daydreamer
Quote from: daydreamer on August 19, 2009, 09:43:48 AM
Is there any way to add Sage Pay as additional payment gateway?
Yes, of course. Use the two resources below to add a new payment method plugin to Bakery:
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on August 18, 2009, 10:47:47 AM
Hi Peeters
Quote from: Peeters on August 18, 2009, 10:37:52 AM
Is it possible to add a gift coupon function to this module??
Not by default. All features are listed at the >> Bakery website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#features).
Regards Christoph
how could I add this extra feature?
Hello everybody!
Have someone the WebsiteBaker Bakery -Swedish translation? Could somebody post it to henry.aulakoski(at)gmail.com
Cheers, HA
1. is it possible in the product detail page of Bakery to change the url /bakery/ to /shop/ ?
2. how can i display more information in the order mail then only the default information inside [ITEM_LIST]?
For example i would like to add the title or description of the product. Where can I change the content of [ITEM_LIST] ?
Please search and read this thread befor posting.
@ vanbemmel
Quote from: vanbemmel on August 21, 2009, 02:59:06 PM
1. is it possible in the product detail page of Bakery to change the url /bakery/ to /shop/ ?
Try this (not tested):
Only apply to a new and clean (no items added) Bakery installation.
1. Localise the code below (2 times) at the save_item.php file:
and replace it by
2. Localise the code below (3 times) at the save_item.php file:
and replace it by
Quote from: vanbemmel on August 21, 2009, 02:59:06 PM
2. how can i display more information in the order mail then only the default information inside [ITEM_LIST]?
For example i would like to add the title or description of the product. Where can I change the content of [ITEM_LIST] ?
Try this (not tested):
1. At line about 52 of the view_summary.php file add the required fields like
description and
full_desc to the db query.
2. Localise the comment below (2 times) at the view_summary.php file:
// Make list of ordered items for e-mail
Right after this comment you can add the required information using the appropriate vars like
Please give feedback!Regards Christoph
Hi, sorry if this was asked before, but is it possible to hide the "EDIT CSS" & "PAGE SETTINGS" by user class. I have a helper that sets stuff up in the shop, and this helper will access this area. I would like to have it not seen, but seen by me.
Also something nice would be to have ( order admin, stock admin, general settings & payment settings) in the Admin-Tools area. Or even on the admin home page, a new small button called bakery, and in that section you will find those small settings.
I love the simplicity of this plugin, this is what has switched me over from using E107 to website baker. Very nice work on this, and thank you for all your hard work.
Is there a way by which I can auto fill-out the address form when someone is ordering (i'm modifying your shop module for businesses so all their employees can order stuff (all orders need to be delivered to one adress))??
Hi mcollins
Quote from: mcollins on August 31, 2009, 10:39:41 AM
Hi, sorry if this was asked before, but is it possible to hide the "EDIT CSS" & "PAGE SETTINGS" by user class.
You can display Bakery settings to WebsiteBaker admin only:
Login to the Bakery backend as admin with user id = 1 > "General Settings" > "Settings:" and activate "Display Settings to Admin (id = 1) only".
This will hide general and page settings, payment methods and css settings from all other users than the admin with user id = 1.
Regards Christoph
Hi Peeters
Quote from: Peeters on August 31, 2009, 06:40:43 PM
Is there a way by which I can auto fill-out the address form when someone is ordering (i'm modifying your shop module for businesses so all their employees can order stuff (all orders need to be delivered to one adress))??
Probably most convenient solution for your needs is to prepopulate the form fields by hard coded values.
Open the
view_form.php file and go to the
// Make the formand
// Make the shipping address formcomments.
Have a look at the arrays
$cust_info and $
ship_info. Redefine those two arrays and replace the values by your required ones.
Another possability might be this:
For logged in customers Bakery tries to get their address data of a previous order to prepopulat the address fields.
Requires all employees to have an account and to be logged in when ordering. After the first order Bakery will auto fill-out the address using the given addresses.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on September 01, 2009, 10:15:23 AM
Probably most convenient solution for your needs is to prepopulate the form fields by hard coded values.
hmmm... for some reason it doesn't work.... any idea what I did wrong?
Quote from: freeSbee on September 01, 2009, 10:15:23 AM
For logged in customers Bakery tries to get their address data of a previous order to prepopulat the address fields.
Requires all employees to have an account and to be logged in when ordering. After the first order Bakery will auto fill-out the address using the given addresses.
can i also put all data in the database as if they have already ordered? (order id's don't matter)
hello to all,
I am making the translation in Italian :lol:,
I say that it is possible to add to a field tax identification number customer in the form address?
Ciao ghost06
Quote from: ghost06 on September 02, 2009, 06:44:53 PM
I am making the translation in Italian
Great - grazie mille! Please post upon completion!
Quote from: ghost06 on September 02, 2009, 06:44:53 PM
I say that it is possible to add to a field tax identification number customer in the form address?
Not by default. You have to code the additional field yourself.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on September 02, 2009, 07:41:02 PM
Ciao ghost06
Quote from: ghost06 on September 02, 2009, 06:44:53 PM
I am making the translation in Italian
Great - grazie mille! Please post upon completion!
okkk :wink:
Quote from: freeSbee on September 02, 2009, 07:41:02 PM
Quote from: ghost06 on September 02, 2009, 06:44:53 PM
I say that it is possible to add to a field tax identification number customer in the form address?
Not by default. You have to code the additional field yourself.
Regards Christoph
I am not thus great! :-D
someone can make it? in many countries the field is obligatory tax identification number in order to make a purchase. a lot important is a thing :wink:
Quote from: freeSbee on September 01, 2009, 10:15:23 AM
Probably most convenient solution for your needs is to prepopulate the form fields by hard coded values.
hmmm... for some reason it doesn't work.... any idea what I did wrong?
Quote from: freeSbee on September 01, 2009, 10:15:23 AM
For logged in customers Bakery tries to get their address data of a previous order to prepopulat the address fields.
Requires all employees to have an account and to be logged in when ordering. After the first order Bakery will auto fill-out the address using the given addresses.
can i also put all data in the database as if they have already ordered? (order id's don't matter)
Change US states to UK has anyone got this or done this
So can this be done: Something nice would be to have ( order admin, stock admin, general settings & payment settings) in the Admin-Tools area. Or even on the admin home page, a new small button called bakery, and in that section you will find those small settings.
In the print invoice, I would like to be able to place our company logo to the top of the page. When i go to images and upload new logo.jpg and logo.gif I get 550 error and not able to update the images there. Is there something I need to go to get this to update? I have gone through FTP and also through file manager in cpanel. Both options do not allow me to do this. I also tried changing the file perms to 777... still no luck...
Holy Cow Bayman... look at this... it is just sooo awsom!!! But with the goofyness out the way... this is what I would love to see. Seems like a real long way to go to pages/ shop page/ order administration, to see what the orders are and print them...
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hi Mcollins
Quote from: mcollins on September 08, 2009, 06:21:28 AM
In the print invoice, I would like to be able to place our company logo to the top of the page. When i go to images and upload new logo.jpg and logo.gif I get 550 error and not able to update the images there. Is there something I need to go to get this to update? I have gone through FTP and also through file manager in cpanel. Both options do not allow me to do this. I also tried changing the file perms to 777... still no luck...
Please read this:
and especially this:
Regards Christoph
Fantastic Christoph... the webadmin worked a treat... Thank you very much. I was pulling my hair out at the fasct that the FTP and evencpanel file manager couldn't do what I needed.
Now, please may I ask again...
Quote from: mcollins on September 08, 2009, 03:21:50 AM
So can this be done: Something nice would be to have ( order admin, stock admin, general settings & payment settings) in the Admin-Tools area. Or even on the admin home page, a new small button called bakery, and in that section you will find those small settings.
I hope you enjoyed my artistic impression of what I would love to see. I think something so simple can compliment this software in its true simplistic form. This is why I am growing to love Bakery and WebsiteBaker...
Combined together make for true harmony.
Hi mcollins
Quote from: mcollins on September 08, 2009, 03:21:50 AM
So can this be done: Something nice would be to have ( order admin, stock admin, general settings & payment settings) in the Admin-Tools area. Or even on the admin home page, a new small button called bakery, and in that section you will find those small settings.
Nice suggestion -
but technically not feasible. This would concern WB core files and no Bakery files.
Edit: Here you will find a short tut on how to achieve it: https://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg98277.html#msg98277
Regards Christoph
So Christoph.... this can be done, but not by you? Possible a small colaboration with you and the WB Scripters could achiev such a thing to make something so fantastic even better? How hard would this be? Is this something that anyone could do? What kind of thread would I need to make in another section to get the right people on to it?
hello to all,
someone can help me?
I do not succeed to set up the tax on the products,
I have tried all the ways, but in the total I do not see the sum of the cost of product + 20% of taxes!
how I must make?
:cry: :cry:
Hi ghost06
Quote from: ghost06 on September 09, 2009, 03:35:16 AM
I have tried all the ways, but in the total I do not see the sum of the cost of product + 20% of taxes!
Tell us what exactly you have done!
Especially what settings (general settings and item settings) concerning taxes did you set?
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on September 09, 2009, 09:09:53 AM
Hi ghost06
Quote from: ghost06 on September 09, 2009, 03:35:16 AM
I have tried all the ways, but in the total I do not see the sum of the cost of product + 20% of taxes!
Tell us what exactly you have done!
Especially what settings (general settings and item settings) concerning taxes did you set?
Regards Christoph
hello freeSbee, thanks for the answer,
I do not speak very well English, I put you the images of the configurations...
ps. soon I will give to you also the translation in Italian when l' I will have ended! :wink:
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Sorry for my first post to be a nagging one and then to pull a post from another thread but I am in a situation similiar to the one described here;
Is there a straightforward way around this or am I able to edit the module to suit this requirement?
Thanks for your time.
Hi ghost06
Quote from: ghost06 on September 09, 2009, 03:35:16 AM
I do not succeed to set up the tax on the products,
I have tried all the ways, but in the total I do not see the sum of the cost of product + 20% of taxes!
1. Taxes are shown at the summary page only (after customers have entered their address data).
2. Set "General Settings" > "Payment Settings" > "Tax" to "Shop Country"
Thanks a lot for translating Bakery!
Regards Christoph
Hi mitmystery,
hi mongbatstar
Quote from: mitmystery on September 01, 2009, 04:28:35 PM
Essentially we sell products that require different shipping charges depending on the amount ordered. e.g. order eight and the shiiping price is per product. However order more than eight and price is per pallet so to speak. I have no idea how to set this up using the bakery module.
By default Bakery can not do it. Modify the php code of the view_summary.php file to fit your needs.
Regards Christoph
Hi just wondered if anyone has intergrated Streamline as a payment option?
If not how would I go about doing this?
Could anyone intergrate this payment method please www.cardsave.net
Short cuts to the Bakery backend on the admin home page(WebsiteBaker v2.7 only, for WebsiteBaker v2.8 see this post (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg101380.html#msg101380))
Feature requestQuote from: mcollins on September 08, 2009, 03:21:50 AM
Or even on the admin home page, a new small button called bakery, and in that section you will find those small settings.
And this gives an impression of how it will look like (image at the bottom of the post):
Step by step...If you like to have short cuts to the Bakery backend on the admin home page, make some modifications to the WebsiteBaker core file
1. Replace in the code below all
page_id=XXX by one of your Bakery page ids, eg.
page_id=4 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="section" style="display: {DISPLAY_ADDONS};">
<td class="graphic" align="center" valign="middle" rowspan="2">
<a href="{WB_URL}/admin/pages/modify.php?page_id=XXX">
<img src="{ADMIN_URL}/images/icons/mod_bakery.png" border="0" />
<td class="title">
<a href="{WB_URL}/admin/pages/modify.php?page_id=XXX">Bakery Shop Tools</a>
<td class="description">
<a href="{WB_URL}/modules/bakery/modify_orders.php?page_id=XXX">Order Admin</a>,
<a href="{WB_URL}/modules/bakery/stock.php?page_id=XXX">Stock Admin</a><br />
<a href="{WB_URL}/modules/bakery/modify_general_settings.php?page_id=XXX">General Settings</a>,
<a href="{WB_URL}/modules/bakery/modify_payment_methods.php?page_id=XXX">Payment Settings</a>
2. Locate the html code below at the very bottom of the WebsiteBaker core file
<!-- END main_block -->
3. Add the code of the complete html table of step #1 right
before the code of step #2.
4. Add the attached
mod_bakery.png icon to the
admin/images/icons/ directory or make a 50x50px png icon yourself.
Regards Christoph
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
hello to all, can i upgrade from version 0,94 to 1,36?
please can you explain me the procedure step to step?
I have tried this
but but it does not work :cry: :cry:
Hi ghost06
Quote from: ghost06 on September 29, 2009, 09:45:46 PM
can i upgrade from version 0,94 to 1,36?
Please read the important upgrade notes:
If anything went wrong please provide more information on:
- WB version
- What did you do manually (FTP, WB backend etc)?
- Before upgrading deactivate JS in your Browser to make sure you can copy the success/error page shown in your browser after the upgrade is completed.
- Check your upgraded Bakery version in the info.php file.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on September 30, 2009, 09:45:15 AM
Hi ghost06
Quote from: ghost06 on September 29, 2009, 09:45:46 PM
can i upgrade from version 0,94 to 1,36?
Please read the important upgrade notes:
If anything went wrong please provide more information on:
- WB version
- What did you do manually (FTP, WB backend etc)?
- Before upgrading deactivate JS in your Browser to make sure you can copy the success/error page shown in your browser after the upgrade is completed.
- Check your upgraded Bakery version in the info.php file.
Regards Christoph
hello Christoph, in the first place thanks for your answer and excuse me if I have disturbed, but are deprived of hope :cry:
I have read http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes , but not there are successful, I have followed the passages, but nothing
my WB version is 2.8
What did you do manually (FTP, WB backend etc)?
even if I do not speak well l' English, I have tried translate the topic, but I do not succeed to understand which are the steps to follow in order to make the upgrade...
I am much pleasing one to you if he explains to me
sorry for my English :-)
It is always best to use the WB backend to install or upgrade any modules.
If you uploaded the Bakery files by FTP, login to your WB installation, go to the tab "Add-ons" and click on the "Advanced"-link on the upper right of the page (WB ≥ 2.8 only).
Use "Admin Settings" (Update database with information from Add-on files (e.g. after FTP upload).) to update your data base.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on September 30, 2009, 10:18:01 AM
It is always best to use the WB backend to install or upgrade any modules.
If you uploaded the Bakery files by FTP, login to your WB installation, go to the tab "Add-ons" and click on the "Advanced"-link on the upper right of the page (WB ≥ 2.8 only).
Use "Admin Settings" (Update database with information from Add-on files (e.g. after FTP upload).) to update your data base.
Regards Christoph
I do not see where I can update the data base. :?
in admin-tools i have:
* Backup
This module allows you to backup your database.
* Captcha and Advanced-Spam-Protection (ASP) Control
Admin-Tool to control CAPTCHA and ASP
* Droplets
This tool allows you to manage your local Droplets.
* Frontend Output Filter
This module allows to filter the output before displaying it on the frontend. Support for filtering mailto links and mail addresses in strings.
* Javascript Admin
This module adds Javascript functionality to the WebsiteBaker Admin to improve some of the UI interactions. Uses the YahooUI library.
* Page Cloner
This addon allows you to clone a page to a new page with all sections.
I'd like to get rid of some required fields. Where can I find settings for this? Thank you!
I'd like to know if the Bakery module accepts products for download.
I didn't find any answers for this.
Hi Myles
Quote from: mylesk42 on October 07, 2009, 03:49:49 PM
I'd like to know if the Bakery module accepts products for download.
No, Bakery does not support selling of digital goods. But have a look at this thread:
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph,
Sorry for the delayed response on this, but your reference of WebsiteBaker core file admin/start/template.html. does not exist. I have installed 1.8.
The only thing in admin/start is index.php.
Inside there is // Insert section names and descriptions
'ADDONS_OVERVIEW' => $addons_overview,
'ACCESS_OVERVIEW' => $access_overview,
// Parse template object
$template->parse('main', 'main_block', false);
$template->pparse('output', 'page');
Perhaps I am missing something in your context of step by step description?
Short cuts to the Bakery backend on the admin home page(WebsiteBaker v2.8 only, for WebsiteBaker v2.7 see this post (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,7834.msg98277.html#msg98277))
Feature requestQuote from: mcollins on September 08, 2009, 03:21:50 AM
Or even on the admin home page, a new small button called bakery, and in that section you will find those small settings.
And this gives an impression of how it will look like (image at the bottom of the post):
Step by step...If you like to have short cuts to the Bakery backend on the admin home page, make some modifications to the WebsiteBaker core file
templates/your_theme/templates/start.htt, where
/your_theme/ is the directory of the active backend theme. Select backend themes in the WebsiteBaker backend > "General Settings" > "Default Settings" > "Backend-Theme".
1. Replace in the code below all
page_id=XXX by one of your Bakery page ids, eg.
page_id=4 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="section" style="display: {DISPLAY_ADDONS};">
<td class="graphic" align="center" valign="middle" rowspan="2">
<a href="{WB_URL}/admin/pages/modify.php?page_id=7">
<img src="{THEME_URL}/icons/mod_bakery.png" alt="Bakery Shop Tools" />
<td class="title">
<a href="{WB_URL}/admin/pages/modify.php?page_id=7">Bakery Shop Tools</a>
<td class="description">
<a href="{WB_URL}/modules/bakery/modify_orders.php?page_id=7">Order Admin</a>,
<a href="{WB_URL}/modules/bakery/stock.php?page_id=7">Stock Admin</a><br />
<a href="{WB_URL}/modules/bakery/modify_general_settings.php?page_id=7">General Settings</a>,
<a href="{WB_URL}/modules/bakery/modify_payment_methods.php?page_id=7">Payment Settings</a>
2. Locate the html code below at the very bottom of the WebsiteBaker core file
<!-- END main_block -->
3. Add the code of the complete html table of step #1 right
before the code of step #2.
4. Add the attached
mod_bakery.png icon to the
templates/your_theme/icons/ directory or make a 50x50px png icon yourself.
5. If you need the short cut in other backend themes too, repeat step #1 to #4 for other theme directories.
Regards Christoph
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.4.0 (20/10/2009)
Bakery 1.4.0 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.4.0.
Firstly thanks for the new version your hard work is much appreciated, I have asked before if anyone can make a payment module for www.cardsave.net they are one the biggest credit card payment companies in the UK so I'm sure it would help towards more people wanting to use Bakery.
I am willing to put a little money into it if it helps
thanks a lot for the new bakery version!
i face 2 problems now:
- if i add article options (like size, color etc) to an article, then the price is set to "0" if i put the article in the shopping cart. if i remove the article options it works fine,,
- if i move the shopping cart button from the header to the footer it doesnt work properly anymore. what is the right way to move items at the page settings page?
best, frans / youecho
ps: check the example i'm working on right now: www.karinruiter.nl/wb/ (http://www.karinruiter.nl/wb/)
Hi frans
Quote from: youecho on October 25, 2009, 11:00:06 AM
- if i add article options (like size, color etc) to an article, then the price is set to "0" if i put the article in the shopping cart. if i remove the article options it works fine,
Keep in mind that an option price left blank or set to "
= 0.00" will overwrite the item price and set it to 0.00 on account of the equals sign.
In this case set the option price to "
+ 0.00" or "
- 0.00".
Quote from: youecho on October 25, 2009, 11:00:06 AM
- if i move the shopping cart button from the header to the footer it doesnt work properly anymore. what is the right way to move items at the page settings page?
First make sure your html code is not lacking.
Second there are different ways to call the cart. These code examples are only for use within the Bakery page setting templates:
As a link:
<a href="[SHOP_URL]?view_cart=yes">[VIEW_CART]</a>
As a button (requires JS):
<input type="button" name="view_cart" value="[VIEW_CART]" class="mod_bakery_bt_cart_f" onclick="javascript: window.location = '[SHOP_URL]?view_cart=yes';" />
As a submit button:
<form action="[SHOP_URL]" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="view_cart" value="[VIEW_CART]" class="mod_bakery_bt_cart_f" />
Quote from: youecho on October 25, 2009, 11:00:06 AM
ps: check the example i'm working on right now: www.karinruiter.nl/wb/ (http://www.karinruiter.nl/wb/)
There is no cart button in the footer of this page... ?
Regards Christoph
hi christoph,
thanx a lot for your quick reply.
problem 1 is solved (i didnt see the "+" or "-" at the article options..
problem 2 still not fixed. in my example page www.karinruiter.nl/wb/ (http://www.karinruiter.nl/wb/) i added the link option <a href="[SHOP_URL]?view_cart=yes">[VIEW_CART]</a> at the footer, but the text is not replaced properly and therefore the link doesnt work. if i place the same link in the header, everything is ok.. where can i solve this problem?
thanks in advance!
best regards,
frans van gastel / youecho
Hi Frans
Quote from: youecho on October 26, 2009, 11:18:37 AM
problem 2 still not fixed. in my example page www.karinruiter.nl/wb/ (http://www.karinruiter.nl/wb/) i added the link option <a href="[SHOP_URL]?view_cart=yes">[VIEW_CART]</a> at the footer, but the text is not replaced properly and therefore the link doesnt work. if i place the same link in the header, everything is ok.. where can i solve this problem?
The help page at "Page Settings" > "Help" provides a list of all placeholders like [SHOP_URL] and where they can be used. As you can see the [SHOP_URL] and [VIEW_CART] placeholders are not supported in the PF (= Page Footer).
As a workaround you can use the [[ModBakeryCartLink]] droplet provided that you are using WB 2.8 or later.
Read more about "droplets" (http://www.websitebakers.com/pages/droplets/about-droplets.php)
Get the droplet ModBakeryCartLink at AMASP (http://www.websitebakers.com/pages/droplets/official-library/bakery/modbakerycartlink.php)
Regards Christoph
hi christoph,
thanx again for your reply.
i solved problem 2. i installed the droplets module and inserted the modbakerycartlink droplet. first it gave an error in the return value, but after i changed ERROR in Droplet "ModBakeryCartLink" into ERROR in Droplet ModBakeryCartLink, it works like a charm :), even in WB 2.7..
best regards,
frans van gastel / youecho
Hi Frans
Quote from: youecho on October 26, 2009, 02:02:54 PM
i solved problem 2. i installed the droplets module and inserted the modbakerycartlink droplet. first it gave an error in the return value, but after i changed ERROR in Droplet "ModBakeryCartLink" into ERROR in Droplet ModBakeryCartLink, it works like a charm :), even in WB 2.7..
Thanks for reporting the bug! I fixed it on the droplets page.
Regards Christoph
I have problems witjh tax for shiping. I need bank acount payment 40 and invoice 80.
Before I start fix up to my way I ask here I somebody check this before me..
This must be a check box in Shop Cart whitch add + cost of Invoice shipping
I Have WB 2.7 Bakery 1.41
Thank you in advance
In my Cart canot delete items by click to delete image..
Thank you in advance for help.
Hi KEnik
Quote from: KEnik on October 27, 2009, 09:30:03 AM
I have problems witjh tax for shiping. I need bank acount payment 40 and invoice 80.
In Bakery it is not possible to set different shipping coasts for various payment methods.
Quote from: KEnik on October 27, 2009, 10:51:03 AM
In my Cart canot delete items by click to delete image..
Regards Christoph
Hey all, I have a product that I am selling on my website. It can come in a variety of colors and textures, each for different parts of the product. I would like to have 4 different pallets of colours/textures, and then a person can select from the pallets, mix and match, and a picture of the product would change. Due to the number of combinations, it would be a real pain to have a picture for each one.
Any suggestion on how I can approach doing this?
Quote from: doughead on November 03, 2009, 04:46:22 AM
Hey all, I have a product that I am selling on my website....
I merged you in here because I think it is the right thread.
A client of me has several bakery shops on their website. They do a lot in clothing. They have an optionlist in which customers can choose their size. Eg: S,M,L,XL,XXL
The problem that they face is the order of these options. The order is alphabetical so you get L,M,S,XL,XXL
Can this be re-arranged to the correct option list settings?
Note: I found in this topic another issue about this, but that was about figures.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Boudi
Quote from: Boudi on November 03, 2009, 01:50:57 PM
The problem that they face is the order of these options. The order is alphabetical so you get L,M,S,XL,XXL
Can this be re-arranged to the correct option list settings?
Bakery does not support ordering of option attributes by default.
But try this workarround:
These modifications will affect ALL Bakery option attributes, not only the ones given in the example below. All option attributes will be ordered the same as the attribute_id.
First go to the
mod_bakery_attributes table in your database and reorder the
attribute_id field in your own way.
For example:
attribute_id option_id attribute_name
6 2 XXL
7 2 L
8 2 S
9 2 XL
10 2 M
Change db table to, eg.:
attribute_id option_id attribute_name
10 2 XXL
8 2 L
6 2 S
9 2 XL
7 2 M
Open the files
view_overview.php and
view_item.php. If you need the same ordering in the backend too, open
modify_item.php and
modify_options.php as well. Replace the code (all in all 5 times)
ORDER BY o.option_name, a.attribute_name ASC
ORDER BY a.attribute_id ASC
Regards Christoph
does Bakery have any issues with the Aggregator module?
I have a site with the following setup:
online store (aggregator page)
- specials (aggregator page)
- product page 1 (bakery page - no products)
- product page 2 (bakery page - no products)
- current season (aggregator page)
- product page 3 (bakery page - has products)
- product page 4 (bakery page - has products)
Now the aggregator on the specials page works fine - it aggregates the product page 1 and 2. But the current season page does not work properly. Looking through the html that is output, there are links for the aggregated pages, but nothing inside the a tags, so the links are invisible.
It seems as soon as you add a product to one of the bakery pages, the aggregator stops working.
Any ideas why?
I have another question about the item options:
For example: i create an item "x" with a quantity of 7 pieces, and select the option "size" S, M, L.
How can i select that i have for example 2 items "x" size S, 1 item "x" size M and 4 items "x" size L?
Now it only gives the total quantity of the item, but when for example size M is sold out, you can still order it..
I hope you understand the problem, and more important, perhaps can give me a solution :)
Best regards,
Frans van Gastel / youecho
Hi Frans
Quote from: youecho on November 08, 2009, 06:38:36 PM
For example: i create an item "x" with a quantity of 7 pieces, and select the option "size" S, M, L.
How can i select that i have for example 2 items "x" size S, 1 item "x" size M and 4 items "x" size L?
Now it only gives the total quantity of the item, but when for example size M is sold out, you can still order it..
Indeed, this is a known but still unsolved problem of Bakery.
Solving it for one option (eg. color) with 4 or 5 attributes (eg. red, blue, green...) would be easy. But what about 20 items with 2 or 3 options and 4 attributes each? Just calculate! And 20 items are not that much in a shop.
It is getting rather complicated. Therefor Bakery is still just taking account of items not regarding any options nor attributes.
Any suggestions on this subject are welcome!
Regards Christoph
For the next update...
I noticed a couple styles missing from backend.css
.row_a { background-color: #FFFFFF;}
.row_b { background-color: #E6EBF4;}
This color codes the rows in the backend
Quote from: Yippeekayaye on November 10, 2009, 04:56:52 PM
For the next update...
I noticed a couple styles missing from backend.css
.row_a { background-color: #FFFFFF;}
.row_b { background-color: #E6EBF4;}
This color codes the rows in the backend
Normally this Classes are defined in the Backend Theme.
You can go to admin>>settings>>general settings >> Backend-Theme and there you can switch the backend theme to another one.
Is there any difference?
I need an upload function/field on the article detail page for customers to upload a picture. should be sent e.g. with the order confirmation mail.
Any idea or tipps???
Quote from: zarathustra.at on August 03, 2009, 10:04:38 AM
I think this has to do with allowed special characters - you have to define which special characters are allowed:
(in your case i suppose) in file bakery/languages/SE.php
make sure the file is encoded the same as your WB installation.
Hope this helps!
Hi guys!
I just dont get this.. I have translated bakery to finnish but the customer ordering form don´t understand åäö`s. Wiew.php has the // Check the textfields codes.. Should I put åäö´s there? I tried this also ($MOD_BAKERY['ADD_REGEXP_CHARS'] = 'ÄÖÜäöüß'; ) on few ways, but it did not work at all. Im doin somethin wrong but what?
Ihave test server on utf-8 and my customers server where shuold be the final version on iso-8859-1.
Is there someone who can help me?
Hi zirzy
Add your chars like "åäö" and other to the $MOD_BAKERY['ADD_REGEXP_CHARS'] var like this:
Save your language file using iso-8859-1 encoding. This way both iso-8859-1 and utf8 should work fine.
Regards Christoph
Hey thanks Dude!! And thanks for so fast reply! I was lil dum :-D It works fine now! Great job. Many thanks to you :-)
Anyone intrested in www.cardsave.net payment gateway??? If so would you pay towards getting this done by freeSbee?
Card Save is the UK's biggest credit card company please let me know.
Hi Christoph,
Thanx again for your reply, and too bad its not yet possible to split the item-quantity for every option.. Hopefully it will be implemented in a future update..
QuoteSolving it for one option (eg. color) with 4 or 5 attributes (eg. red, blue, green...) would be easy.
You say its quite easy to achieve it for only one option (for example item x with options size S, M, L). Can you tell me step by step how i can do that? You would help me out a lot!
Thanx in advance.
Best regards,
Frans van Gastel
Dear all,
Im trying to use bakery for selling online products, both Ebook and online video. This has a challange. Bakery is not really designed to do this. I have trouble uploading videos. I believe there are limits to the upload size with php?
Does anybody have any ideas how I can fix this? has anybody managed this?
1) uploading videos,selling E-books
Any suggestions?
Kind Regards
Ben Meijer
To increase the allowable upload file size, you must modify the php.ini file on the web server. If you use a hosting company, they should allow you to change this or they can change it for you.
The settings are -
upload_max_filesize = 30M
post_max_size = 30M
I think 2M is the default setting.
I am using the version 1.4.1 with the mini cart using the ModBakeryMiniCart droplet. Does anyone know of a way I can get the mini cart to not show up on the cart page. It seems redundant and it is causing me some formatting headaches in my template but just on the page shown after the user clicks on 'view cart'.
QuoteDoes anybody have any ideas how I can fix this? has anybody managed this?
1) uploading videos,selling E-books
Hello Ben Meijer,
I also tried to fix this upload problem, but couldnt solve it through changing the php.ini. Most of the hosting providers also have strict rules for that..
Thats why i found a java upload tool like Zupload or Jumploader, which can use FTP instead of HTTP requests.
Easy to implement in your Webbaker admin environment.
Works like a charm for me.
Best regards,
Frans van Gastel
This is a great module and fairly easy to customise.
I am trying to change the text that appears on the second page of the cart where you need to put a tick in the select box agreeing to the terms and conditions. Where can I update this text?
I have looked through numerous files in the module and can't seem to find it anywhere.
I am sure it is easy.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Hi Weiry
Quote from: weiry on November 23, 2009, 06:26:14 AM
I am trying to change the text that appears on the second page of the cart where you need to put a tick in the select box agreeing to the terms and conditions. Where can I update this text?
It is in the
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph,
Thanks for the reply.
Yes you are right that is the text, but the URL link is not contained there. Sorry I should have made that more specific in my post. I want it to reference a particular page for Terms & Conditions so I need to change that, not just the text.
Hi Weiry
Quote from: weiry on November 23, 2009, 08:49:28 AMChristoph,
I want it to reference a particular page for Terms & Conditions so I need to change that, not just the text.
Regards Christoph
Thank you Christoph,
I indeed missed that! :oops:
This is a great module and my client is very happy with the way in which it is working, it has certainly saved me many hours and $$. I will indeed bookmark the site you have given me and read that more carefully.
Thank you for getting back to me.
Hi Christoph,
I am having trouble with Captcha when I try to pay with PayPal. It is encrypting the PayPal account email address and thus give me an error.
It puts the email address as name(at)domainname(dot)COM(dot)au at the top of the PayPal screen when I opt to pay via PayPal.
I have the Frontend Output Filter disabled on the site as I am using the Droplet to encrypt the email addresses elsewhere on the site.
Some help to try and resolve this issue please.
Just one other quick thing, when the stock level is zero, it doesn't bring up the number or image. If I go to order it, it then tells me that it is out of stock, but there is no reference to this on the actual shopping cart selection page.
Have checked the images and they are there, and the low and normal stock displays.
Hi Weiry
Quote from: weiry on November 26, 2009, 04:46:24 AM
I am having trouble with Captcha when I try to pay with PayPal.
Captcha ? There is no Captcha in Bakery...
Quote from: weiry on November 26, 2009, 04:46:24 AM
It is encrypting the PayPal account email address and thus give me an error.
It puts the email address as name(at)domainname(dot)COM(dot)au at the top of the PayPal screen when I opt to pay via PayPal.
I have the Frontend Output Filter disabled on the site as I am using the Droplet to encrypt the email addresses elsewhere on the site.
I have never tested with the Droplet that encrypts the email addresses but I am virtually certain it is the reason for the malfunction on the checkout page. Please pm me the link to the page so I can check it.
Use the frontend output filter instead since Bakery can handle this kind of filtering.
Quote from: weiry on November 26, 2009, 05:36:12 AM
Just one other quick thing, when the stock level is zero, it doesn't bring up the number or image. If I go to order it, it then tells me that it is out of stock, but there is no reference to this on the actual shopping cart selection page.
This is a bug. I fixed it and it will be part of the next upgrade.
Thanks for reporting!
Regards Christoph
HI Christoph,
When the client elects to Pay through PayPal, but uses their credit card, there is confirmation of the order in "Order Administration" There is also no confirmation email sent to the purchaser or client.
Is this a setup issue with PayPal or a problem with the shopping cart module.
Hi Weiry
Quote from: weiry on November 27, 2009, 07:53:38 AM
When the client elects to Pay through PayPal, but uses their credit card, there is confirmation of the order in "Order Administration" There is also no confirmation email sent to the purchaser or client.
Is this a setup issue with PayPal or a problem with the shopping cart module.
Actually there should not be a difference using PayPal paying by credit card or the clients PayPal account.
Please not that the customer
must be directed back to your shop upon payment completion otherwise neither the confirmation emails will be sent nor the purchase will be saved in your order administration.
Read more about PayPal Settings on the Bakery Website:
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph,
I have set this up as directed in Paypal. I have it directed back to main domain. i.e www.domainname.com.au
Should I be directing it back to somewhere else i.e www.domainname.com.au/pages/thankyou.php
Hi Weiry
I just had a quick look on it. Everything seems to be alright. Both redirect links in the source code of your checkout page are correct.
Please inquire about the malfunction with PayPal customer service and let us know what they told you.
Regards Christoph
Do I need to redirect them back to a page within the shopping cart rather than within the actual domain?
As already mentioned I have checked the redirect url and it is correct.
Sorry, I can not give you any more assistance on this.
Please inquire about the malfunction with PayPal customer service and let us know what they told you.
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph,
I will certainly enquire with PayPal, although I know what they will say as I have struck similar problems before.
"It is a customised shopping cart please check with the programmer concerned"
Where do I start? Do I say to PayPal that the order does not return back to the website and no confirmation of the order is received or sent although Auto Return is turned on?
I am a bit lost with this, as I thought I had set everything up inside PayPal correctly and cant see any issues inside the shopping cart although the Visa/Mastercard payment doesn't work the same as processing through your PayPal account itself.
Quote from: weiry on November 27, 2009, 10:36:56 AM
I am a bit lost with this, as I thought I had set everything up inside PayPal correctly and cant see any issues inside the shopping cart although the Visa/Mastercard payment doesn't work the same as processing through your PayPal account itself.
I have no idea why Visa/Mastercard payment doesn't work the same as processing through a PayPal account itself.
Even if you would pay me for help I could not help you any further.
Regards Christoph
Thanks Christoph,
I am confused as well!! I haven't struck and differences but today I did! I guess it just must be my lucky day eh?!
I do appreciate you getting back to me and have emailed PayPal, but my experience with them is to "pass the buck" so I guess I will need to wait until I hear from them.
I hope I don't have to take the shopping cart offline as it works really well apart from the payment side with Visa.
Good morning Christoph,
What I would like to achieve is to be able to have a website for a customer that has an
online bin ordering service. Now Virtuemart in Joomla is a very serious piece of software,
it has all the bells and whistles in it. But I do not want all the bells and whistles... I would like
a 3 stage order process, and I believe that bakery can or probably would be able to do what I wish,
can you please see this list in order and let me know if it can be done.
1: The customer chooses what Bin size they would like delivered, then the date for delivery.
2: The customer customer then inserts their details like name, address, password to login again
3: The customer enters credit card details, and presses "send" or as I would recscript it "order bin".
The next screen would then redirect them to the thank you for ordering .....
An email then sends the invoice paid with details of order. The customer can then log in any
time and then order bins without having to place all their details again.
Now that being said is the primary goal, I would like to know how to allow to integrate a fantastic
payment gateway called "e-Path", as you will see from the link, it doesn't need alot to do,
and it offers no fee's for each payment. It has its own PCI DSS, so no need to purchass SSL
and configure onto the website as an extra http://e-path.com.au/e-path_security.html.
The fee is very small compared to other online credit card merchant gateways. E-Path is a
highly trusted source here in Australia. http://e-path.com.au/ My client
prefers to recieve the credit card details securely to manually enter the data, and this gateway
does exactly this. Please check out the integration page. http://e-path.com.au/integration.html
Here is an excerpt from that page:
e-Path will supply you with the unique address (URL) to your secure e-Path payment page upon
registering you into the e-Path system. From there you only need to ensure each of the following
six parameters are sent with values to your e-Path system, they are:
ord = A unique order number
des = What the customer is buying or "Online Order" for brevity
amt = The amount the customer is paying and authorising you to charge
frq = The charge frequency (Once, monthly etc)
opt = Optional field value (this is an optional optional parameter, it may be left out)
ceml = Customer email address
ret = A return URL (the URL e-Path will send customer back to)
That's all there is to it. No SSL requirements, no dedicated IP address for your site, no
complex server programs to install, no response codes to worry about, nothing more - everything
that needs to exist is handled for you by your own e-Path gateway system.
The next obstacle path in the near future would be to have a dispatch plugin that the company
can sub-contract the deliveries to, and have registered companies accept the jobs. That company
could then log in and see what jobs they have booked in. Is there such a plugin, I can't for the life
of me figure out what key words I need to search this out, or even ask the right questions.
Is this something you might be able to point me in the right direction?
Hi Christoph,
Sorry, I forgot to add to the simple checkout that I would like the customer to be able to use a calendar to advise when a deliver would be prefered, then a radio box to specify Morning delivery or afternoon delivery.
Can this be possible?
I'm having a strange problem with Bakery.
On my Xammp server, works perfectly, on my live server (ubuntu) I can add the section Bakery to the page, but when I actually try to modify the page using the WB admin, nothing comes up, its as if i've not got any sections on my page.
If i view the page, i.e go to the URL, I do see a view cart button, so the front end is working, but not the back end.
I've tried upgrading from WB 2.7 to 2.8, but still the same problem.
Any ideas whats happening here?
Hi all!
Is it possible to modify bakery files after installing it in to the web? On my localhost modifying is possible, but when I install it in to the web, there is no way to modify files. Not even with FTP. OR, Im doing somethin wrong badly :-D
All other things works fine, but only this is problem to me :|
Can somebody help me, please.
Hi zirzy
Quote from: zirzy on December 08, 2009, 02:29:14 PM
Is it possible to modify bakery files after installing it in to the web? On my localhost modifying is possible, but when I install it in to the web, there is no way to modify files. Not even with FTP.
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph,
Any good news on the questions I ask of above?
Hi Christophe...
Any ideas on my requests?
If you update the PAGE SETTINGS for a bakery page, and then check the " Update settings except for the "Continue Shopping URL" of ALL shop pages? " button, I have noticed this does not save it for when creating a NEW bakery page.
Thats pretty annoying because I have made changes in one of the pages, but on a regular basis I need to create new pages, so my changes to the PAGE SETTINGS will not show up - I either have to manually make the changes again, or I need to go back to one of the existing pages and save them again with "Update settings etc".
It would be great if there was a 4th button that says "Update new and existing settings except for the "Continue Shopping URL" of ALL shop pages ?".
Is my only other solution to make my changes to the actual code pages and upload via ftp? If so, which files to I need to make edits to?
Hi Gilly
Quote from: gilly on December 17, 2009, 03:30:45 AM
Is my only other solution to make my changes to the actual code pages and upload via ftp? If so, which files to I need to make edits to?
You can modify the default settings in the add.php file.
Another way would be to make use of the "Preset" script by Stefek:
Regards Christoph
Hi All,
Does anyone know how you can get The Bakery to email you a notification when a new order is placed? It doesn't seem do this by default with a fresh installation. I have tested the PHP mail(...) function separately on this particular server and can confirm it works fine. I've set all emails in the settings to my own to be able to test it for the client, so now I am wondering if this has been added or not?
If I have to edit the PHP code in order to get it to do this, does anyone know where it would be best added? (quite difficult to know where to start!)
Many thanks,
Hi r_davies
Quote from: r_davies on December 17, 2009, 05:04:36 PM
Does anyone know how you can get The Bakery to email you a notification when a new order is placed? It doesn't seem do this by default with a fresh installation.
It does by default after payment completion.
Regards Christoph
I installed bakery and used a complete blank template (no images or whatsoever) and still the ssl certificate telles me there is a mix of both secure and non-secure items...
is there something inside the bakery items I have to chnage to achive a good secure page?
I installed an older version (1.1) and it goed well ...
I say it has to do with the 'new' multiple image part ...
solved the s*** by integrating a jquery lightbox instead of the prototype script
Hi Christoph,
i think there is a small error in
the $count_items var is not calculated.
you should insert in line 457:
$count_items += $items[$i]['quantity'];
thanks for the good module,
Hi Axel
Yes, of course - thanks a lot for your bugfix! It has been invented in version 1.4.0 when adding the Bakery templates.
Regards Christoph
Hi there,
Question in which I could not find an answer:
I'm working on a webshop with no detailed page, only an overview page.
In this overview page there are are several option lists which has their own options to choose from. It's mandatory to choose only 1 field out of all of those option lists and options.
The problem that I'm facing is when they order that product all the other 1st items of the remaining option lists are ordered too.
How can I disable that so that an option is only added that you really select?
Im having a small issue with blank emails being sent from the bakery with order confirmations.
The subject line is blank as well as the body of the mail.
Anything I should check?
WB 2.8
Latest Bakery.
Hi maxxis
Quote from: maxxis on January 05, 2010, 12:00:30 PM
The subject line is blank as well as the body of the mail.
- Which payment method did you use?
- Is the email to the customer as well as the email to your shop blank?
Please check:
"Bakery backend" > "Payment Methods" > Select "Payment Method" (the one you were using) > Check the "Email" template of this payment methode.
Regards Christoph
Thank you kindly
Worked like a charm.
Just need to see how the order detail can be added to the email.
The customer should receive a link to a PDF that can be downloaded as well as a link to a free wallpaper.
Good Evening christophe from the ICE train traveling from Munich to Stutgart...
Please can you advise me if in fact you are able to help me on my questions I placed since I left Australia. I am
very keen to be able to use the option of E-Path as it is one prefered and very securfe way of accepting credit cards...
Thank you mate.
@mcollins - sorry mate, but freesbee does not want to include this option into his shop. Maybe you can find somebody else. But since nobody here answered, I guess the answer is no ...
Personally I also don't see the benefit in offering a gateway which is "only" used locally. The other gateways have been added by "popular" request from multiple users or make sense (paypal) dues to internationality.
Hi Klaus,
Sorry to sound like I am a PITA, but I see that bakery is the best option for ecommerce that I have ever seen because of its simplicity and fine integration, including the invoicing and stock control. Now if I were not bothered, I would have been persistent in other areas, but since I have and want to use only website baker and bakery, my options are in need of some guidance. Now not to sound arogant in any way, I see allot of work has gone into the developement, and I see no reason for the gradual growth of other countries to enjoy the features that only Europe seem to enjoy with the online credit card utility such as Mollie and Direct E-Banking. Now I see nothing wrong with the possibility in including another nation to enjoy the fruits of this fine proiduct, and I wouldn't call Australia anoption of just "locally"... we are not such a small country. I have strong beliefs in this fine software ofwebsite baker and bakery, that I tell every person i meet in this line of workj while I am traveling around Europe, and the reception I get from these people when I show them with the mobile version is absolutely great every time. I have these peole asking me to come back to their places to show them more and ask me more. Perhaps someoen else is interested to get this project underway anmd we could share costs for further developement from Christophe. Again sorry for being persistent, but I don't know who else to ask for this integration help. Perhaps if there was a small bit of guidance to point me in the right directions on what and were to add his, I would try myself.
I would send Christoph a PM and ask for some guidence. You could also aks if he is willing to implement that feature in a future version. Maybe you could make a donation or make another contribution to the Bakery project (e.g. translation of language file etc.).
If Christoph will not implement this feature, than aks in the forum, if another developer is able to implement that kind of feature for you, either for free, or for some money.
Regards Doc
Thank you Doc... I have sent Christophe a PM some time ago before I lefrt Australia to travel Europe. I evemn offered that I visit him, I thpought that was a good option as a 28hr flight then all the train journeys to get there was a showing of dedication to see if something might be a good option to further develope the software. But... I do understand that not everyone has the time to offer some help at a given or requested time. I know myself what little time I have myself sometimes, so I do understand. If someone were to help me in integrating this yes for sure I would donate to a great cause, but I would love it if someone else that coulod use such a feature might help by clubbing together some $$ to help. What forum should I make a request for help? I figured that this was the right thread....?
I have asked the developers of E-Path to help also, and given them all the info regarding Bakery to see if tey could help in this developement. I shall place in the next posting what is required of E-Path for this integration. From their explenation, the E-Path integration is the easiest of all gateways as it only asks for 5-6 entries.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.5.0 (01/12/2010)
Bakery 1.5.0 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.5.0.
I wonder if there is an option to do the following:
for orders below 20Euro the customer needs to pay postage
for orders above 20Euro the customer does'nt pay postagecosts...
Hi Snoork
Quote from: snoork on January 12, 2010, 01:19:22 PM
I wonder if there is an option to do the following:
for orders below 20Euro the customer needs to pay postage
for orders above 20Euro the customer does'nt pay postagecosts...
Regards Christoph
great! thanks
another question: is it possible to add a specified amount depending on the pay-method, so that
when people pay by bank transfer pay x
when people pay by paypal they pay x+1
when people pay by ideal pay x+2
Hi Snoork
Quote from: snoork on January 12, 2010, 03:58:30 PM
another question: is it possible to add a specified amount depending on the pay-method, so that
when people pay by bank transfer pay x
when people pay by paypal they pay x+1
when people pay by ideal pay x+2
No, not by default.
Regards Christoph
you say not by default... that makes me presume there is a way...
is there a solution to find here?
As far as I remember there has never been a request similar to yours in the forum.
But anyway - Bakery is open source and you can hack it down to yours whim...
Is it possible to hide shipping costs, domestic and abroad texts?
I have set shipping on highest method and every item has their own shipping cost.
PRICE: EUR 10.00
SHIPPING: EUR 11.00 (I want this to be shown)
STOCK: Tuote loppunut
FULL DESC: testi2
SHIPPING COST DOMESTIC/ABROAD: EUR 0.00/0.00 (and I don´t want these to be shown because there is only zeros to be shown)
Hi zirzy
For more information please read or search the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch) or the Bakery threads since most of the questions are answered so far.
Regards Christoph
Is it possible to have a date (or small callendar) for delivery to place in some part of the checkout process? A date for collection coiuld be nice too. Thank you.
As for the E-Path integration, I hope to have E-Pasth themselves try help with this project. If it is possible, then I will obviously place the requirements in here to help out the bakery project grow. I can only cross my fingers that they can help.
Is there a way to attach the SKU of the items to the order?
sku would be "SKU1, SKU2, SKU3, SKU4" ?
Does this session exist at all? $_SESSION['bakery']['sku'] ?
Ignore that. I found the FREE DEFINABLE ITEM FIELDS
How would one pass that information to the payment module?
I have a customised feature on my site that grants access to a user on the system based on payment of certain subscribtions to magazines.
Once the user pays he is added to a group for that specific issue of the magazine.
The group update is dead easy to do but I need this value (in this case, Issue Number) to be passed to the payment module which will then send it back to the payment confirmation area and update the user based on that.
Hi mcollins
Quote from: mcollins on January 14, 2010, 10:17:32 AM
Is it possible to have a date (or small callendar) for delivery to place in some part of the checkout process? A date for collection coiuld be nice too. Thank you.
No, not by default.
Regards Christoph
in the feedbackmodule discussion there was spoken about a function that automatically fills in info in the name/ address fields when logged in
https://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php/topic,8741.msg101958.html#msg101958 (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php/topic,8741.msg101958.html#msg101958)
is something similair possible to have in bakery
I am looking for a possibillity for customers were they do not have to fill in their name/address everytime they buy something
Hi Snoork
Quote from: snoork on January 21, 2010, 04:30:38 PM
I am looking for a possibillity for customers were they do not have to fill in their name/address everytime they buy something
You can have them creating a WB account. For logged in customers Bakery tries to retrieve their address data of a previous order to prepopulat address fields.
Regards Christoph
I am traying to make a new PayModule with Ideal (without Mollie) because i have a iDEAL account and not for Mollie. But i have a lot off problems. Have someone this iDEAL working? (without Mollie). Maybe someone help me with that or share it. Otherway i put my code's here.
Perhaps that (Dutch) https://forum.WebsiteBaker.org/index.php/topic,16252.0.html thread will put you in the right direction.
Yours Michael
Issue with Bakery and my menu
I'm working on a multilanguage website according the guidelines mentioned here (the structure is listed below).
What is happening - I have a hidden bakery shop. I retrieve the various items through the anyitems module. this works ok and gives me a workaround on embedding the items i the various pages on the different language files.
I use the showmenu2 for displaying the menu showmenu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_ALL)
So far so good - this works ok.
But when I display an individual item - bakery goes to a top level: website.be/pages/bakery/...
By so - the showmenu doesn't work any more as it places on the root level....
How to tackle this ?
item 1
item 2
item a (bakery anyitems)
item b
item 3
item 1
item 2
item a (bakery anyitems)
item b
item 3
Bakery + Anyitems + multilanguage
It appears that when I make a bakery catalog in language EN and I use anyitems to display those items in a french website (with language set on french) it doesn't work
it redirects to the catalogs page which shows blanc
Any ideas on how to solve this ?
Here is partial (frontend) translation of bakery module to Hebrew
BTW there is a bug in view_confirmation.php:216 improper single quotes which leads to variable name displayed instead e-mail address
it should be
$shop_email_link = "<a href=\"mailto:$setting_shop_email\">$setting_shop_email<a>";
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hi Proglot
Thanks a lot for your Bakery translation to Hebrew and the bug report!
is it possible / easy to add a radiobuttongroup into the addresspage
( ) Mr. / ( ) Mrs.
I found the view_form.php but everything I try just breaks the page
Hello All,
How can I set my bakery page to arrange items ALPHABETICALLY?
Hi Nene
Quote from: nene on January 29, 2010, 11:48:56 AM
How can I set my bakery page to arrange items ALPHABETICALLY?
Please read or search (keyword: alfabetic order) the Bakery thread since most of the questions are answered so far.
Regards Christoph
Its working good now
Fantastic module. I have noticed two minor issues with regards to the bakery. I have read through the thread and not found any mention.
(1) When viewing the cart, the delete button does not reduce the quantity in the cart. You must rather change the stock to 0 and update cart. Tested on various sites with various installs.
(2) The light box is rendering at the bottom right of the page, well below the fold. Tested on various sites with various installs.
Again, thanks very much for this module, and if nothing else, I can work around these small problems. Any reply would be helpful.
Hi Justin
Quote from: justinhampton81 on February 02, 2010, 10:51:14 PM
(1) When viewing the cart, the delete button does not reduce the quantity in the cart. You must rather change the stock to 0 and update cart. Tested on various sites with various installs.
(2) The light box is rendering at the bottom right of the page, well below the fold. Tested on various sites with various installs.
Make sure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Regards Christoph
@freeSbee: I can confirm the delete button doesn't work (Safari 4.04, Firefox 3.6 on OSX) en IE 7 en 8 (Windows).
All browsers have javascript enabled.
Keep up the good work!
Hi MacSmet, hi Justin
Quote from: macsmet on February 03, 2010, 02:41:23 PM
@freeSbee: I can confirm the delete button doesn't work (Safari 4.04, Firefox 3.6 on OSX) en IE 7 en 8 (Windows).
All browsers have javascript enabled.
Keep up the good work!
Do you include the Bakery JS?
If yes, please post the JS error(s) returned by your browser(s).
Regards Christoph
You're absolutely right (of course).
After adding the JS in my template it works fine!
If anyone is interested please help out on this link for the extra developement of Bakery.
(Moved to Help & Support)
Quote from: freeSbee on January 14, 2010, 11:09:17 PM
Hi mcollins
Quote from: mcollins on January 14, 2010, 10:17:32 AM
Is it possible to have a date (or small callendar) for delivery to place in some part of the checkout process? A date for collection coiuld be nice too. Thank you.
No, not by default.
Regards Christoph
Well that reads to me as good news. By default it is not an option. Can this be in the next release please? The option of having a date picker opens the avenue for ecommerce as a service using Bakery, such as florist deliveries, couriers, grocery deliveries, rental industry, hire industry... the list goes on, and has the potential to be tapped into. Yes I ask allot, but with the struon beliefs in this fine software you have built, I see just a few small tweaks to provide unbelievable options for the web designers in us. I hope you can consider all I have asked for.
Cristoph -
Thanks very much for your help. This has fixed my issues. Thanks again.
upon Stefek's request, I made drag&drop reordering for Bakery's product list.
How to install it:
1. Backup your modify.php file (or rename it to modify-BU.php)
2. Upload 2 files attached into bakery's folder
3. Insert into backend.css following code:
#dragBakeryTable li {
list-style: none;
margin-top: 3px;
width: 95%;
list-style: none;
padding: 2px;
border: #CCCCCC solid 1px;
#dragBakeryResult {
width: 90%;
The script from uploaded modify.php file will automaticly create file: backend_body.js where is code required for drag and drop.
I remove the arrows for reordering (just by commenting it, if you want them back uncomment these lines)
Let me know how you like it :)
if you wish, you can include this into instalation package.
All best,
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hello Ivan,
thats great.
Thank you so much - I owe you ;-)
I will test it ASAP.
Kind Regards,
Hello Ivan,
I installed everything (also the js file was created), but it doesn't seen to work as it should :mrgreen:
I think it has to do with the WB Version I am using?
My Test Environment is on Xampp / WIN XP / WB 2.8.1 RC (but I can't remember if it was RC1 or 2).
Which WB Version to use - or it may be something different?
Kind Regards,
I am using WB 2.8
Could you send me on PM the sorce code from your backend page to take a look
I tested patch on WB 2.8 and latest bakery 1.5.0
I had problem with installation.
If you have TABLE PREFIX, the bakery want install. I tested with 2.8 and 2.8.1 Revision 1274.
I solved the problem by replacing [TP] with '.TABLE_PREFIX.' in install.php file
Quote from: crnogorac081 on February 05, 2010, 03:47:54 PM
I had problem with installation.
If you have TABLE PREFIX, the bakery want install. I tested with 2.8 and 2.8.1 Revision 1274.
I solved the problem by replacing [TP] with '.TABLE_PREFIX.' in install.php file
Somebody else with the same issue?
Regards Christoph
Did anyone who has TABLE PREFIX had instalation problems?
Maybe some library needs to be installed first?? I didnt see [TP] in any other module's instalation file I used so far..
Is there a way of knowing the total number of stock in inventory?
Hi Nene
Quote from: nene on February 06, 2010, 12:14:18 AM
Is there a way of knowing the total number of stock in inventory?
If you need to know the exact number of stock in inventory do this:
1.Set the shop offline to make sure no customers are shopping at the time. "WB backend" > "Modify Page Settings" > "Visibility" > select "Private".
2. Wait for a least one hour, then call the cart in the shop frontend. This will put all items back to stock that are blocked by uncompleted orders. Quit your order at the "Order Summary" page.
3.Got to the "Stock Administration" and check your shop inventory.
Regards Christoph
Hi Ivan
Quote from: crnogorac081 on February 05, 2010, 03:47:54 PM
If you have TABLE PREFIX, the bakery want install. I tested with 2.8 and 2.8.1 Revision 1274.
I solved the problem by replacing [TP] with '.TABLE_PREFIX.' in install.php file
The placeholder [TP] is used by the WB search and is replaced in
search/search.php by the corresponding WB TABLE_PREFIX constant. Therefor it should not cause problems.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on February 06, 2010, 10:53:35 AM
Hi Ivan
Quote from: crnogorac081 on February 05, 2010, 03:47:54 PM
If you have TABLE PREFIX, the bakery want install. I tested with 2.8 and 2.8.1 Revision 1274.
I solved the problem by replacing [TP] with '.TABLE_PREFIX.' in install.php file
The placeholder [TP] is used by the WB search and is replaced in search/search.php by the corresponding WB TABLE_PREFIX constant. Therefor it should not cause problems.
Regards Christoph
I will check again on clean install.. However, the I must notice that before it fails, the instalation takes too long..
Your addition works great with a WB 2.8.0 Finale Installation.
I guess it's a problem with implementing the jQuery to the 2.8.1 (something changed, I guess).
Kind Regards,
I found out why it is not ewokring, in argos_theme (I assume you are using it too) jqyery-ui-min.js script is commented, just uncomment it and it will work :)
But I do not know the reason why it is commented, I posted a question on another topic.
Hi all,
Could anyone please tell me what file to edit to take way the name verification on this page?
The function keeps telling me I don't know how to spell my own name.
I doubt I will get anything sold if I insult my customers like that.
I tried to add the "é" to "'ADD_REGEXP_CHARS'" but it is still not accepted, so that function has to go.
Could anyone please help?
BTW, I have created SE language files, should I upload it somewhere for others to use?
No, I didn't use Argos Theme.
I used the "Classic Theme."
I will take a look and let you know. :-)
then just insert line where jquery-ui-min.js is called from argos footer.htt
you're right. For some ** reason somebody deleted the ui-min.js call from the footer.
I can't understand why. The whole UI will be loaded once on the "login to backend" Page and will stay in cache (so it will not harm "loading times" or something.
Your implemantation works fine by the way if the UI is loaded.
Kind Regards,
I just find out the code to call the ui-min.js I belive that script is not much used so they removed it to minimize server load. I pm argos for this, maybe he can give me more info.
Finally, I will add that js code to patch, and repost patch again. The most important thing is that it works :)
Hello Ivan,
as I said before:
Quote from: Stefek on February 06, 2010, 12:53:44 PM
The whole UI will be loaded once on the "login to backend" Page and will stay in cache (so it will not harm "loading times" or something.
the UI won't really harm the backend loading time - it's loaded once and then stays in the cache. ;-)
then I do not see the point of removing it :)
I attatch a bug handling for the "upload images" behavior.
Observation: if a picture is choose and you click on "select amount of pictures", the chosen path of the previously selected picture disapears.
The attached File will handle this.
I also restyled the "Upload Picutres" area (with inline css).
See Screenshot for changes.
The 3.Add images Section is reworked.
You can select a picture, then go to [ + ] Add and you will get a new input/file without loosing the path in the first input/file.
Feel free to use all the code.
The "cosmetics" is my own fashion. You can use it or not, but please update the JS to get rid off the bug.
Kind Regards,
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
More useful/usability Features to come.
Hello Christoph.
I made another changes and want to show them here.
I hope you like them.
Just let me know and I will share the code (the reason I am not doing it now is, because I have some additional stuff I want to implement - so let me know what you think.)
I won't comment the screenshot any further. It should be self explanatory, so far.
But I really want to say thank you to Ivan, who found a way to implement the Ajax Item Reodering.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Thanks Christoph.
Hi Ivan, hallo Stefek
Thank you guys for improving Bakery!
I did not have the time yet to survey the new features you have implemented but I am looking forward to it.
Thanks again
Hi Claren
Quote from: Claren on February 06, 2010, 12:04:57 PM
I tried to add the "é" to "'ADD_REGEXP_CHARS'" but it is still not accepted, so that function has to go.
What charset encoding did you set as WB default charset (advanced options of the general WB settings)?
What charset encoding did you use to save your SE localisation file?
Quote from: Claren on February 06, 2010, 12:04:57 PM
BTW, I have created SE language files, should I upload it somewhere for others to use?
Thank you for translating Bakery!
Include your credits in the header of the localisation file right above the licence terms.
Please post it in this thread of the WB community forum.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on February 06, 2010, 09:18:50 PM
Hi Ivan, hallo Stefek
Thank you guys for improving Bakery!
Of course, Christoph - Bakery is one of my favorite modules. I use it not only as a shopping cart module but also as a kind of "catalogue" Module.
As I see you did some clean up on the files.
That's very cool!
Kind Regards,
Im glad we can help :)
Quote from: crnogorac081 on February 05, 2010, 01:35:54 PM
I am using WB 2.8
Could you send me on PM the sorce code from your backend page to take a look
I tested patch on WB 2.8 and latest bakery 1.5.0
Hello Ivan,
hello Christoph.
I attached a set of files which handles the inconsistence between wb Versions.
It now should work in 2.8.0 and 2.8.1 a expected.
Ivan, see the backend_body.js to see how the UI and the drag_n_drop jQ Plugin are inserted.
Kind regards,
[download removed, see newer download 2 posts later]
Hi Stefek,
Your patch is not working on 2.8.1 stable. We will allways have incompatiblilities because of the missing jquery ui file. For example, if you load this patch to 2.8 stable, you called same script twice. Try to comment ui script in footer.htt, and then try reordering. For me, draging is working, but not reordering (saving position order) at your script..
Hello Ivan,
I found the problem and I attatched the files.
Use them on a clean bakery installation.
And it will work regardless if the jQuery UI is commented or not in the Backend Theme.
Please take a look one more time and let me know.
Kind Regards,
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
The script works on 2.8.1
However, I must say that it is still not cross version compatibile, and on WB 2.8.0 you must insert
<script type="text/javascript">
var WB_URL = '{WB_URL}';
Inside header.htt file, as WB_URL for java scripts is not defined. Also I didnt notice any difference on 2.8.0 because jquery-ui is loaded twice..
I am still asking the developers to leave jquery-ui uncomented in footer.htt
Quote from: crnogorac081 on February 07, 2010, 11:59:11 PM
However, I must say that it is still not cross version compatibile, and on WB 2.8.0 you must insert
<script type="text/javascript">
var WB_URL = '{WB_URL}';
Inside header.htt file, as WB_URL for java scripts is not defined. Also I didnt notice any difference on 2.8.0 because jquery-ui is loaded twice..
Ohh yes..
I didn't check it.
Well, I'll have a look tomorow on this.
Otherwise it will be limited only to 2.8.1 or those guys who are willing to prepare their installation (its backend theme header.htt).
Please check if the UI is really loaded twice and if it has some limitations in usage (exaple: you have two or three different modules on one page, all using the insertion of the UI - would this become problematic?)
Otherwise it's no problem if the UI is not loaded from the Backend Footer. The insertion is functioning all right so far.
I'll send you a PM tomorrow, Ivan.
So far I see no problem on 2.8.0, and UI is loaded twice (one from footer.htt -- the line which is commented in 2.8.1 grrrrrrrr :x :x :x :x)
Quote from: crnogorac081 on February 08, 2010, 09:06:14 PM
UI is loaded twice (one from footer.htt -- the line which is commented in 2.8.1
But it doesn't result in problems, right?
not so far.. :)
I have a page consisting of three sections
- Section 1: WYSIWYG
- Section 2: Bakery
- Section 3: WYSIWYG
Is there a way to show the detail page of an item in the same section of an existing page (so in fact replacing section 2 with the detailed page). Now bakery automatically puts an own url for each item on the overview page referring to a seperate bakery page. Is there a way that this link is created in such way that the individual page is pointed to the same section in which the overview is placed.
What charset encoding did you set as WB default charset (advanced options of the general WB settings)?
What charset encoding did you use to save your SE localisation file?
Regards Christoph
UTF-8 in Website baker.
Eehh, localisation files?
In the comment on top of SE.php it says
"This file is saved using charset iso-8859-1.
If utf-8 is set as WB default charset, some iso-8859-1 encoded localisation strings
will be automatically converted to utf-8."
I didnt tamper with that. Just loaded the EN files, translated them and saved as SE.
I installed Bakery 1.5.0 to a new install and everything seems to be working perfectly in admin, when I view it in the front (Simple, Round and Generic Theme) the product image is not showing. The image is loaded as it shows in the admin area when you view the product.
Any setting that I am not seeing?
Hi lepracaun
Did you select the main item image at "Bakery Backend" > "Add/Modify Item" > section "2. Product Images"?
Regards Christoph
Thanks freeSbee, with your guidance I managed to get it working :wink:
Quote from: freeSbee on February 15, 2010, 02:54:08 PM
Hi lepracaun
Did you select the main item image at "Bakery Backend" > "Add/Modify Item" > section "2. Product Images"?
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph, thanks for reply. My image is selected as Main item image there. Do I have to edit my template with this?
QuoteTo display the item images in your Bakery templates use the placeholders [THUMB], [THUMBS], [IMAGE] and [IMAGES] (requires Bakery v1.3 or later). Depending on your page settings the inserted images will be linked to the item detail page or the image will be overlayed on the current page using Lightbox2.
•[IMAGE] = Main item image selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/Modify Item" page
•[IMAGES] = All item images except for the item main image
•[THUMB] = Thumbnail of the main item image selected at section "2. Product Images" of the "Add/Modify Item" page
•[THUMBS] = All thumbnails of the item images except for the item main image
hello to all,
the translation in Italian for v 1.5 :lol:,
I say that it is possible to add to a field tax identification number customer in the form address?
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hi ghost06
Thanks a lot for your Bakery translation to Italian!
Quote from: freeSbee on February 23, 2009, 09:37:28 AM
Quote from: jollylama on February 23, 2009, 01:44:52 AM
can i somehow add a text field that will go along with the order on purchase?
hope this makes sense..
Hi jollylama
Yes, it makes sense. But Bakery does not come with the feature you require. You can implement it yourself but you need basic knowledge of PHP!
Regards Christoph
I am trying to do something like this. I have set up a web page to accept race registrations:
We want to collect a person's name on this screen, as it may be different from the name of the person paying for the order (like if a parent registers their child).
I figured out how to display "Racer's name:" as a free-definable text field and even got a text input area to show up by putting this into the template:
[TXT_FIELD_1]: <input type="text" size="25" name="racername">
but I don't know how to make it work beyond that.
I do know some php...help?
Hi Deborah
In this case you do not have to make use of the free-definable text fields. Just write Racer's full name: <input type="text" size="25" name="racername">
into your template. Make sure the input field is inside of the form tag otherwise it will not be submitted!
Then catch the $_POST['racername'], sanitize it and do whatever you want using the appropriate PHP code.
Regards Christoph
Could you say a little more about this:
Quote from: freeSbee on February 27, 2010, 02:36:50 PM
Then catch the $_POST['racername'], sanitize it and do whatever you want using the appropriate PHP code.
Which files would I edit? The save_attribute.php one?
Quote from: dellington on February 27, 2010, 02:52:12 PM
Which files would I edit? The save_attribute.php one?
view.php is a good starting point. Other files involved will be included - just have a look into the code. It is well commented.
Regards Christoph
Sorry, I haz the dum. I tried to make that work and only broke the cart. :-(
I fixed it back the way it was and now it works again.
I'm wondering if it might be easier to hijack one of the existing fields I'm not using? For example I am not using the sku field. I see that it gets inserted into the mod_bakery_order table.
Could I name my racername field to sku and then do some post thing to get it inserted into the database?
Then I could make use of the existing template strings that would display the sku field in the order details and confirmation emails.
Does that make any sense?
I have modified the page settings template to include:
Racer's full name: <input type="text" size="25" name="racername">
I have updated the language file as follows:
$MOD_BAKERY['TXT_SKU'] = 'Racer\'s Name';
Line 239 of the view.php file originally says this:
$sku = $row2['sku'];
My understanding of that area of code is that it is collecting the item's sku # from the mod_bakery_items table and then inserting it into the mod_bakery_order table.
I would like instead for view.php to get the value for the sku field from the racername input field in my current order. I tried changing line 239 to this:
$sku = $_POST['racername'];
but it doesn't work - the sku field in the database is still blank.
It seems like this should work and I am just missing a small step somewhere. Any help?
I made a few changes in this module, in order to add a few SEO improvements.
1.- Changed the default item directory (/bakery/ by default) to a php variable, so i can change that dir to /shop/, /buy/, or something is related to the shop.
2.- Added a keywords field, so you easy can add keywords.
So I use "simplypagehead" snipet to change the head of every item page, adding a better title and keywords
NOTE: I made changes in simplypagehead in order to get the keywords from the shop items.
If someone likes this, or you plan to include it in future bakery version, I would post the zip with the changed files. I just want to return to WebsiteBaker my modest contribution.
I'm spanish, be patient with my english
Thanks for wonderful module.
When I upload with resize option it seems to be rotating the image 90 degrees to the left so the image is sideways when displayed. I looked at the code and didin't see anything obvious in resize functions. Anybody else experiencing this behaviour with resizing images on upload?
Is there a way to skip/avoid the address validation in the shop form??
I need to validate address like "Monterrey nº2" and the º gives an error.
Also, á, é, í, ó, ú, ñ, ü, /, etc... will return the address error.
I'm searching for the validation code in the php files, but can find it.
thanks a lot
Quote from: Claren on February 11, 2010, 02:23:56 PM
What charset encoding did you set as WB default charset (advanced options of the general WB settings)?
What charset encoding did you use to save your SE localisation file?
Regards Christoph
UTF-8 in Website baker.
Eehh, localisation files?
In the comment on top of SE.php it says
"This file is saved using charset iso-8859-1.
If utf-8 is set as WB default charset, some iso-8859-1 encoded localisation strings
will be automatically converted to utf-8."
I didnt tamper with that. Just loaded the EN files, translated them and saved as SE.
I'm having the same problem, many of my spanish cutomers can validate their orders because of this.
I need to add special chars to de validate function, but can't find it
Found it!!!!
Just edit your lang php file, ie ES.php and find this:
// Define additional chars to be accepted by the customer address form.
// The chars should be corresponding to the localisation language.
Add your especial chars in this line
$MOD_BAKERY['ADD_REGEXP_CHARS'] = 'Á,É,Í,Ó,Ú,á,é,í,ó,ú,ñ,Ñ,ç,º,ª';
Works like it should ;)
Quote from: zonathen on March 08, 2010, 02:59:54 AM
Thanks for wonderful module.
When I upload with resize option it seems to be rotating the image 90 degrees to the left so the image is sideways when displayed. I looked at the code and didin't see anything obvious in resize functions. Anybody else experiencing this behaviour with resizing images on upload?
Probably you are locally viewing your images in a (smart) viewer that will autorotate based on the camera orientation information in the image.
Before upload, just be sure your image is really rotated corectly.
Need to test with PayPal's Sandbox system
I've tried revising line #27 in "payment_methods\paypal\check_payment.php" from "false" to "true" but orders still get directed to www.paypal.com instead of www.sandbox.paypal. com
// Use payment gateway sandbox for testing
$testing = false;
I see later in the file the following:
$pdt_url = $testing ? 'www.sandbox.paypal. com' : 'www.paypal.com';
Not being a seasoned PHP programmer, I appreciate any help you experts can provide.
Couldn't find anything on http://www.bakery-shop.ch/ or here . . .
Thanks in advance for any help, and for a great module!!
Hi Westonjeff
Quote from: westonjeff on March 10, 2010, 03:42:34 PM
Need to test with PayPal's Sandbox system
I've tried revising line #27 in "payment_methods\paypal\check_payment.php" from "false" to "true" but orders still get directed to www.paypal.com instead of www.sandbox.paypal. com
Due to a lack of a config file you have to set it 3 times:
$testing = false; to
$testing = true; at...
- payment_methods/paypal/processor.php line 26
- payment_methods/paypal/check_payment.php line 27
- payment_methods/paypal/ipn.php line 29
If you like to get detailed information on the PayPal IPN (Instant Payment Notification) testing transaction to a special email account specify a testing email address at
payment_methods/paypal/ipn.php line 30.
Regards Christoph
Revised three files as suggested, and order now went to Paypal's sandbox as hoped, but . . .
#1 -- Order detail didn't display at PayPal, just a total order amount. I'll look around, but wonder how I can get order detail to display on Paypal page(s).
#2 -- Upon return to test store, Bakery informed me "Payment status or payment method is not defined."
#3 -- Didn't receive email notifications from Bakery or Paypal.
More help would be *much* appreciated if time permits . . . thank you!
@ westonjeff
Quote from: westonjeff on March 10, 2010, 09:22:05 PM
Revised three files as suggested, and order now went to Paypal's sandbox as hoped, but . . .
#1 -- Order detail didn't display at PayPal, just a total order amount. I'll look around, but wonder how I can get order detail to display on Paypal page(s).
True, no order details are sent to PayPal by Bakery, just the order total amount.
Quote from: westonjeff on March 10, 2010, 09:22:05 PM
#2 -- Upon return to test store, Bakery informed me "Payment status or payment method is not defined."
#3 -- Didn't receive email notifications from Bakery or Paypal.
Login to your PP sandbox account to get further information on the payment status and to see the PP emails (no real emails are sent by the sandbox). Bakery just sends email notifications if the transaction payment status returned by PayPal is "Completed".
Regards Christoph
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but can some type of order detail or site info be passed to the PayPal system?
Something as simple the page name that the order's coming from would be alright. Anyone done this?
TIA for any help -- as mentioned in an earlier post, I'm no PHP guru. :|
I keeping getting this error from PayPal: "Incorrectly formatted item amount"
I've only noticed it on items were tax would make the total come out to more than 2 places, i.e. $1.00 plus 7.5% tax = $1.075
Is there a fix for this or maybe a way to round to only two places.
Hi itsnick
Quote from: itsnick on March 12, 2010, 07:26:36 AM
I keeping getting this error from PayPal: "Incorrectly formatted item amount"
I've only noticed it on items were tax would make the total come out to more than 2 places, i.e. $1.00 plus 7.5% tax = $1.075
Is there a fix for this or maybe a way to round to only two places.
view_summary.php, line 743:
// Put order total into the session var for use with payment gateways
$_SESSION['bakery']['order_total'] = $order_total;
Replace by:
// Put rounded order total into the session var for use with payment gateways
$_SESSION['bakery']['order_total'] = round($order_total, 2);
Regards Christoph
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.5.1 (03/13/2010)
Bakery 1.5.1 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.5.1.
is there an easy way to change the order of the products... I want every new item to be at the top of the list
Following directions from backend of Bakery, payment method, PayPal, I inserted the supplied URL @ PayPal for "Return URL", (Auto Return selected on @ PP)
PayPal threw an error as follows:
You must enter a properly formatted Return URL. If you do not enter a properly formatted Return URL, which includes the Return URL requirements, Auto Return will not be turned on and applied to your Website Payment pages.
What would be wrong with the format above?
TIA for any help!
ORDER BY modified_when
Please read PayPals Return URL requirements or investigate PayPal why they do not accept your URL.
Regards Christoph
Hi westjoneff, hi Christoph,
I had exactly the same problem today too when launching a new bakery 1.5.1 shop.
Reason: if you call mydomain.foo?pm=paypal *without* having submitted an order before, the unchanged homepage of your website is displayed. But paypal checks the site if there is the text "blah bla thank you for your order blah login to paypal to see order details etc" - and if it doesn't find the text, it complains. And it can't find the text, because it's only displayed if there was an order.
But there is a simple workaround: just build a hidden wysiwyg page with the sentence suggested by paypal and enter the complete link to *this* site as return page at paypal. Paypal will accept this, and - voodoo?! - in the end of processing the payment, the bakery confirmation page is displayed nevertheless.
Hi westonjeff, hi instantflorian
Quote from: westonjeff on March 15, 2010, 05:30:00 PM
PayPal threw an error as follows:
You must enter a properly formatted Return URL. If you do not enter a properly formatted Return URL, which includes the Return URL requirements, Auto Return will not be turned on and applied to your Website Payment pages.
Just made some tests and figured out that it is best if you chop the get parameters (
?pm=paypal) of the return url provided by Bakery.
Just use
http://dallasbrass.dce.k12.wi.usHope this will stop PayPal moaning about not properly formatted return url.
Regards Christoph
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.5.2 (03/19/2010)
Bakery 1.5.2 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.5.2.
hmm, the lightbox doesn't work properly :O
http://www.ddmimmo.nl/pages/bakery/laat-gotische-pastorie-in-duitland-2.php (http://www.ddmimmo.nl/pages/bakery/laat-gotische-pastorie-in-duitland-2.php)
(site is in dutch)
does anyone now how to fix this?
Quotethe lightbox doesn't work properly
Viercent's right. The Lightbox doesn't work properly with Bakery 1.52
@ Viercent: disable Lightbox (under page settings in your bakery) untill the bug is solved.
I guess you missed to add
if(function_exists('register_frontend_modfiles')) {
} ?>
to the head of your template...
Quote from: instantflorian on March 22, 2010, 07:01:46 PM
I guess you missed to add
if(function_exists('register_frontend_modfiles')) {
} ?>
to the head of your template...
You saved my day =D
thanks, that worked!!
@Boudi, it works just fine actually... but thnx for the reply ;)
Now I see,
My fault indeed. Tested it with a blank template dumb Boudi :x
Thnq Florian :)
I just did some testpayments with a
clean Bakery 1.5.2 install and Paypal on a WB 2.7 shop:
- I receive
NO emails. Only a Paypal email that the payment was succesfull.
- A payment was successfull notification after an automatic redirect from Paypal to the website again
- All the Paypal settings are correct
- There is no error of any kind
- ...only...no email is send to the customer
I double checked all the settings in Bakery as well in Paypal. Everything works fine...only NO email.
The shop is already online so urgent help would be highly appreciated!
Looking for some to make me another payment gateway in the bakery module.
I want customers to be able to select for Rembours when selecting a payment and the extra costs for it need to be added asswell.
Paying for it, PM or mail me at kevin.sozanski@gmail.com
Hi Sozanski
Quote from: sozanski on March 23, 2010, 09:28:40 PM
I want customers to be able to select for Rembours when selecting a payment and the extra costs for it need to be added asswell.
Could you please give some more details about this payment method and how exactly Bakery should handle the Rembours.
Regards Christoph
if you find a way please also make the possibillity to add a certain extra amount when people select paypal or ideal(mollie)
this would be very nice...
Hi Snoork
Quote from: snoork on March 23, 2010, 10:57:56 PM
... to add a certain extra amount when people select paypal or ideal(mollie)...
Do you think of a flat rate or as percentage of the purchase amount?
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on March 24, 2010, 08:42:46 AM
Hi Snoork
Quote from: snoork on March 23, 2010, 10:57:56 PM
... to add a certain extra amount when people select paypal or ideal(mollie)...
Do you think of a flat rate or as percentage of the purchase amount?
Regards Christoph
This would be very nice indeed.
For iDEAL (Mollie) it would be ideal if you could add €0,90 extre fee for the transaction (since this is what mollie transaction costs). For PayPal 0,48 EUR + 3,4% would be nice.
Quote from: sozanski on March 24, 2010, 10:39:35 AM
For iDEAL (Mollie) it would be ideal if you could add €0,90 extre fee for the transaction (since this is what mollie transaction costs). For PayPal 0,48 EUR + 3,4% would be nice.
You are aware though, that according to the terms and conditions of PayPal you are not allowed to surcharge your customer?
Hi there,
Am I the only one who does not receive an email from bakery after I payed successfully with Paypal?
I use the latest version 1.5.2. Everything works fine, but no invoice email is sent.
Hi again,
I've recently switched my "add to cart" submit button to an image with the following code:
<input type="image" src="http://www.sextoys4all.nl/templates/sextoys4all/images/wagen.gif" border="0" alt="Voeg toe aan winkelwagen" name="add_to_cart" class="mod_bakery_bt_add_f" value="[ADD_TO_CART]" />
This works in both Firefox and Chroom, and guess what, it doesnt work in IE (no version whatsoever).
I've read through http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#shopnavigation and I've searched on the forum, no answer to be found.
I've also succesfully updated to the latest Bakery version.
I saw the Javascript option but I dont have the proper Javascript that goes along with it, maybe you can link it?
Thanks in advance.
Hi there,
because of this very long thread i have opened a new one for my question (hope this is okay):
different languages for items
many thanks for your help
Hi Kevin
Quote from: sozanski on March 25, 2010, 01:09:17 PM
I've recently switched my "add to cart" submit button to an image [button ...]
This works in both Firefox and Chroom, and guess what, it doesnt work in IE (no version whatsoever).
Add to the view.php file right after the comment
the code below:
if (isset($_POST['add_to_cart_x']) && $_POST['add_to_cart_x'] != '') {
$_POST['add_to_cart'] = 1;
To achieve the same result for all shop navigation buttons use this code:
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
$count = 0;
$ie_post_key = str_replace('_x', '', $key, $count);
if ($count > 0) {
$_POST[$ie_post_key] = 1;
Regards Christoph
I need urgent help. Suddenly my bakery is not working anymore. www.p2bay.com. Visitors cant add items to cart. Can someone tell me what the problem is and what I should do? Please help.
I'm able to add to cart.
I've allso ben able to submitt my order. (Step 2)
So no problems for me.
Cant see a problem.
I just put in an order (name "a")
I got all the way up to the thank-you message.
What is "not working anymore"?
Thanks Ruud for that quick response. When trying to order, it is re-directed to http://www.p2bay.com/pages/text-books.php. Our attention was drawn to it only yesterday. I tried even before sending it to the forum and it was the same. But it is working now. Thanks so much
Best Regards
Quote from: freeSbee on March 26, 2010, 05:23:21 PM
Hi Kevin
Quote from: sozanski on March 25, 2010, 01:09:17 PM
I've recently switched my "add to cart" submit button to an image [button ...]
This works in both Firefox and Chroom, and guess what, it doesnt work in IE (no version whatsoever).
Add to the view.php file right after the comment
the code below:
if (isset($_POST['add_to_cart_x']) && $_POST['add_to_cart_x'] != '') {
$_POST['add_to_cart'] = 1;
To achieve the same result for all shop navigation buttons use this code:
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
$count = 0;
$ie_post_key = str_replace('_x', '', $key, $count);
if ($count > 0) {
$_POST[$ie_post_key] = 1;
Regards Christoph
Thanks for the quick response, it works like a charm for both the add to cart buttons and other shop navigation ones!
I know Iam asking alot and Im gonna ask one more question :P
Is it possible in any way to NOT show the WYSIWYG content above the bakery product pages, payment process and shopping cart pages etc? For SEO reasons I have descriptions of products on the product categorie pages themself.
Thanks again in advance.
Hi Kevin
You can achieve this by adding your html content to the product overview template at "Page Settings" => "Layout Settings" => "Overview (Header)".
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on March 28, 2010, 04:17:44 PM
Hi Kevin
You can achieve this by adding your html content to the product overview template at "Page Settings" => "Layout Settings" => "Overview (Header)".
Regards Christoph
Oh, wow, how dumb of me not to realise that.. Muchos gracias again senor!
One thing tho, this means that whenever I want to tweak the product loop or product footer layout I need to manually do this on all pages. Anyway I can exclude the Header from the saving process?
I'm looking for bakery module. I'm impressing for this module. Very easu to use, and fully integrated with WB. Great job.
I want to propose some features for this module that can jump it to next level. I can help with anything, but I have a few years that cannot make any code.
First feature that is very important to implement is ACL for users. For example. would be great if WebsiteBaker admin, can add a new users and assign some permissions to bakery. For example, user A can only add products, but cannot modify shop settings, page settings, etc.
User B can add and modify products, but caanot delete it, or modify inventory properties.
I don't know if this feature is hard or easy to implement, but I think that is necessary.
Thanks a lot
For a short while ago I had problems with baker 1.5.2. The emails send to the customer never were send at all.
What I did was a fresh install of bakery 1.5.2.
The only small change was a little css.
The problems began when doing a Paypal payment. All steps did work fine but... no email to customer.
Today I did a test with Pay in Advance. This message came up. See att.
So to get short; In my case Bakery is unable to send email payment notifications to the customer regardless which payment option I use. I wonder how this is possible. It's a fresh install of the latest version.
The website itself is multilanguage and full SSL.
Help would be appreciated.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.5.3 (04/07/2010)
Bakery 1.5.3 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.5.3.
I am running 1.36 on one site and everything is fine, so I downloaded 1.53 today, and I am getting an error when I add a product.
Both sites are using 2.7
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/modules/bakery/save_item.php on line 538
So it appears that there is a close missing....
Thank you,
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.5.4 (04/08/2010)
Bakery 1.5.4 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.5.4.
3rd attempt :)
The problems began when doing a Paypal payment. All steps did work fine but... no email to customer.
Today I did a test with Pay in Advance. This message came up. See att.
So to get short; In my case Bakery is unable to send email payment notifications to the customer regardless which payment option I use. I wonder how this is possible. It's a fresh install of the latest version.
The website itself is multilanguage and full SSL.
Same problems keeps existing. Did a fresh install of 1.5.4. Payed with paypal. All data is 100% correct. After paypal payment customer is send back to the store. The store says that the payment was succeeded and that the customer will receive an email from the store.
No email to the customer is send.
I'm I really the only one with this problem????
Hi Boudi
This is not a specific Bakery problem since the PHP mail() function is not working properly on your server.
If you are testing localy try again on a webserver.
Regards Christoph
Hi Christoph,
This is not a specific Bakery problem since the PHP mail() function is not working properly on your server.
If you are testing localy try again on a webserver.
The PHP mail() function was/is working properly on our server. Even the email spamfilters are turned off. Still no emails. :-(
Hi Boudi
But if you get this error message (https://forum.websitebaker.org/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=7834.0;attach=6242) (red part) the email() function gives back 0.
I still believe it must have something to do with your server or the PHP settings.
Do you have set error_reporting E_ALL?
Do you get any PHP error messages / warnings?
Regards Christoph
That message was only once. After that I got only green screens that the payment was done and I would receive an email from the shop.
Today I did a diagnostic test in order to see if the PHP() function was indeed working like it should be. This all works fine. So no problems there.
The only thing left for me to do is to set the error reporting on E_ALL. I will report it soon.
Update: No error reporting at all through the whole checkout procedure and redirect after the payment was done.
Did a payment and all things went fine. Again no confirmation email from the shop. See att.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Boudi, and what about the order? Is it saved in the Bakery "Order Administration"?
Yes orders are being saved.
I even placed orders with other payment methods but then too: no emails.
The whole website is under SSL so I disabled SSL and placed an order: same thing.
Although the website is up and running I can create a login If you like.
Update: The problem is solved.
Could you tell me how you fixed this error please, as I am getting exactly the same thing.
It worked the very first time I tested an order, but as soon as I altered the mail settings (they are correct and as advised) it stopped sending confirmation mails to the customer. I've even reverted back to the original default settings, but it still won't work. Grrrrrrr!!
Normally I would give you the solution but this is not a bakery bug.
Someone was willing to check what caused this. I payed him to solve this. So I'm sorry I can't help you.
Complex question?
The following problem came up with one of our WB shops:
- there are 5 products in the shop
- 3 products have different shipping costs for national and international sending
- 2 products have no shipping costs at all
After taking a close look at the settings the only solution I came up with that this is not possible to configure the above data in the shop!
Anyone who thinks he/she has the solution...please tell me :)
Hi All
I'm currently configuring Bakery for my wife's fabric business. Most of the items she sells are sold by length rather than as an individual item, so for example a customer may wish to buy 6m of a specific fabric that's priced at say £5 per half metre.
At the moment we can obviously ask customers to add multiples of the product to buy larger sizes but if for the example above, if a customer wants 6m they have to add "12" to their cart. Its not rocket science but not entirely intuitive so I'd prefer it if I could change it to suit. Is there an area of code I can edit to change the "Number of Items" display into a dropdown list of say 0.5m,1m,1.5m etc so the amount of fabric required can be directly chosen?
thanks in advance
Quote from: Locoblade on April 23, 2010, 07:22:43 PM
Hi All
I'm currently configuring Bakery for my wife's fabric business. Most of the items she sells are sold by length rather than as an individual item, so for example a customer may wish to buy 6m of a specific fabric that's priced at say £5 per half metre.
At the moment we can obviously ask customers to add multiples of the product to buy larger sizes but if for the example above, if a customer wants 6m they have to add "12" to their cart. Its not rocket science but not entirely intuitive so I'd prefer it if I could change it to suit. Is there an area of code I can edit to change the "Number of Items" display into a dropdown list of say 0.5m,1m,1.5m etc so the amount of fabric required can be directly chosen?
thanks in advance
with the option value you can create options for
1m + an 'extra price'
2m + an 'extra price'
3m + an 'extra price'
4m + an 'extra price'
etc +
that way people will have a dropdownmenu with the 'size' to order ...
you can even add an extra field for color ...
I want to make the phone number 'NOT' to be compulsory, it can stay but just is nog necessary to fill it in.
where do I have to change the files?
Quote from: snoork on April 23, 2010, 08:09:01 PM
with the option value you can create options for
1m + an 'extra price'
2m + an 'extra price'
3m + an 'extra price'
4m + an 'extra price'
etc +
that way people will have a dropdownmenu with the 'size' to order ...
you can even add an extra field for color ...
Thanks Snoork, I did consider using the options dropdowns but the big downside is that for every material she needs to add in say 10 prices (for each 0.5m increment 0.5m-5m). With 20-30 different items obviously thats adds up to quite a bit of admin, especially if a bulk price change is required!
Hi all
@ Locoblade
Replace in the "Layout Settings" the input field by a select (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#default_item_quantity). Set something like:
<select name="item[ITEM_ID]">
<option value="0.5">0.5</option>
<option value="1">1.0</option>
<option value="1.5">1.5</option>
<option value="2">2.0</option>
Make the phone number optional by replacing in the file view.php
// Check for blank fields
foreach ($_POST as $field => $value) {
if ($value == "") {
$blanks[] = $field;
// Check for blank fields
foreach ($_POST as $field => $value) {
if ($value == '' AND $field != 'cust_phone') { // Phone optional
$blanks[] = $field;
and replace in the same file
if (eregi("phone",$field)) {
if (!ereg("^[0-9)(xX +.-]{7,20}$",$value)) {
$error_bg[] = $field;
$errors[] = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES)." ".$MOD_BAKERY['ERR_INVAL_PHONE'];
if (eregi("phone",$field)) {
if(!ereg("^[0-9)(xX +.-]{0,20}$",$value)) { // Phone optional
$error_bg[] = $field;
$errors[] = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES)." ".$MOD_BAKERY['ERR_INVAL_PHONE'];
Regards Christoph
Many thanks Christoph, that's brilliant. What I've put in seems to work fine on the item detail pages but the same doesn't on the overview. When clicking Add to Cart on the overview, nothing happens, any idea why?
this is my overview (Product Loop) code:
<td class="mod_bakery_main_td_f">
<br />
<a href="[LINK]"><span class="mod_bakery_main_title_f">[TITLE]</span></a>
<br />
<br />
<select name="item[ITEM_ID]">
<option value="1">0.5m</option>
<option value="2">1m</option>
<option value="3">1.5m</option>
<option value="4">2m</option>
<option value="5">2.5m</option>
<option value="6">3m</option>
<option value="7">3.5m</option>
<option value="8">4m</option>
<option value="9">4.5m</option>
<option value="10">5m</option> ....
<input type="submit" name="add_to_cart" class="mod_bakery_bt_add_f" value="[ADD_TO_CART]" />
Also, do you how I can get the cart to display say 3m rather than "6" in the quantity column, Ive had a look inside the mini_cart.php but I can't see anything obvious?
QuoteComplex question?
The following problem came up with one of our WB shops:
- there are 5 products in the shop
- 3 products have different shipping costs for national and international sending
- 2 products have no shipping costs at all
After taking a close look at the settings the only solution I came up with that this is not possible to configure the above data in the shop!
Anyone who thinks he/she has the solution...
Is there a way to limit the characters numbers that user can add to short and long description for a product ?
I'm see that product listing lost align if one product have more text lines than other
Thanks in advance.
Hi Guys
Is there a way to offer a voucher/discount code during checkout, so for example we can advertise on websites offering a 5% off voucher code, so customers visiting from that advert add in a code (e.g. "SUMMER5" or "FREEPOST") that which will automatically remove 5% or free postage etc when checking out?
Hi folks.
I'm trying to setup a multilanguage (spanish and english) shop. I modified my template using instructions under wbsitebaker help page
On other way I setup "page language" on WebsiteBaker setup.
I have my Spanish shop under http://www.rls-art.es/pages/tienda/bolsos-de-viaje.php and works fine (using multiple menu)
Now, My english shop is not show me anything (http://www.rls-art.es/pages/shop/travel-bags.php?lang=EN)
How Can I fix this ?
I missed any config ?
I' read the forum but the i'm not clear with the instructions that people are using.
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
PS: On attach file, i upload an screenshot with site structure
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Your menu structure is incorrect.
What you need to do is create a shop underneath each language (and give it it's own language in the page settings)
After that, create a product. Duplicate it directly into the other language, edit the language data and put it on active.
This should do the trick.
1 disadvantage: when buying stuff the email template will only be send 1 language. You can edit the email template in 2 languages (e.g. underneath each other)
If you want to avoid the last step then the only thing left to do is to create another db with WB on it, install the bakery mod, (all in another language) and wrap this thing up into the original store.
Hi boudi.
Thanks for your reply
I modified my setup, and look like the image attached. Now, when I setup a product under travel bags category, cannot see product (under english language)
All products under spanish language works fine.
What do you mean with "create a shop underneath each language"
I have TIENDA shop under ES and SHOP shop under English. TIENDA and SHOP are new pages (bakery type)
Is this that you mean ?
Thanks in advance.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
You mean you cannot see the images in the English part? You DO see the images in the English shop in the admin?
otherwise pm me :)
Hi All.
I have solved the bakery "multilanguage" problem. The issue was caused by anynews error (missing EN language file for this module)
In resume, to take bakery multilanguage, is did the following
1. Use an structure like my lastpost (EN, ES and any other language, following WebsiteBaker multilangiage instructions. Here is neccesary to modify template)
2. Enable page language on settings
3. Under ES structure, build spanish pages and select Spanish language, on each webpage settings
4. Under EN structure, build english pages and select English language, on each webpage settings
My shop is under http://www.rls-art.es
Note. Take care with any module error caused for language files (ES.php and EN.php). This can cause that websitebake drop an erro an stop processing template and other modules. Enable Error log to ALL (on settings ) can help to detect it.
Thanks to Boudi for his help
Quote from: Locoblade on April 27, 2010, 12:25:01 PM
Hi Guys
Is there a way to offer a voucher/discount code during checkout, so for example we can advertise on websites offering a 5% off voucher code, so customers visiting from that advert add in a code (e.g. "SUMMER5" or "FREEPOST") that which will automatically remove 5% or free postage etc when checking out?
If anyone's interested I've now managed to code this Voucher / Coupon Code functionality into bakery. It gives a Promo Code box at the bottom of the user form submitted during order, then looks up the promo code and applies the relevant discount to the following summary page, as well as modifying the output to the invoices etc so when printing invoice / delivery notes, they also show the correct amounts. Currently the discount options need to be set raw in the database but with a bit more work it should be possible to allow control of the discount codes from within the General Settings page in bakery. Thus far I have 3 options, two are percentage discounts and one gives free postage.
Id be happy to share my modified files or even pass to Christoph for inclusion in the next revision, but I will say that my php coding skills were non existant before embarking on this little project though, so there may well be flaws. It works for me but Im only using Paypal and only using flat rate postage on the above website, so it needs testing over a wider range of options as other combinations of postage / may not work.
It can be seen in action here: www.minkyfabrics.co.uk , enter "MAY5" as the 5% off promo code then cancel the order when it takes you to Paypal assuming you don't want to actually place an order!
Using something similar to the front end output filter for e-mail addresses, there a way to replace the 3 figure currency reference with a symbol, for example replace "USD" with "$" or "GBP" with "£", so that prices to the customer show as "£5.00" rather than "GBP 5.00"?
If you put the symbol in directly to the bakery admin rather than the official 3 figure currency reference, it shows correctly on the website but then the cart doesn't work as Paypal etc doesn't recognise the currency to use.
Greetings - I've gone thru the whole 32 pages of this thread and I've search using every term I can think of but haven't been able to find the answer to where to put the PDT token from Paypal into the backend of the Bakery module.
Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place or it is no longer needed? This is what it says on the Bakery site:
"Copy your identity token and paste it to the "PDT Identity Token" field at Bakeries backend (see "PayPal Settings")."
But I don't see where this goes. Also the 'transaction status', where would these go in the picture I've uploaded?
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer, and pardon me if I missed finding the answer in my searching.
Just MeAgain
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
there sees to be sth. missing in the english language file... replace "[TRANSCATIONSTATUS]" with the token
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Hi MeAgain
Quote from: MeAgain on May 04, 2010, 05:18:11 AM
... but haven't been able to find the answer to where to put the PDT token from Paypal into the backend of the Bakery module.
- Bakery version?
- PayPal payment method version? (=> find it in the bakery/payment_methods/paypal/info.php file)
You might use an old version of the PayPal payment method. Upgrade the plugin by just replacing the full
bakery/payment_methods/paypal/ directory by an up to date version (currently v0.4 included in Bakery v1.5.3 and later).
Regards Christoph
Thanks for the quick response ppl. I appreciate it.
I am using WebsiteBaker ver2.8 (I may have upgraded to 2.8.1, can't remember and am rushing off to work so can't check) and my was 1.5.3 ? but was upgraded to bakery to v.1.5.4
Is it possible the upgrade didn't go correctly. I uploaded the zip and thought it did what it was supposed to but don't remember the message I got when I did. I can say I didn't get any errors and everything seems to work just fine to where it takes me to paypal with a test CC. That's as far as I've gotten.
Again thanks in advance.
Quote from: freeSbee on May 04, 2010, 09:08:55 AM
You might use an old version of the PayPal payment method. Upgrade the plugin by just replacing the full bakery/payment_methods/paypal/ directory by an up to date version (currently v0.4 included in Bakery v1.5.3 and later).
Regards Christoph
Thanks so much instantflorian and freeSbee. Between your picture and directions I was able to fix it. But in fixing it, things got curiouser and curiouser. Now I am wondering what other pages didn't get updated in the upgrade to 1.5.3 of bakery.
I had installed it by uploading the zip file via Bakery's back end (install module) .Was there something else I should've done after uploading the zip file? Or should the act of uploading it be enough?
As I said, I'm wondering what other files may not have been properly upgraded.
And again thank so much. You were both spot on.
Hi MeAgain
If you originally installed Bakery using FTP the upgrade using the WB backend might not have worked out.
In this case delete the full Bakery directory on your server by FTP and replace it by the latest version of Bakery.
Regards Christoph
Hi there,
I am looking for a way to add three extra fields on the order form (where customers fill in there name and address).
is this possible? If it is, can anyone explain what I have to do to get it right.
Quote from: Locoblade on May 02, 2010, 01:16:24 PM
Using something similar to the front end output filter for e-mail addresses, there a way to replace the 3 figure currency reference with a symbol, for example replace "USD" with "$" or "GBP" with "£", so that prices to the customer show as "£5.00" rather than "GBP 5.00"?
If you put the symbol in directly to the bakery admin rather than the official 3 figure currency reference, it shows correctly on the website but then the cart doesn't work as Paypal etc doesn't recognise the currency to use.
i've made some test of the bakery module, is it normal that in the backend when i choose currency code : 978 (for Euro) on the backend when i wand to add an item i see : 978 as unit for the price or the shipping ? it must be show me EUR instead of 978 normally or it's the normal behaviour of the Shop ?
Use the ISO 4217 currency code and NOT the number. For $ use USD, for € use EUR etc. as described behind the shop currency code input field of the Bakery backend.
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on May 11, 2010, 07:46:20 PM
Use the ISO 4217 currency code and NOT the number. For $ use USD, for € use EUR etc. as described behind the shop currency code input field of the Bakery backend.
Regards Christoph
Thaks :)
Hello here are French Language files for Bakery V 1.5.4, for the moment paypal, Mollie and DirecteBanking, but i give it to you i think the biggest step is done...
All the other files are translated :
-The Module Language File
-The country list
-The state list
-Advance payment method
-Invoice payment method
The files are in the attachment :
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Super! Merci beaucoup, Quinto!
Hi Quinto
Which special chars are used in French besides of:
è é ê à â ç ï œ
Regards Christoph
Quote from: freeSbee on May 12, 2010, 09:38:42 PM
Hi Quinto
Which special chars are used in French besides of:
è é ê à â ç ï œ
Regards Christoph
i think u can include them all and add the °
it's used like the# in english
Hi Guys, I don't know if I am overlooking something, but how do I get the Lightbox2 effect to work on my images? I have loaded multiple images to my product, and placed this in my template header:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/js/lightbox.js"></script>
I also copied the js/ folder to the template directory. Do I now need to go and edit the image settings in admin?
Is there a way to add a piece of text to the page that lists the items for sale but does not appear when an item has been selected.
I have tried a few different ways including adding a block for the text on top of the Bakery block but I always have it showing on the item detail page as well.
Can this be done.
First off: Awesome Module!! Thanks !!
Secondly: how do I change the default thumbnail sizes ? I need a very odd size, which is not any of the standard sizes listed in the backend.
Thanks for any help and pointers
Hi BlueNC
Quote from: BlueNC on May 24, 2010, 02:48:59 PM
how do I change the default thumbnail sizes ? I need a very odd size, which is not any of the standard sizes listed in the backend.
Go to the file
modify_page_settings.php and edit the code below:
$SIZES['40'] = '40x40px';
$SIZES['50'] = '50x50px';
$SIZES['60'] = '60x60px';
$SIZES['75'] = '75x75px';
$SIZES['100'] = '100x100px';
$SIZES['125'] = '125x125px';
$SIZES['150'] = '150x150px';
Regards Christoph
Thanks Christoph....
Worked like a charm....
Maybe (to make things simpler), it would be nice to have that as an option within the shop preferences ?
Thanks again
Quote from: lepracaun on May 15, 2010, 01:54:49 PM
Hi Guys, I don't know if I am overlooking something, but how do I get the Lightbox2 effect to work on my images? I have loaded multiple images to my product, and placed this in my template header:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/js/lightbox.js"></script>
I also copied the js/ folder to the template directory. Do I now need to go and edit the image settings in admin?
Is there anybody that can help me with this?
Hi lepracaun
Regards Christoph
Thank you, let me read up on it there :)
usually the image chosen to be the main image is not included in the thumbs array, is there a way to include this item into the thumbs array
what I need is:
define a main image of which the thumb is displayed in the overview page
then when clicking the item only the thumbs are displayed (viewable with lightbox)
I am having a problem when I updated the Bakery shop on a website.
I have updated from 1.3.6 to 1.5.4. I used FileZilla to replace the files and folders on the Bakery module.
Now, I cannot add an item to a page. It lets me complete all the details and image (I like the new main image option now by the way) but when I press "Send" it is giving me a blank page, and the new item is not added to the Bakery page.
I tried using the manual update.php option in the W backend which tells me that the update is already complete, and I cannot uninstall the module as there some 40 pages and 200 items in there already.
I have had a look at the files for both Bakery builds and both of the files being used with WinMerge and notice quite a few modifications. I really don't want to muck around with them at this stage without first checking with someone who knows all about it.
If I delete all the files and folders again, all works properly again.
I have tried 2 different downloads of the latest module on 2 different computers with the same result.
I know I am missing something simple, just dont know what it is. Have spent the best part of the day on this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
Hi Bluey Zarzoff
In WB usually a module upgrade is done like a new module install using the WB backend:
WB checks if the module is installed yet and then - if true - makes the upgrade automatically.
NOTE: Befor upgrading please read the upgrade notes!
If you have used FTP for uploading the Bakery files, it might be better to delete the module/bakery/ directory before upgrading via WB backend. Also check the Bakery version saved in the addons table of the database and reset it to the former version (1.36 => without second dot!).
Regards Christoph
Cheers Christoph.
Will try the 1.3.6 reset idea.
Hi Snoork
Quote from: snoork on May 27, 2010, 09:07:48 PM
usually the image chosen to be the main image is not included in the thumbs array, is there a way to include this item into the thumbs array
what I need is:
define a main image of which the thumb is displayed in the overview page
then when clicking the item only the thumbs are displayed (viewable with lightbox)
It is possible. Check the
view_overview.php file. Lines 189 up to 218 are handling the item thumbs and images.
Regards Christoph
Great module the bakery shop. I'm using this module for the first time and i have an issue with it. I have installed the latest version of Baker CMS (2.8.1) and bakery shop (1.54).
I have added some test data and test articles. When i try to add one of the test articles it looks the systems doesn't react anymore. After a while i return to the home page. :?
Maybe i overlooked something, you never know :evil: but i probably do something wrong.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advanced.
Hi Frank
Quote from: Shefra on May 31, 2010, 09:59:14 AM
I have added some test data and test articles. When i try to add one of the test articles it looks the systems doesn't react anymore. After a while i return to the home page. :?
1. Check the URLs. Maybe they give you a hint...
2. If you think there is nothing wrong about them please provide more details about the problem?
3. If you think the misfeature is difficult to describe, pm me your shop url/login.
Regards Christoph
i'm sorry my mistake. It was my local environment that was the problem. Now i have copied the website to mine provider it works fine.
Thanks for your help so far.
New Version of Bakery:
VERSION 1.5.5 (06/01/2010)
Bakery 1.5.5 version history (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#latest)
Further information can be found on the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch).
Download from the Bakery Website (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#download).
Please read the upgrade notes (http://www.bakery-shop.ch/#upgrade_notes) when upgrading to version 1.5.5.
Now this seems to be a stupid question, but I ask it anyways. Did anyone ever ask or build on the bakery module and created a quick books interface ?
I would love to use the Bakery module, but the client insists that he needs a shopping cart which supports quick books. If not, does anyone have any recommendations as to what shopping cart to use in combination with WebsiteBaker ?
Thanks in advance.
Quote from: freeSbee on March 23, 2010, 09:41:07 PM
Hi Sozanski
Quote from: sozanski on March 23, 2010, 09:28:40 PM
I want customers to be able to select for Rembours when selecting a payment and the extra costs for it need to be added asswell.
Could you please give some more details about this payment method and how exactly Bakery should handle the Rembours.
Regards Christoph
Is there a way to implement the rembours function in bakery?
Quote from: freeSbee on May 12, 2010, 09:38:42 PM
Hi Quinto
Which special chars are used in French besides of:
è é ê à â ç ï œ
Regards Christoph
Most notably missing are:
- ë and Ë as in the word noël (christmas).
- « and » which are the French version of quotation marks
You can find a complete list by going to:
I am using Bakery to sell services, not goods. As such, I never actually ship anything.
How can I remove any mention of "Shipping" as it confuses my clients?
Ideally it would be great if Shipping would only appear if there is actually a shipping charge as I might decide to sell products in the future.
I have tried to figure out where this information is being generated in the php code but have yet to track this down.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Hi you all,
Is there a known issue about deleting articles from the chart list? Nothing happens when i try to delete an article. When i look with the firebug i noticed that the ID which was passed to a javascript function is mod_bakery_delete_item_f("2_none");
and the quantity [2][none]
Thanks in advanced.
Is there a gift coupon module available?
Thanks in advance!
I would like to use PayPal as payment option. The PayPal return URL is shown as www.mydomain.com/wb/ which would redirect to the start page. Is that really correct? I'm wondering because PayPal says that on the return URL page the customer needs to be notified that the transaction has been completed and that he will receive an email confirmation. Can I simply create a new page where I will add this information and use it as PayPal return URL or do I have to use the URL which has been stated in the backend?
Here are the guidelines stated in my PayPal account for the return URL:
QuotePer the user agreement, you must provide verbiage on the page displayed by the Return URL that will help the buyer understand that the payment has been made and that the transaction has been completed.
You must provide verbiage on the page displayed by the Return URL that explains that payment transaction details will be emailed to the buyer.
Example: Thank you for your payment. Your transaction has been completed, and a receipt for your purchase has been emailed to you. You may log into your account at www.paypal.com/de to view details of this transaction.
Can I use any return URL or must it be the start page as stated in the module backend? I don't want to put this information on the start page ...
Hi Frank
Quote from: Shefra on June 04, 2010, 11:57:03 AM
Is there a known issue about deleting articles from the chart list? Nothing happens when i try to delete an article. When i look with the firebug i noticed that the ID which was passed to a javascript function is mod_bakery_delete_item_f("2_none");
and the quantity [2][none]
Regards Christoph
Hi Flip
Quote from: flip on June 06, 2010, 10:15:58 PM
Can I use any return URL or must it be the start page as stated in the module backend? I don't want to put this information on the start page ...
To satisfy the PayPal input requirements enter the full "Return URL" as provided in the Bakeries backend (see "PayPal Notice"). When submitting order data to PayPal Bakery will generate another return url and overrides the one originally provided.
Regards Christoph
I see that in the install file there is a group_id table
I guess it would be very handy if there is an option to create groups and the possibillity to select a group for each item so that the anyitems can be something where a group can be selected like the anynews
@Christoph, thanks again maybe i must
Thanks again.
Hello again. Just me. >^..^<
I have 2 payment options on my site; prepay and paypal.
When a person pays thru prepay they get the required email as does the shop owner and it is all recorded as it should be in the backend. This works as expected BUT...
When a person orders thru paypal, the buyer and the shop owner each get 2 identical emails confirming the purchase. This happens just before going to the paypal site. After the paypal transaction completes, all other emails go out as they should.
So my problem is why the 2 identical emails in the paypal purchase and what can I do to just send one email each to the seller and the buyer?
I'm using baker 2.8 and bakery 1.54 on a linux host with php 5.x
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Don't mean to spam the board but just saw there is another update to the program and it looks like it may solve my problem. I will upgrade and report back but if someone know the fix is something else please don't hesitate to post your recommendations.
Thanks again.
hey freesbee,
I see that in the install file there is a group_id table
I guess it would be very handy if there is an option to create groups and the possibillity to select a group for each item so that the anyitems can be something where a group can be selected like the anynews
is this possible (in the future)
A simple question from the WB dork,
When I open the bakery page as the Admin, the "Advanced Settings" option no longer appear. How do I get those back so I can edit my payment info and change out email settings?
Thank you for your help.
Hi SOwipeout
Quote from: SOwipeout on June 13, 2010, 03:32:32 PM
When I open the bakery page as the Admin, the "Advanced Settings" option no longer appear. How do I get those back so I can edit my payment info and change out email settings?
You might have enabled the option «Display Settings to Admin (id = 1) only» in the general settings. Likely you are not the admin with user_id = 1 -
otherwise you would not have asked about - so ask your admin to disable this option.
Regards Christoph
I thought as much....thank you.
Great job...I know you hear it a lot, but your Herculean effort should make you a easy entrant to the Noble Prize...
thx :-)
just to report, I noticed in last version of bakery that "Stock:" number on first page where items are listed is not displayed..
Hi Ivan
Quote from: crnogorac081 on June 14, 2010, 10:25:43 AM
just to report, I noticed in last version of bakery that "Stock:" number on first page where items are listed is not displayed..
Make sure you have added the appropriate Bakery placeholders [STOCK] and [TXT_STOCK] to your Bakery layout templates.
Regards Christoph
When you checkout, you need to fill out your personal data in different input fields.
How can I insert 2 extra fields on this page? I really need 2 date fields in which customers can fill out the date.
This is needed because customers must fill out the start_date and end_date for a webshop in which they can rent products for a certain period.
Hope for a solution.
Quote from: Boudi on June 16, 2010, 09:23:09 PM
When you checkout, you need to fill out your personal data in different input fields.
How can I insert 2 extra fields on this page? I really need 2 date fields in which customers can fill out the date.
This is needed because customers must fill out the start_date and end_date for a webshop in which they can rent products for a certain period.
Hope for a solution.
Hello Boudi,
you will need to to change several files and also ALTER the Database Table
This won't be an easy task.
I also think that the checkout could have more flexibility.
A kind of customizable form module would be great.
Hi Stefek,
Hmm, your answer was already a bit of my concern...that it would be hard.
I really hope that my question can be solved. Otherwise I'm truely screwed :(
QuoteI also think that the checkout could have more flexibility.
A kind of customizable form module would be great.
Great idea ;)
"screwed", what a funny word is this? :lol:
Seriously, you will need a a coder to do the job.
And all changes will be affected with the next upgrade.
Maybe the the commercial corner of the forums will be of some help:
I already hired a Coder for another changes with bakery and it was worth it.
Best regards,
Thnq :)
Well, I hope for someone will help. If not, then I will check your url regarding a commercial assignment.
Thnx for the input.
UPDATE: I think I have a some kind of 'solution'. But I need the help (of freesbee?)
Case: I change your shop into a reservationsform in which visitors kan do reservations of products
Problem: they need to fillout their start_date and end_date for their reservation
Solution: The customers fills out the invoice address. Underneath that they can fill out their delivery address. I want to change the first 2 lines (Name & surname) into start_date and end_date.
Problem: You only can fillout letters and not figures. (see att.)
Question: How can I disable those fields so that they are NOT mandatory any more?
## SOLVED ## See next page...
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Really hoping for a fast answer here due to deadline, I just have a small but important thing left.
I really need to add a custom link in item view above the full description, the link is just a static link to a information page.
Im looking in the view_item.php where I think it should be, but I really dont know what the code for it will be.
Please have a go with "custom fields".
Check the bakery website.
Quote from: Boudi on June 20, 2010, 12:57:20 PM
Hi there,
QuoteQuestion: How can I disable those fields so that they are NOT mandatory any more?
I already spent hours trying to figure this out by myself but no luck.
Any help would be HIGHLY appriciated.
it is somewhere in the view file (starting somewhere at line 444)
ThnQ!! I will check this today. When I succeed I will let you know. :)
Update: Got it! Right away! Thnx mate! Appreciate it :)
Quote from: Stefek on June 20, 2010, 08:20:03 PM
Please have a go with "custom fields".
Check the bakery website.
Dont know if you answered my question there, but if so, I did look at the custom fields option, and Im guessing that I can add a text string with it, but can I add a clickable link with it, and if so.. How?
you will need to define those fields.
Give the one the Name "link-url" and
the other one "link-name".
Then in the Page Settings find the Layout "Field Item Detail (Header)" and add something like:
<a href="[field_1]">[field_2]</a>
This is just a suggestion, please use the website and modules help to find exactly how to do this.
I am sure my suggestions will guide you to the right places to search.
Hi artifaction
Quote from: artifaction on June 20, 2010, 06:42:03 PM
I really need to add a custom link in item view above the full description, the link is just a static link to a information page.
If the link stays the same for all items just add it (using standard html code) to the item detail page template in the "Page Settings" > "Layout Settings" of the Bakery backend:
Regards Christoph
Great, tanks for the answers, I will dig into this tonight:)
Couldn't hold myself, just made the changes and it works great, thanks again:)
This thread is closed for clarity and readability.
- Before starting a new topic please search and read the Bakery threads - especially this one (ORIGINAL TOPIC) that provides various information.
- If your topic does not exist yet please start a new one.